Why did they have to end it? :(

Why did they have to end it? :(

Is that Julian Morrows?

the star that burns brightest lasts half as long

its the vegas shooter

How did he die?

Any more dead ppl pics from the shooting ?


>please reply to my pathetic thread because i have zero imagination and i think this is a hot topic and maybe some buzzwords will be tossed around.

Funny thing. This pic has been floating around the internet for years But Ok... this is the Vegas shooter. Fucking Moron Sheep


>approached by really bad people with lots of power
>>do this and we give you lots of money
>>if you dont we'll remove u n' everyone you love

that's if i had to take a guess op,

Walter White you dumb niggerfaggots

>too many marijuana injections to the butt

Prove it

keep em coming


Because whoever stands to benefit, probably jews, needed a dead patsy.

And close ups ?

kek nice proof, dumb nigger



do you have an intelligent answer as to how they could stand to benefit? dont say gun control

money... jews want money

you're overweight aren't you

Obviously yes. I use Sup Forums so why wouldn't I be.

elaborate... how would anyone financially gain from this?

Earlier today, I saw a news show, probably on fox news, where they were talking about installing these body scanner machines at all of the casino/hotels. Seems a little suspicious to me.