Far thread

far thread
Far out, dude.




I don't understand what people find "cute" in snakes

No. Stop that.

If you wipe it off when it's wet, you can get most of it right then. Some of it will still dry on the fur though. Or, maybe you like to let it all dry. Either way, wiping it later with a damp cloth does a pretty good job.




Snakes are kind of cute, but reptiles in general are stinky.

hey league

but why
i forgot to send you pics of your drawings i keep in my box

this is correct

hi wem, how have you been?

Would succ.

Take pics now and send them.

pretty okay the last couple days. My head hurts really bad right now though so I am gonna get going. later duder~



alright wem, hope you feel better. Night!

Hey butt-ddy

hey, how's it going hunnibuns?

Reptiles aren't stinky.


Snarf making fun of Wonder Woman
And Taco Bell


Yes they are. They really are.


Who is this cutie?

I'm going to be watching TSM face Flash Wolves during worlds. Hopefully they will win and at least get one win against the asain countries. So far everyone has lost against them.


Put those ears on a rabid wolf and it'd look equally "cute"
Both will try to kill you given the chance

Maybe you should hang out with higher-class reptiles!

Ur mom is a higher class reptile

I prefer my arthropod friends. The only snake I've considered getting as a pet is a Western hognose.


A snek is fine too.

Disgusting. Why not have him poop on you first?

I wouldn't own a stinky lizard. They eat boogers.

Most critters' suits aren't set up to do poop well. Besides, even if his was, pissing on me gets me horny enough to get pooped on later.

you can't piss when you're horny so how does that work
can you explain

Why do these things appeal to you? Can you explain? Any reasoning works.

You eat boogers, and you manage to live with yourself...

I don't eat boogers. I eat garbage like a normal person.


You *can* piss when you have an erection - it's just not as easy as it is when you're soft. The pee tends to come out in quick, forceful bursts.

Besides, I want *him* to pee on *me*, to get *me* horny. He can start out soft so he can pee better, but he'll probably horn up quick. :P

I think a lot of it is just breaking the taboo of not doing those things alone and in private.

A little of it is that it's like a cum shot, but in greater quantity and (sometimes) easier to get.

Looks like the start of a pretty good time!

>mostly just for taboo
Eh, breaking taboos is boring for me since I break them every day, but whatever floats your boat! Thanks for explaining.



Would also succ.



I like vore, though. >_>



How can they call themselves furries if they don't even have pubes?









Horse should have shot in his eyes. >_>

Sounds uncomfortable.

It is. :P



The thread seems to have slowed down a lot.

NA finally beat someone in the asian countries. Holy shit that was so close.





I had dinner.
Beat in what?

in the world championships for league

What'd you have?

I played that game for a month and got bored. I see, though.
A sandwich: one half with peanut butter, one half with almond butter.

Netflix has such strange genres. "Movies from the 40s with Strong Female Leads," "Movies with Sandra Bullock where she Cries," "Movies that Make Vague References to the Films of John Leguizamo," etc.

that's fair, it isn't for everyone. For me it's super exciting though because it means NA might actually win a world championship for once.

>movies with sandra bullock where she cries"
what....is that something that make people choose if they want to watch it?
"Man this movie sounds good, but do I get to watch sandra bullock cry about something during it? If I do then I can watch it."

Ganbatte. Recently, Americans won a DDR tournament for the first time.
Reminds me, eventually I should go back to my Windows install and play more SC1, since it's free and I liked the singleplayer episodes I tried.

oh sorry, I meant specifically for league of legends. I'm sure NA can win world championships for other stuff though.

I would imagine so. People are funny like that. If she's in it and she's crying then I'll watch it.


I know you meant for LoL! I was wishing you luck in seeing good matches.



I didn't know almond butter was even a thing you could get.

I guess for some people that might mean that it's a very emotional movie?
oh, I hope so too but it looks like it's just the one team that will be able to pull it off though. The other teams aren't doing anywhere near as good.

They have shit like that, but they don't have simple genre's like Westerns.

Or they just like seeing Sandra Bullock crying.


Nice thighs.
You can get it for just about any type of nut. I somewhat prefer the flavor of almonds over peanuts. Just a little.
Ahh, that's too bad, that they're not all stellar teams. Or, at least they're all good, right?



they are good, they just aren't korean good.

Also, how the fuck is Burn Notice anything like Rio Lobo? What the fuck kind of weird ass algorithm do they use for determining this shit?

yea that's possible, there are a lot of people who really don't like sandra bullock.

