Spread ass thread. Oc edition. Gf wives etc

Spread ass thread. Oc edition. Gf wives etc.










How do you get a pussy and ass that clean and perfect

Have an asian lady do it for you.



That's a thing?


100% you as for the whole package and they usually know what you are asking for at a spa in the strip malls.




That ass is amazing but WTF kind of guitar is that??

Wow are you 12? Ban yourself. That is rockband idiot.


Actually anyone near the age of 12 would probably know what that is. Sorry - I play a real guitar. Now I know what the kids play with.





Take the thong off and get closer




I mean np disrespect but isn't her butthole a wee bit weird?


Not into fat girls but I would never stop fucking this. Damn.

Got the oc

gf with the light spread

how underage re you?

So, you are into fat girls?

Found the virgin


I disagree. Have seen dozens of anuses (ani?) up close and that one is indeed a wee bit weird

Wax on

Wax off

gf asshole. lightened it up a bit



Oc continued

Tell me wwyd


This a good thread

No that is just an an exceptionally accommodating gape



OC. asshole presented while fucking

stick it in there or gtfo



If it was just spread by her hands and not some hairy dudes's

More? Fucckkk

I agree, it does look a bit unusual (but in a good way)



bend over and lick her ass to start

like it?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice



ew please put it back on


damn what a looose asshole



Her ass is fucking gold, keep em cumming breh


Save my girl's asshole.

No, thats a shit pic


why save crap like that?

any one save her?



You might not know this, but that's a really, really, really good thing. Loose asshole is so much more pleasing to fuck.


Fuck.. this is beautiful, she has the prettiest pussy and asshole ITT

no, its just good to enter and very boring after few mins of fucking it. You should know that if you last longer the two mins.


Hot, more?


Give me a min and I'll upload one of my friend's gf when we doubled her

You've clearly never had a girl that could take a beating for 45+ min or reached the sigmoid


Thank you. She's a good girl. 18. Redhead. Submissive as a doormat.



As she's giving her bf head I ate her ass


Post more pls

It looks bleached tbh
