Be me

>Be me
>Be 31
>Been in the army for about 7 years now
>Lonely, friendless loser that joined the army in hopes I get put on a suicide mission. Seemed like an honourable death at the time.
>Never get put on a mission...
>Until now
>Go to briefing
>We're going to strike 3 terrorist bases across the border in Iraq and Syria
>Sit down beside this 7/10 girl, would probably be a 8/10 if she didn't have so much acne
>Edgy and moody, so ignore her
>She's obviously really outgoing as she keeps trying to talk to me about the mission during the briefing
>Briefing done
>Decide that maybe I should talk to her anyway, need friends
>Find out she's been to a few one-off fights before this one
>Maybe I won't die this time, fuck...

>Day of war comes
>Bomb the first stronghold, weak defense against our planes
>Second one needs to be done by foot
>Ignore initial plan to enter sneaky-like
>Guns blazing everywhere
>Somehow still manage to take over the base, at the cost of my entire squad except for the girl
>God fucking dammit, still alive
>Now it's on us to infiltrate the last base, take down the AA guns and get out of there
>Then it hits me...
mfw I just got to 3rd base with a girl by fucking with terrorists

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fuck her pls!

Fuck her pussy till she cums,then cum in her ass!
U diserve it bro

2 posters

never change Sup Forums.

never change.

I fucking hate you op.

maybe this is their last chance to do it

well, I had to do some reading just to be sure, but obviously he is lying. females are just now being integrated into combat roles, and no females have been assigned to combat missions as of 2017.

so, he is probably not in the military and writing fan fiction, or he is in the military and I hope to god he ends up killing himself.

>Shooting people for Jew bankers
>honorable mission
Fuck off jew



also, you are probably OP. post count didn't increase.

grow the fuck up you stupid cunt

Fucking retard

fucking retard

welfare queens detected

>implying b never changed

yeah. my bad.

what a fucking retard

sorry, my bad


my mistake

Lol I just wanted to make a shitty joke, sue me

go for it

fuck outta here with your shit