High school

>high school
>”USA day”
>kid wears confederate flag sweatshirt
>gets punched

Well it wasn't confederate day.

I bullied faggots for clothes long befor it was political.

>guy wears hoodie that hurts my fee fees
>Punch him because i cant control my emotions
>I'm still the victim

>do thing to piss people off
>people get pissed off
>get pissed off that people did the thing you wanted

>not shooting him

The only thing these traitors to America deserve is a bullet

Youve never killed anyone and you never will.

United states
Confederate states shirt
Who cares what happens to him he cant follow simple instructions

Did the bad man upset you again?

> USA fights Russia
> USA wins (of course)
> Some moron flies Russian flag
> Moron gets punched and cries about it

things that never happened
the thread

tough guy

Basically, if you sport a confederate flag, you're anti-America. The confederate flag is the flag of the losers. You don't want to fly the loser flag, do you?

Why don't you get on board with the winning side, the USA, and fly the right fucking flag?

I'm sorry lad, but confederates are the ones who support guns. You'd have to punch a man with a pistol

because it triggers you.

sure kid

Jesus Christ you are delusional if you think burgers have any chance at direct confrontation

Right, why would I sport the flag of the people who held the values of the founders and were betrayed at their prime?

>implying opening the monkey cages and letting them run rampant is a victory for the owners of the zoo

Got what he deserved, gatta teach faggots to quit being so edgy.


good thing is antifa fags will probably end up in prison at some point

Pre-internet edge.

disgrace to the american flag
same level as someone that kneels at NFL games

not even Ameriburger but even I know that the Confederates were retards who fought against the USA and lost...
what would they have to do with USA day?

>be antifa fag
>punch confederate guy
>kneel anyway

Monkey lovers are a fucking disease

The Confederate flag was flown by U.S. Soldiers in Vietnam to show comrade among draftees from the southern states, of all colors.
You should know what it means to others before you blindly criticize it. It doesn't just represent slavery.

>any chance at direct confrontation
not with russia, fo sure, but they generally fared a lot better in open field wars than in guerilla warfare. I'll also take this opportunity to repeat one of my favourite jokes:
>America, we put the "oops" in "troops"

Fucking Google autocorrect.

He was asking for it because of his outfit.

Those dipshits who flew it in 'nam didn't understand it then, I grew up in the south, my family is from the south, my grandfather flew a confederate flag over his house, as did my father, who is also a re-enactor... running into his make believe battles brandishing that flag. That flag is and has always been a symbol of oppression. Anyone who doesn't see that is either blind, stupid, or a racist.

Thats a sweet evil kenievel jacket

I would go to America just for the opportunity to shake those people's hands. To meet those who hadn't given up on their dreams despite all the bullshit thrown their way and government wanting them extinct. I hope they'll one day be able to break free from the "land of the free" and have a separate state. Kudos from Russia

Hope your new mas*ahem* your new purpose in life is worth disgracing your ancestors. They might have been dipshits, but so should you

fuck you commie!

Nice try, Hillary

>high school
>”USA day”
>kid wears his brown skin
>does not get punched and thrown out

How could things have went so wrong

>USA Day
What thef fuck? Independence Day?