Liberals believe that banning this device will put an end to deaths by firearm

Liberals believe that banning this device will put an end to deaths by firearm.

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what is this gun porn?

Trips say this is now a thread about gun porn

no they dont. they think it will reduce the number of people who die because of idiots who use them for the reason they were designed.

what is a liberal?


A flaming homosexual with the mental capacity of the average toddler.

Funny thing is those are terrible for accuracy meaning if more mass shooters used them there'd actually be less deaths most likely.

How literal are we talkin?

They were designed to mimic what an automatic rifle sounds and looks like but it doesn't function like one. It can put out a lot of rounds but look how much the gun itself would be moving, that's horrible inaccurate, you can train a real automatic rifle on a target without it jerking all over the place.

Liberals do not believe in that! Your fucking Conservative Congressmen and Senates who are bought by NRA and Jews are coming up with such a stupid solution!

thank you.

Idiots, not necessarily liberals alone.

>Criminals will just turn in their firearms, right?

How are they so unintelligent?


What dumbfuck libs don't realize is that you can make a fully functional bump device with a few pieces of tinker metal from any hardware store. Banning these manufactured ones would not stop someone as motivated as the LV shooter. And they don't even know about trigger cranks yet or they'd be pretending to be experts on those as well.

>liberals want gun laws
>gun laws get made
>manufacturers circumvent laws with innovation
>liberals want more gun laws
>repeat without understanding futility in regulation of recreation

do you live your entire life based on what you see online?

OP you giant faggot you totally fit in here Comrade. I true liberal would never believe such a thing because it is not logical. People will always find a way to kill and guns might be better than bombs, trucks and arson ect.... Gun Grabbers are not liberals but often are called liberals by dumbfucks. Don't be a dumbfuck OP.

The the Conservative congressman and the NRA who brought it up because they want to pretend they're making some kind of response to Vegas

>I true liberal
I true liberal
I liberal
i, Liberal

No, Liberals want to have real gun control. It's the Conservative congressman and the NRA who want to talk about stupid fucking bumpstocks because then they can pretend they're doing something about gun violence without actually doing anything.

Seriously. Educated gun owning lib here. Regulation is fucked because the asshats regulating it have no idea what they re doing or even talking about. Their definitions are entirely their own and not used within the gunsmithing industry. That's like letting AT&T wrote regulations for drug trials; they have no clue what they're looking at or talking about.

On the gun modding note, they're not terribly complex machines. Any numb nuts with enough free time and some basic tools can make mods and install them.

You guys gotta get on the meta game, it's always about keeping us arguing so poloticians can say they're fighting for us and keep their cushy was high paying job. STOP FIGHTING WITH EACHOTHER AND FUCKING FIGURE OUT YOUR ENEMY.

God damn autocorrect garbled that.

>Gun Gasm


no...they really don't.

Aren't full auto weapons already illegal without a permit? Isn't this just a shitty attempt to get around an already existing law?


Well lol it would look at any other country thats done it and youll see statistics which are fact

Not that I think you'll be able to understand any of this...


Totally this, poor brainlets sms

Yeah. It kind of is. The definition of full auto is basically 1 trigger pull, many rounds till you either run out or let your finger off it, so technically, this device doesn't defeat that function on a gun so it's legal. Also causes you to be highly inaccurate. If dude was a better shot, he could have had a much higher kill count without blowing so much ammo.

Horribly inaccurate, so not really useful in any sporting purpose except for randomly spraying a shitton of rounds and civilians clustered together...

I want the news to explain to me how AP rounds are better killing devices against soft targets. am I the only one wanna see them try to explain this with their "expert"

No, people who think bump-stocks should be banned simply regard it as a way to lessen (though not eliminate) gun murders.

I bet you'd flip your shit if a black dude had one of these, even if it was just a facebook pic

go away tyrone.

Conservatives believe there is no point in even trying. Maybe next time it will be a bunch of kids, but they don't give a shit if kids die. Unless it's a fetus.

I'm as white as they come you little cum-slurping faggot

You're a fucking idiot. Both republicans and democrats are working on the same side, for the establishment.

please kill yourself.


>Conservatives believe
I stopped there. your opinions hold no facts

It's autistic

This guy thinks trumps smarter than him

>its almost as if there is a very similar case study where exactly what you are criticizing "liberals" for actually happened and per capita homicide rates drop substantially even with a growing population

Excuse my logic and reason, I know you gun nuts cant wrap your heads around it.

>what is a liberal?
in this case, the board of the NRA.

Any dimwit in the gun community knows this device was just a jab at the over reaching illogical laws of the federal government and more specifically the atf. There's a reason these aren't masses produced or used by literally any competitive shooter. It once again showed liberals lack of knowledge in life and about guns and shined a spotlight on cowardous treasonous neocons.

oh look, another gun shill

Control is a misgnomer for ban

>this is what autistic gunmen actually believe

their values are completely incompatible with ours dumbass

It's not like they've spent decades slowly banning specific devices one after the other just so they can strong arm you with redcoats or anything..

You see how that argument goes both ways mongo? Liberals don't care about unborns blah blah blah

Gee it's not as if all statistics on firearms world wide disagree with your narrative or anything.

is that yours?

>bans totally work. Like alcohol and drugs

Put up a counter argument at least fag

That looks easy to 3d print.

Straw man dogshit argument; no one thinks any one law will completely end all death by firearms. I hope you choke on the drool that likely pools in your throat nightly you mouth breathing dipshit.


