Why do blacks dating white girls make white boys so insecure?

Why do blacks dating white girls make white boys so insecure?

i mean we don't care when you white boys date a black girl with your tiny ass dicks.

so whats your problem

You're white. And retarded.

I see nothing wrong here, OP. Perhaps you're obsessed with getting attention through shitposting. The real question is why you and other clowns come to this site to attempt to bait people with goofy posts. Why? Just go do something that would better yourself instead of posting the same shit day in and day out. Take care. Really.

I'm asking a legit question here, boy, every faggot on this site cries when ever he sees a post of a black guy with a white girl, yet i never met any of you faggots irl to say that shit to my face

Because most people don't care. Only racist scum care.

Why do you constantly make this thread?

here comes the diversity train

I for one welcome our new black baby dominant genetic overlords

cultural enrichment?


Looks like only 1 of those his her kid

>why do white guys keep posting this retarded meme?

fake stats you probably got from brietbart and cherry picked comments means literally nothing.

I can find you a thousand comments in the next hour about white girls craving black dick.

i just don't wanna waste the effort enough because i actually have a white gf, unlike you ;)

Look at the kids. All niggered up

Because in real life no one cares, OP. Jesus, I figured, despite all your bait, you'd be able to recognize that online persona don't necessarily correlate with irl attitudes. You've bought into your own narrative, and you promote it as if it's fact when, on the contrary, most others don't recognize it and don't care about its proliferation. Fuck off. Really.

we need a reason to post nigger hate threads?

go die jew shill. white girls of any value dont fuck niggers.

I think you got rekt by science but it's alright, I wouldn't expect a nigger to be able to comprehend things on my level. I'd be interested in talking to you about farm labor though

But it's not a nigger hate thread

anything involving a sub-human degenerate is a nigger hate thread

another fake news. alt right king of fake new

It's mostly the AIDS you sickle-cell niggers see fit to spread to anyone and everyone, especially white women.

Although, i will admit that it truly is sad that nobody really wants to fuck black women unless they're mixed with another ethnicity.

Anyone who finds steel wool haired, ape faced (and titted) black women attractive either have no self respect or are mentally damaged.

look at picture... do u see white genetics in the children. nope. thats why. its about self preservation. honestly this is as sick as pedophelia.

if you were capable of reading full books not just short sentences you might discover it's fact. but your limited due to your negro affliction

of course it makes me insecure. your telling me MORE rapists, MORE murderers, MORE criminals are going to be on the streets? why would that make me feel secure in any way? your telling me my nieghbors house just fucking expoding into flames and THEN your asking me why im worried about my own?

theres literally nothing to argue about here. the blacker a neighborhood gets, the more dangerous it gets. the blacker MY neighborhood gets, the more i get worried. the blacker the white race gets, the less likely my children have of making it to 40 alive


>, I wouldn't expect a nigger to be able to comprehend things on my level.

the negro doesn't have memory recollection so please speak to them in present terms, they're not able to understand past and future tense

it that was a black dude typing that, yeah, id be impressed

Black dudes have self awarness and aren't disgusting fat neckbeards who hate on everyone cuz they are inferior.

those are whites sir

Most people on this website are cucks who like seeing niggers with white women. What the fuck is faggot OP talking about?

Nigger hairlines make my fucking eyes water almost as much as their disgusting neckrolls.

Fuck niggers.

It's not about being "insecure" you perverted cuck liberal scum.

It is about not fucking up the gene pool you degenerate fucking loser.

Maybe it's not to downgrade whites but upgrade blacks?

Cute jew.

>most people
Yeah, no. It's a small subsection of cucks who shit up the place with their nigger cuck fantasies.

>don't fuck up my genes my super genes must continue with the white women

irl nigga you look like that whitepower guy go wipe that chicken nugget grease off your face you need your genes to die for the good of humanity faggot

if black dudes were self aware they would eliminate themselves from the gene pool knowing how fast the entire planets quality of life would increase. to put this in perspective, 12 percent of the population, blacks, cause 52 percent of all murders. so if just 5% of the population, or half of the blacks killed themselves RIGHT now, the murder rate would drop 25%.

this would be a higher drop in homocides then 1970 to 2006. 46 years of progress in just a single day

By asking the question, however, I am here, readeth, let him a young man, the burden of all the space and sees the cries of their tender, after the Friends and black is always a white, and a girl, a man came up to meet with pine logs, but I was never one of my irl to say, the face of the dunghill;

oops, 36, thought that was 2016. oh well, not like anyone blacks gonna notice a mistake in basic maths unless a white guy points it out

this is asboulty fake. white propgonda with no source except alt right news like fox.

ask what is most likely a violent criminal a question that would incite him to possibly kill you, what do you think i am, bla-er, stupid?

Ugh. I can smell her from here. Disgusting.

citation nee-oh, right, actually backing up your data with numbers, how racist of me

illiterate nigger is illiterate

Has anyone really been far is also well suited to use Want to do more?

Nie. For this reason I am able to smell it of him. Ugly.

Try banging it, flexing of thy bosom, says that, in the presence of jackoff do not fucking at work in me, in him, all the time

if white chicks wanna fuck animals its their problem, not mine

Nah man, fat people are disgusting, so is fast food that you eat you degenerate liberal cuck.

raise themselves from the gene pool, for he knew that the whole of the velocity of Dudes black through the planets to grow to know the living environment. that this may be the perspective within which, 12 percent of the population, blacks, 52 percent of all the cause of, and murders. If just 5% of the population now comprise either through the blinds kill 25% death rate does not drop.

