Shit whitebois do that triggered you

Shit whitebois do that triggered you

Calling me a nigger

Post threads pretending not to be whitebois

not being black. muh dik

Not lettin me cheet off de test
wad up wif dat?

Throwing gang sighs when doesn't know jack shit about it's meaning


Complain that they women love us for our bbc but theys be luvin us with they hearts 2 mah nigga

Having a bigger dick than mine

We were in a gangs when you were still climbing on trees

posting shill threads.


The 1950s were a golden age

Call the police on me for standing next to them. Seriously, this happened to me about a week ago, what the fuck did I even do?

>implying BBC isn't superior

Keep shooting your sperm on your anime body pillow while your woman screaming on my dick, bitch

Stole a bike
You need to work on your ebonics, Yitzhak

All jokes aside, mass shootings
I still get leery at movie theaters

when they stay outta jail

the shooter always finds the niggers at the movies because they never stop talking all the way through it

2 of the top 3 mass shooters are brown

say they are superior, but then complain about how every other race is the reason they are not succeeding like they used to.

sides gone

>Stole a bike
Nice joke, shooter

You misunderstand, which is common enough for a nignog.
That complaint is directed by whites at other whites for setting up the kind of quotas needed to have any black people hired or admitted to schools.

Fired me cause i never showed up for work. Racist honkeys

Nobody puts Dorner in a Corner. That's all I'm sayin...

>school shooter

We wuz gangz...

So, you'd rather keep POC uneducated, poor and hopeless, to exploit them more?

stop being lazy niggers then and work and educated yourselves, dumbasses
asians seem to being fine
it's because niggers have lower intelligence on average, admit it
also if you want to whine about that, then stop exploiting animals for food and work, fucking retard.

You saw the point he was making then turned around and started talking about something else entirely??

Growing up in an intact household with their fathers still arround.

Ready for it? It will blow your mind and makes your butt so fucking hurt. Ready?

I have a stable job and a loving family and I'm black. Fucking weird right?

It's easy to call people names, but never understand what situations they've gone through. Look what happened in Baltimore with the cops planting drugs on people. You know what happens after that? You can no longer get federal grants, you can no longer get a decent job without knowing someone because of a criminal record now. If you don't see the fact that there is a systemic keep-in-your-place going on in this country, regardless of race, you are willfully ignorant.

Your totally lying. Whitey has set up a system in America where if you were really a black person it would be impossible to get an education, hold down a job and stay in a committed relationship after having kids. Or are you calling many blacks liars?

White people complaining about niggers while they acting like a bunch of niggers, fucking ironic

aka , bet you feel so fucking smart now huh?

Raising a family.
Not having STDs.
Crime is hereditary and whitebois don't get that gene.
Learning things about life to make us look dumb.
Trying to get good jobs.
Not being addicted to crack from birth.

Have no idea what you are talking about, I actually working and have a family of my own. Guess I just got lucky? No offense or anything, man

Niggers and black people are 2 different things

Dey wuz akshully kangz n shiett.

Damn man, you are soooo civilized, are you sure you are not an ape smashing on a keyboard?

Yup another niggerboi thread

Deh wypipo devo mon take all jobs.

One of those kids could be you if the evil white folks didnt take you negros to America as slaves
You should be Be gratetful to white people you fucking nigger

>Assuming there are anything but white people on Sup Forums

back to facebook with you

make threads like these

>it's impossible for a black man to be educated, have a steady job, be in a loving marriage and raising a family

Imagine being this delusional

>>imagine misunderstanding what that user was saying this much

He's saying that obviously if blacks can get jobs, it isn't whitey constantly making them unable to do so. It's a large majority of those blacks REFUSING to fucking work and be productive.

He was being ironic in saying that "blacks dont get jobs, cause whites always hold em down riiiggghhht?"


Fuck you




