My girlfriend just got me a caramello

my girlfriend just got me a caramello

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How big are her tits?

a perky a cup ;)

Fuck, they are bastardizing Cadbury

Bandsaw blade keeps breaking, wheel rubber and bearings are both fine, have tried multiple blades but it still happens, is the rpm just way too fuckin high?

>a cup

Im the guy that told you to get it. Went up to give my son a bath. Came back and the thread was pruned. Glad you took my advice, enjoy Cadbury's delicious Caramello (pronounced CARM-ello) chocolate candy bar.

Caramello's shit, just buy dairymilk.

its not like that i swear

i loved this shit thank you so much for the suggestion

You're welcome


its either the rpm is too high or you're too gay

Youre most welcome, my wife turned me onto them

any other suggestions for future reference?

Are you going to help me or not?!! The things gone through $60 of blades and im sick of it.

Have you tried turning it off and then re-install it?

ok fine. try slowing down the blade. or maybe you are cutting something too tough for the blades you are using.

How big is your wiener? What's your favorite film? Fav animated series? Fav ice cream flavor? Fav food? Fav band? Fav youtuber? Any Netflix recommendations? Do you prefer furry or shaved vagina? Does she have a bush? Does she let you eat the booty? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest how would you rate yourself in appearance? Do you have any fetishes? Opinion on the Pakistan India conflict? Opinion on trump? Difference between existing and living?


Im from socal originally so i really love pica fresa but thats not for everyone. I dont have much of a sweet tooth but dammit if i dont like to enjoy the decadent melt in your mouth flavor of a Cadbury's Caramello every now and then.

thx for the snapchat slut

Do you even know how bandsaws work? And yea faggit, I know not to go rough on my blades.

Not OP but is the blade getting too hot? You may need to put some oil on it. If not that then you may need to clamp the piece before you make your cut.
(Im the guy who recommended the caramello so i have some clout itt btw) 5-6 idk never measured
2.Pulp Fiction
3.Neon Genesis Evangelion
4.chocolate with chunks of peanut butter in it
5.homemade pasta sauce
6. coheed and cambria
7. jontron
8.stranger things
9. shaved
10. see 9
11. never wanted to so idk
12. like 4-5
13. im an audiophile
14.i dont think there is a solution tbh. the whole system is fucked with no easy outs for anyone at this point
15. he is really fucking stupid but hillary is really fucking evil so the last election was lose lose
16. existing is going through life with nary a care for your purpose in life whereas living entails having a goal, nay a purpose in life

google says you may not be securing what you are sawing properly

>my dad works at jagex so i have some clout itt btw

I actually used to work at BASX and used band saws as a welder but currently im a fry cook at wendys. What are you getting at?

Just turn off the power (while keeping it grounded) and re-seat the graphics card intro a 16-lane PCI-e slot. Uninstall the drivers first and then redownload and install them.
If its an instability issue, try taking out the DRAM, cleaning off the pins with isopropyl alcohol, spraying compressed air into the DIM slots to clear out any dust or small blockages, and re-seat them into their DIMs.

its just what it made me think about

Can human beings hear the difference in sound quality between .MP3 and .FLAC audio files?

instructions not clear. got my dick caught in a newtons cradle

yes but only if you are like a savant or something

If your penis isn't in the newborns boys butthole, I don't know what to tell you other then you are an idiot. You fucked it up really bad, beyond any redemption.

Understandable, but i dont know what jagex is. Mu uncle works for nintendo

But its a fucking bandsaw.


You still have to clamp the piece down so it makes a clean cut. I broke an old blade that way

More audiophile questions.