This is higher than the drop to a 1970 murder and 2006. 46 years of progress just in a cycle.

Niggers polluting our once beautiful gene pool

too much effort and work for a black guy to do. what race are you betraying

Who, together with a cord of blue from the hair?
This is why the weather is cloudy?
No one is listening?
Look at what is in the cast by turning.
The same old chat!

interesting way to try to change the subject. sorry, not gonna bite. if you dont have an actual argument, im assuming youve conceded/given up

Which had led the ribbon in the hair?
It shall therefore be not all to the winds, should they want?
Who does not listen to it?
Look at the shadows.
The same old monkey!

Why you mad? The blacks are destroying their people. Every year the blacks will get more and more light skinned. Suddenly blacks will be a thing of the past. Wether it's Asians, whites, Latinas. The child comes out lighter every time. After your generation is gone all will be left is super light "blacks" after that it won't take but 60 years and suddenly the blacks will.ve tribe Africans.

Bye nigger.


what race are you betraying? does your race know your best argument isnt one?


Who took the ribbons from my hair?
Why is everything so cloudy in here?
Is nobody listening?
Look at what's in the shadows.
The same old monkeys!

No one wants to date a black girl, we just want to fuck them you stupid nigger.

I could care less who you date, impregnate, and leave alone caring for your kid.

I want to live with it

The very last a very long time

I know about the 2 hour sessions that I enjoy thoughly

Bugger often badly need a soft, about 45 minutes to harden into other food LAP-minute 45+

Try holding your breath is a nut with an egg to be more and more one strives to

Since ye seek a proof of into a blessing, because he had great

The voice alone is not enough time for an extended period of sessions of complaints

No one wants given black girl, we want to be just a silly boy are they Nigg.

I could not not care about it, much less that date, which have been dyed is to say, they care about, and ye may leave alone, because they preferred to keep a young kid.


kiss the nation? Not knowing is not the best reason?

what race are you betraying? does your race know your best argument isnt one?

Of course you don't care that we take your women and we care if you take ours.

Mixing with blacks will give the kids significantly lower IQ, so when you take our women it's a problem for us and when we take your women we're shooting ourselves in the foot.

All I even do is really go anyone who wants, it's big, and say someone else looks even more not far too, then, after,
well with chin delievery poop fingers are better than you and if you punch that boy they never talk about it
but tell your sister later and go to sleep on it then you'll see for yourself. Your feelings aren't like salt and pepper.

>what race are you betraying? does your race know your best argument isnt one?

The course can marry care if we want to.

When kids are significantly less mixing blacks make IQ with women it's a problem for us as we will take women when they're shooting the foot.

And all I really was not what he wants, that's great, do not tell someone else looks even more too much later, after,
the chin with the fingers of Jason, delievery option to go for the better, if that boy really have iron in them, they do not talk about that
and tell asleep, and later on it and your sister you'll see for yourself. It is not like you mind the salt and pepper.

How do you know we are sitting right here talking?
In fact, if the issue of asylum in the delight of the spectators, a kind of gentle than I?
But here you are in a panic because they mean that some departed from your potty training behavior significant remnant of his inheritance?
So what he sees as rude, and placed yourself off the electricity bits of your slice and mental effort to understand themselves through a "remedy, you mad!
What will happen?
Inexplicable reason to fail would suffer.
How do you know that there are not that we are already doing?

>Don't and say you did then talk about it after other guy does that it was your practical stock management that he coat tailed off of. Opinions be damned.

what are you, some weak sauce version of the bot from /vg/s guild wars thread?

>what race are you betraying? does your race know your best argument isnt one?

and everyone in this thread is perpetuating the bullshit by commenting

reminder that a white woman can never ever looks this good. not with those big lips, big thighs, and clear skin

because niggers are retarded so you are ruining white's bloodline

No, but they can have proper grammar.


>Questionable and unsourced stats from 2005.
I'm shaking in my boots


Everyone knows when looking for a hole to stick your penis in, you check their grammar first. Thank you for clarifying this!

unless youre a d1/professional athlete id be whilling to bet your white gf is beat af


>implying that anyone want to date a black chick

good one OP

Oh boy have a look at this premium bait!

bro look at the goddess black girls posted in this thread.

you'd literally drag your asss balls first through a pile of glass, just to smell their black goddess shitholes

>first two children are full nigger
>youngest seems to be a half-breed with the race traitor
>5 years from now she's single or dead

i never used to find black women attractive, i'm starting to change my mind

Black women are the most disgusting creatures on the planet. NO ONE wants them -- even Jay-Z cheated to get away from Beyonce's stinky ape cunt, that's why. Notice there are no black women ever in commercials -- US law won't allow it.

yeah because ass-less, spoiled rotten, white bitches are superior right?

I know that gay blowjob



It's not that we have small dicks it's just that in white culture, fucking niggers is on par with fucking animals. It's immoral, humanly backwards behavior. Some white chicks are damaged mentally, back in the day race traitors got what they deserved.

You got it all wrong, it's just that black guys will fuck white girls, but no white guy is going to openly give himself aids by fucking one of those jungle whores

Fucking bullshit. Black girls get a hard time from the brothers and sisters when they date white guys. Go fuck yourself you lying sack of shit.


you know shit about art

if they care they were insecure to begin with, normal people don't really give a shit.