How old were you when you matured enough to renounce Religion?

How old were you when you matured enough to renounce Religion?

Other urls found in this thread: Books/Mere Christianity - Lewis.pdf


I was never part of a religion, so... I guess the first time I actually looked at religions and thought "this is silly, people actually believe this?" was around 10 or so.

pretty much the same


I was raised as an atheist, and I can remember arguing how stupid religion was with my religious buddies at an age as little as 7, how not all animals could possibly fit on noahs ark for instance, and so on.

Of course I was a stupid little child back then, and not fully matured. This pretty much changed later though, when I had a hyper religious months long experience, what psychiatrists would classify as psychosis, but for me was experienced as a form of Gnosis, a crash course in religion and philosophy if you will, coming right from the source.

I can still understand all my atheist friends, that downplay it all as hallucinations and delusions to some degree, but let me tell you my atheist internet friends, it's all very real, religion in it's core, God, eternal life, all that jazz. You don't have to believe me or anyone for that matter, won't change a thing and make it less real. Just maybe, maybe, try and don't be a dick. And everything will be alright. That's all.

>How old were you when you matured enough to renounce Religion?

People love their fiction.

Never part of it. Grew up in Norway/Sweden and religious people were like 1 in 1000.
In school it barely mentioned.

I'm happy for that.

ITT 18yo degenerates that are too afraid to question their own dogma and feel extremely superior to anyone with faith.

>You don't have to believe me or anyone for that matter, won't change a thing and make it less real.
True, just like how you believing it doesn't make it any more real.
>Just maybe, maybe, try and don't be a dick.
Sometimes being nice just isn't good enough unfortunately. You can't just smile while people are trying to run you over.

you people are responsible for the current moral degeneracy

30, and I've continued to ask believers to back up their claims for years.

>t. we should go back to the time when women and foreigners were property


If you need religion to be a good person I got news for you, you ain't a good person...

well i respect that and respect a experience like that but the brain can do some very weird things, but it would have to very good experience for me to believe and even more to make me think god is good

prove it

Not even what his post is saying. Moral degeneracy is code for the movement away from "traditional" morality where being homosexual was grounds for being executed.

They are called believers and not knowers for a reason. If they had hard evidence to show you, they would know, and wouldn't need to believe. Seems to me you've been wasting your time there. Religious experience isn't something you can prove as it is a subjective experience, not an objective one. But if you are really curious about why someone would believe, I could recommend this classic read: Books/Mere Christianity - Lewis.pdf

31 and honestly questioned my own dogma alot, but still don't believe or see if i was going to believe why i should choose christianism over hinduism or the norse pantheon

>They are called believers and not knowers for a reason.
Knowledge is a subset of belief. If you know something, you necessarily believe it. You seem to be confusing belief in general with faith.
>Religious experience isn't something you can prove as it is a subjective experience, not an objective one
The existence of a god (once defined) would be an objective fact.
> Books/Mere Christianity - Lewis.pdf
Thanks, but I'm already familiar with C.S. Lewis and why his reasons fail.

no its ok i read the Narnia series

Really? How so?
I see people claim on a daily basis that the Christian God is real and that we all need to live by the word of God or suffer.

How about a more modern audio visual medium then, reasons to believe explained by a living internet meme?

I'm not one of these people. Well, I do believe that if you do your best to behave like a terrible insufferable asshole during your life, you're going to have a hard time upon death. That goes for Christians too though, as well as for all people-

In my believe and experience, God is just, loving and forgiving. Which is what more than one religion teaches, but my faith stems more from personal mystic experience than from a book I've once read.

I dont know.
I never had strong faith.

Must have been aroud 16 that I really made my descision that the religion we are offered makes no sense at all.

Does a god exist?
I have no fucking clue. Maybe maybe not.
One thing I am absolutely sure of though: the god of our todays religions and all that comes whith it is a human invention to calm the harshness and often random injustice in our daily lives.

I used to be a devout Atheist but once I grew up and actually looked at the evidence, I dropped that religion and became a Christian.

what if i was born with mind and i know what is right and what is wrong and i dont need those 10 rules of unknown author ?
am i angel who lost memory ?

>How about a more modern audio visual medium then, reasons to believe explained by a living internet meme?
Does it contain any novel reasons or is it merely a rehashing / compilation of old reasons by Aquinas and such?

If it contains novel reasons, a timestamp would be appreciated.


gr8 b8 m8


It does contain novel reasons, maybe not layed out that clearly, it's more a 20 hours long exploration of petersons thoughts on the bible and how it came to be than clearly laid out thoughts or reasons to believe, but they are brought up in there. As said, this series of lectures is rather long, and right now I don't have the time to sip through it and give you time stamps for it, but if you are interested in psychology, philosophy and religion and it's connections, I'd argue it's worth the watch, no matter if you're atheist, christian, or follower of any other religion.

did you believe that Earth is a flat disc floating on water inside a firmament created by Yahweh, around 6,000 years ago and Jesus is son of Yahweh and will fight the antichist and anti-God.

I am interested in those things, but philosophy in particular requires clearly laid out thoughts and reasons in order to properly evaluate arguments.

if i watched all that id have to watch one for every religion there is, because how could you ever choose which one is right or true if you did not know them all and research them all

My youngest son figured it out when he was 5 and he told me he didn't think God was real. It took me another 7 years, when I was 39, to figure it out.

I never really thought about my religion because I never cared about religion to much. My family really don't push religion or talk about it. I'm open minded about the concept of religion and there being no god and all that though.

Well I would then suggest that you start watching petersons lecture on this topic, maybe just the first video, or just the first half of it, and then decide if it's worth your time to continue watching. It has clearly laid out thoughts and reasons in there, but those are still evolving during the course of the lectures. As he is saying in the beginning of the video, he's exploring new terrain for him with these lectures and forming new thoughts and ideas while he's lecturing. That's what I mean if I say not layed out that clearly, his thoughts and words can be like first drafts in this lectures, that aren't fully finished yet. In my mind still a fascinating lecture to listen to. Also much of what he has to say are finished thoughts and reasons though.

Many things said in these lectures can be said for other religions too though, it's just on the example of the bible, that peterson explores religion in these talks.

Trust me with this, it's a good watch, if you can find the time for it, one of the better things to watch on youtube.


put it on my watch later list ps i am the OP put it up as there was a thread called "How old were you when you matured enough to renounce Atheist?

Interesting LARP

Stone axe