What brand and model of headphones do you use at home? I have Sennheiser HD598s.
Do you have a DAC, and if yes what kind? Any recommendations?

rosegold beats

Not bad at all. I'm usually satisfied with a 4yo set of Bose headphones and my phone's mp3s when I'm on the go, but when I'm at home I have my Sennheiser's attached to a basic FiiOs dac and play my collection of .flacs. It sounds dope as f
I want to upgrade my setup, and I wish I could find a mid range DAC with the 6.3mm audio output jack. I hate using the 6.3mm-3.5mm adapter.
I can always dream tho
give this a listen through your setup

I don't listen to much k-pop but I'm digging this.

thats because its j-pop
i found this after falling asleep with autoplay on on youtube.
>mfw i cant read moon runes so i will never be able to look this up

There are a few English titled songs in the description: 'crying march', 'ruins', and 'bye-bye 999'. That's probably your best bet to find them

Found them. Search "gesunokiwamiotome"

user op af
>mfw this thread is the best time ive had on Sup Forums in years

The exact song is titled "Digital Moruga"
Digital Moruga by Gesunokiwamiotome

NP my dude. You get just as much credit for pointing me their way lol

have any more questions i can answer?

My car makes a weird noise while accelerating and while it's wet
Do you have any idea what could it be?

timing belt probably

How was the caramello?

gonna put it in the fridge for a bit or eat it room temperature?

i absolutely loved it tbh one of the best candies ive had 8/10

Ironically thinking that all a-cups are underage

Get the fuck out youngfag

i ate it at room temperature because im impatient.
where were you like 20 minutes ago

mmhmm tell that to Quincey

small perky bubs are the best

i swear its not what it looks like sir

If it's more than a handful, it's a waste.

put caramello in pooper

inb4 pedophilia accusations because ugly floppy boobs are gross

i mean it will probably be in my butt within a couple hours soooo okay just gimme some time

Its honestly better when its a little warm. Im the guy that suggested it btw. Please kill me

Get on board you dumb Cuck. Caramilk is the shit.

Keep the metal oiled and go slow

>its a waste
You havent lived until youve had a chubby mexican sot on you and tell you to suck her huge tits as hard as you can

skinny cuban tsunderes ftw

I'll bet serpentine belt

Yeap, she's subconsciously compensating for letting some Mexican cuck you. Think about it.

Weird, i married a half cuban. I would not recommend

You're full of shit. user's don't have GF's.

the threat of being stabbed is half of the fun in a relationship imo

nah we have been together almost 5 years now and live together

All the cons of a white woman + all the cons of a hispanic. At least she can cook, but it comes with a price. Shit sucks tbh

This isnt r9k

social status of a white woman + hot temper of a latina woman + bomb ass cooking + hot af = best girl

And i always found mexicans to be more fun, although not wife materia

you lonely loser

Just dont get married.

idk i kinda wanna lock this shit down
>she is in medschool and ive always wanted to be a doctors wife

Come on, dude

Go ahead, probably better than mine. In my experience filipinas make the best gf materia as far as always dtf/great demeanor. I love my son to death but im already planning the divorce

cum on guys, gay jokes aren't funny

oh shit its that bad man?
need to vent?

Why isnt she wife yet?

because her parents are paying for medical school for her and will stop if we get married.

No. Its late, and shes right next to me. Im not perfect but shes like a dark cloud all the time. When i met her i was a parolee working as a cook, she told me she always wanted to be a housewife. Worked mu ass off to learn a trade and now she has everything she wants, but we never have sex and fight all the time, long story short. Life is crazy, 5 years ago i was living in a car and selling meth/shooting heroin. Now i live in a house with food in the fridge. But she makes my life hell. Are you OP? Im the guy that told you to get the caramello. Small world, i guess its not as late as i thought

is it's last name Anthony?

What is your favorite color?

nice trips

i am op yeah lol
holy shit that is an interesting story
>can i have the rights to your life story

absolutely precious but why did you post that pussy here?
>mfw i didnt notice cute pussy

was it made by Hershey and taste like shit? or is it genuine UK MilkyChoco?

cadbury and it was honestly quite tastey

I'm grumpy as hell because cadbury's my shit, but Where I'm at: they no longer import and hershey has the production license. only thing that hasnt changed is my creme eggs, but from what i'm told: they're different from the UK ones to begin with

im sorry. life for you sounds terrible

>is the rpm just way too fuckin high?
Yes its too fucking high you idiot. If the wheel rubber and bearings are both fine, and you've broken multiple blades, obviously your RPM is too fucking high. Either that or stop trying to cut stones in half.

Might be you've got the tension too high.