While the recent shooting in Vegas was impressive, lets not forget the real King of shooters

While the recent shooting in Vegas was impressive, lets not forget the real King of shooters.

His body count may not have been as high, but his ideology is something the modern man whose been given the short end of the stick can get behind. Women are becoming more and more degenerate and more stuck up by the day. Regular decent guys don't have a chance with them, while digusting muscle bound assholes use them and toss them to the side only to come to us and complain about them wishing they were more like us all while going right back to the same kind of guy again and again.

I truly wish someone would continue his work and show these whores their place. I'm a smart guy with a decent job, I treat everyone with respect, yet im still a 29 year old virgin while 22 year old niggers with nothing to contribute to life have fucked over 100 bitches.

Never forget. He is our guy.

Holy shit ur a fucking loser lmao

Stop blaming the world for your shortcomings. Don't be a pussy and find yourself a girl. Sure you'll have your share of rejection but you might also find happiness.

thats how society has made it for me

Elliot is forever /ourguy/ and I actually enjoy his videos and shit. May he rest in peace.

What a bitch

>I treat everyone with respect, yet im still a 29 year old virgin while 22 year old niggers with nothing to contribute to life have fucked over 100 bitches.

Please tell me you wear a fedora. The dysfunction is totally you. You aren't smart, you dont have a decent job or you'd be drowning in puss and you are a loser if the only thing you bring to the table are fucking manners.

You have a Lotus? I can get laid in under two mins a Lotus. Pull up to a bar with it, put a sign that says Free Rides, and ask them to dinner. The slutty ones just straight up fuck them at the house then go out and the rest wine and dine. But you cant do that lol, you arent good looking, you dont have enough cash to take random bitches out and enjoy yourself why would anyone date you?

If some uggo, gross broke bitch that always man-hated & thought she should get guys because she's "nice" hit on you would you give her the time of day?



fucking pathetic excuse, kys

fuck whores

Grow up

im tired of seeing some weird clown talking about eating logs of shit too. Its not even funny its just annoying.


the problem with that mentality is you revolve your entire life about getting women, your dreams, ambitions, goals, all women. This is why you shouldn't fixate yourself on getting a girl, find a job, make yourself happy. If you fixate on getting a girl your whole life then you'll hardly ever be happy. Take my advice or if you're a troll then don't. That's fine.

You don't have anything better to do?

Why don't you just kill yourself?


I mean I've got pretty much everything somewhat together more or less, i've got a job and I'm doing decent in my classes and I hit the gym regularly enough, but really what is it all for? I don't really give a shit, honestly as a man you do all this shit to attract a beautiful girl.

I'm not as pathetic as the guy in the OP, I'm a 20 year old poorfag college student with a decent job and apparently I'm good looking with a nice dick according to the 30 girls I have slept with, but I'm still like highly socially awkard and its hard for me to find new women and invite them into my life at this point. I've been cheat on and used by women, so on one hand while I want a beautiful woman to love on the other i'd love to just fuck any girl I want. Its just strange, it feels pointless to talk to women because I know its going to end bad but at the same time I want pussy and it feels like all this work I'm putting into bettering myself is pointless if I;m not getting any.

I could totally see how a fat fedora fag virgin could look up to a faggot like Elliot if I have it this tough with women.

>his ideology is something the modern man whose been given the short end of the stick can get behind
You mean a pathetic faggot that is incapable of taking things in his own hands
>I truly wish someone would continue his work and show these whores their place
While I do belive we need to handle our women better, this is absolutely retarded.

Guys like you should be put to jail just in case.


The problem is you value other bitches more than your own heart. Bitches are bitches and the reason why throughout history they have always been described as the weaker sex. Where there's smoke there's fire. Don't trust them, don't let them into your life unless THEY give you a reason. Eventually you'll find someone who'll work to gain that trust and hustles to make you happy. God it took me like ten years and fuck knows how many bitches to find that someone. Never could've done it if I dated only one bitch.

i guess ill have to keep trying then. I've slept with 30 so far guess I'll have to go through 100 more. I really want that special someone but i guess you can't bake a cake without breaking a few dozen eggs.

Ah the supreme gentleman, very relaxing

Someone make an virgin and chad picture based on Elliot and Paddock.
One has a retarded motive while the alpha chad
has no motive.

this lol

>yet im still a 29 year old virgin
dude fuck a whore

he's probably so disgusting and horrifying no amount of money is worth the risk of getting impregnated by his seed