Guro thread

Guro thread

i havent seen one of these in years


Was kiking with a ukriane girl about it for a few months before I got banned.


Wish my school did this

Some fucking Leifeldian physical proportions happening in this drawing... This chick's head wouldn't even reach to the top of this guy's six-pack-abs if she stood straight up.
Is she a midget that happens to be properly proportioned? Is this guy well over 9ft tall? Is she a child with big tits? Are those supposed to be her ribs the tip of his dick is hitting? If yes, wtf is wrong with them that they look like fucking McDonald's arches? Is she standing on a platform, how else are her knees at the same level as his when she's less than half his height?
Much confuse.


Are you retarded?

their pelvises line up. you must be a virgin


I spell too well to be retarded.

Yeah, HOW do their fucking pelvises line up like that & she's half his size? Root of his cock to his pecs is farther than her clit to where the top of her head once was.



Need a red head qt 3.14 to do this with


me too, i'd be hard all day

there was one last tuesday you blind fuck


any girls you'd wan it to happen too? Any selection process?


i would want it to happen to the girl i have a crush on, but totally by random chance

No rhyme or reason?


You assholes need jesus in your life.

not jesus but some girl irl, or at least fap to better hentai

I bet here is many religious pathetic guys

>I spell too well to be retarded.


Or that.

See? Addiction to this shit has filled you full of retardation.

This ritual is known as seppuku. Instead of the katana (as depicted here), a recently disgraced samurai would use a tanto (small sword) to commit suicide to the gut area while another samurai would cut at/off their head to put the person out of their misery.

The more you know!


Do you people know you are seriously ill?


Yeah, but we're still not as bad as the diaper fags.


We know. Thanks. Now get back to your business and let us enjoy a friendly thread.

Sharing the full set for you













this shit makes me lulz. I cant take it serious. I actually knew a chick into this that would draw this stuff and she went full weeb as an exchange student to South Korea.


Most gurofags left to Gurochan where they can enjoy an eternal an giant guro thread with no fags telling them they are sick fucks.