Yep, smoke and mirrors. Give the liberals a novelty you so they can act like they won.

>all law abiding gun owners who have been proven to commit less crime are mass shooters
>no mass shooters have ever shot up a gun free zone
>the EU definitely doesn't have three of the worst school shootings
>all mass shooters have been memebers of the NRA and not left leaning libs

Lol oh wait..

That's objectively false. How can you be so passionate about guns while at the same time remain so ignorant to the actual statistics of firearms

By owning one you will most likely never use it against an intruder, and you have statistically increased the danger either of suicide (or yourself) to everyone else who lives in your immediate vicinity.

I'm sorry that the real statistics regarding this is so inconvenient to your worldview. I know how fun it can be to live forever in your fantasy world but I guess I'm the one to drag you back to reality


Actually it's the Republicans who are specifically targeting the device. Liberals want to know why it was allowed in the first place. We need to regulate better

only a few muslims are terrorists?
not millions?
oh well yea then that argument makes sense. Its probably about the same number, gun owners who commit mass shootings and muslims that are terrorists
you fucking imbecile

>we need to regulate better
you need to regulate my dick in your throat

Automatic fire isn't meant to be accurate anyways. It's mostly used for suppression in combat where accuracy means dick. Accuracy isn't necessary to mow down a group of civilians either.

This is what the talking heads on the right want you to believe.

Then they should ask Obama because he’s the one who authorized them

Actually both sides are wrong. The Constitution as it's currently interpreted says that you can't ban firearm's or Muslims. I agree with this interpretation.
There can be no test for religious affiliation when it comes to citizenship and we should be allowed to own if not carry weapons.



It's actually better that he used the bumpfire stock

If he were to accurately aim and shoot with semi auto, he would have killed a lot more people. Bumpfire stocks make the gun inaccurate, especially when shooting from long distances like Paddock was

No, he didn't personally authorize them. You moron. That's not his job. The laws as they were written allowed for this device. We need to look at the wording of bills and agree that the NRA sponsored congressmen who have prevented regulations need to be held accountable

why are all gun homicide capitals of the country democratically controlled cities? why have they been democratic strong holds?

>100% of palestinian muslims are anti-gay

liberals and conservatives are both autistic

Thank you op! I asked myself how this device works.

I’m impressed...! But why you have something like that in stock?!

>the NRA sponsored congressmen who have prevented regulations need to be held accountable, just like the electronic trigger which is illegal under the same auto weapons ban provisions allowance
its was an invention dumbass i thought you were supposed to be all future techno smart?

Because they're poor and have high population concentrations. Duh.

U mad mp5 boi?

That guns shit compared to this beast.

>Actually it's the Republicans who are specifically targeting the device. Liberals want to know why it was allowed in the first place.

ATF declared it legal in 2010.
I forget who was president then.

no they dont. this is nothing more then the first of 10,000 little cuts that will one day end with a ban on most guns.

either democrats ruined prosperous and morally high cities or they lord over piece of shit areas and people and dont do a damn thing about it. which do you prefer? its been almost 100 years in places like detroit

The bills aren't. Look at the wording and it's highly specific. Look at the 1996 Dickie amendment. They are doing everything they can to block discussion about gun violence. The NRA has more power than the Israeli lobby. We need to do something about lobbyist

How much regulation should they have user,
we already do background checks which ask.
Have you ever renounced your citizenship
Are you a citizen
Have you ever been convicted of assault/stalking etc.
Are you addicted to drugs
Are you a felon
Are you a fugitive from justice
And many more.
ALL of this gets verified by a background check from NICS for EVERY GUN you buy. Plus is documented at every gun store, which the ATF check up on regularly.
What more do you want?

He was a liberal who behaved like an conservative and then let himself cought by the police with an underaged boy to damage the reputation of gun owners. Simple as that.

They don't. They want all guns banned. They just happen to find devices like bump stocks particularly horrifying because "fully automatics" are the deadliest and most unnecessary guns of all, and bump stocks, binary triggers and gatcranks serve to simulate full auto.

>m-my guns
>m-muh culture
>how w-will I compensate for my microdick?

"put an end to"=/="reduce casualties"

learn to logic.

>We need to regulate better
What is the 1934 National Firearms Act?
What is the 1968 Gun Control Act?
How about the 1986 Hughes Amendment?
How many other fundamental rights have 10s of thousands of laws against them?

And you faggots have some nerve when people want voter ID laws.

Nice bait

They try to do things but don't necessarily have the ability to make great change. This in in part due to the gerrymandering. They can't get the funding from the states to make great change. Detroit is in Michigan. It's a purple state. Also how are Democrats supposed to fix Detroit? The situation started when the car companies lobbied for incentives for undereducated workers to move there in order to work in the factories. Then the factories found better incentives in other countries. Namely that they are higher paying by Mexican and Chinese standards than US standards while paying below our minimal wages. Do we need to pay as little as Mexico? Trump's not wrong when it comes to the idea of taxing foreign imports, but the reality is also more complicated. Tell me what your solution is.

How exactly will this reduce casualties?

It's a deadly technology that has had major advancements every few decades you fucking dipshit. Gee I wonder why "new laws" are created?




>A flaming homosexual with the mental capacity of the average toddler.

back to Sup Forums faggot

How does a person carry out a shooting without being a gun owner?
The two groups could overlap. Gun ownership doesn't include an injunction to kill with it.

are you fucking retarded they spent 3M... oh no!

It's so strange that people think that banning guns will magically make people stop killing each other. Do they think humans can only die by guns?