This attack on US soil should never be forgetten. 10/01/2017. Never forget

This attack on US soil should never be forgetten. 10/01/2017. Never forget.

Its time to ban all white people and deport them asap until we can figure out what the hell is going on. They're terrorists, and a threat to American freedom.

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Found the nigger

White people are dimensional demons that have been put on this earth to manipulate and squeeze the evil energy out of us they're nothing but demonic aliens.

>10 + 1 = 11
>10 - 1 = 9

9/11 confirmed

??? he was ISIS you idiot

We're just tired of seeing our country go to shit with PC censorship destroying media and negatively effecting the way we obtain information, baby cannon welfare queens getting handouts, niggers acting entitled playing the victim card as they ransack a city and loot from honest business owners just trying to make a living. Some people lash out because it's the only thing they can do.

It's not right, but they feel it's the only way. It's their last act of vengeance against the thing that has wronged them, before they take their own life because of it.


lol fuck you man

proof that the it was a government operation and steven never killed himself

bitch from dr phil show was there
false flag confirmed

True that. These honkeys need to get deported assp

How amazing would it be if there were only white people. I have a dream.

We can't we're honestly chained all though we're free those pale devils crawled their nails too deep in anything and are holding tight but whatever is up there will make them pay and it'll be worst than in any ways they could be made to pay on this planet which is nothing but a moment.

Oooooohhhh, now you know how it feels to call the poor Muslims terrorists huh? Fucking whitey

He was a muslim convert though

Just give it 30 more years or so... The whites will no longer be the majority. Times are changing. Interracial dating is already at an all time high.



I agree. Please deport me to any other first world country, I'd be happy to leave this shithole

No he wasn't. People really fall for fake news this easily?

Terrorism implies an organized group committing crimes for political or religious reasons. An old man loaded on brain-altering anti-depressants and acting independently is just a murderer, Ahmed ;^)

If you never forget all the people getting blown up, blasted away and generally all round fucked in the arse in Amerifat, land of the burgah, you wouldn't be able to remember anything else

Keep telling yourself that lmao

Oh believe me bro those crackers will never ever dissapear like that and if something that's fucking bad cause they're trying to ruin the routes of the first people on here which are us the real africans will dissapear slowly if something most white devils would never ever give up on their demonic blood and breed and the ones that do aren't the problem crackers have it all figured out but it's alright cause the demons know themselves that they're going to pay in ways more major than anything this nothingness that they created for themselves to be.


Actually terrorism quite literally implies an act that causes terror

>another terrorist act by the fucking whites



Truer words have never been spoken my nigga. Time will tell.

Fucking love that a bunch ran up behind it just to get run over.


All I had to do was google the word terrorism to PROVE you are wrong. How fucking stupid at you for not being able to do so before replying to user?

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the fight against terrorism""

Do you actually believe that?

If so, what do you base your belief on? Source?



Love you my brother it's funny cause believe me I'v tried getting along with those demons before but nothing seems to work it's just impossible to bound with those fucking devils it's like I have this feeling inside that's telling me that it's not natural I just always have this weird alien vibe around them I swear to God bro those fucking people aren't human they're fucking demonic, and we can all tell that they're all closeted racist but most of us act like it's not so.

How do you know he didnt have a political aim? Prove it, and provide source pls.

Pretty sure it is unlawful to let loose livestock in the streets.


My mom's a nurse!


Your mom's a whore.

Hell yes! Free trip to Norway! Cya round faggots

lol. kill yourself, liberal.

Missing the point. "Terrorism literally means to cause terror"


You aren't very smart on just about any level.

i guarantee he just wanted the high score

That's not how it works.
You have to prove it was terrorism, as you can't "prove" a negative, nigger
With sources

>American ''freedom''

pic made me giggle

No, the chap quoted the dictionary , and legal definition of terror.

He said it cant be, because there was no political aim.

I am saying that he cant say that, as he dosent know at this point if there was a political aim.

>Do keep up.

Evil big demon cracker daddy feeding baby demon cracker how cute

you dont have any proof kid


And who said niggers aren't racist?

What you mean "freedom" nigger? Why the quotation marks?

This is the most free country in the world. You can curse the president and you wouldn't get beheaded or hanged in public like 95% of other countries.

Guns are legal, fag mairrage is legal, etc. Def free.


Not him but sdfu cracker... I've had enough of you fucks... You need to be deported asap

Why all of them have that one thing in common... Crazy eyes? It's surprising what just a person's eyes can say about them.

Lets see, one is an inherent right, the other is a ban on immigrants that is at the whim of the President of the United States.
Carter did it, Clinton did it, Obama did it, and now you're buthurt because Trump chose to do the same?

Come deport me then, nigger.

500 12th Street, SW Stop 5600.
Washington, D.C. 20536-5600

Nice try cracker... I wouldve really bought a plane ticket so I would stick my foot up your ass and deport you back to Europe

Oh and another thing it's not like your kind will prosper after we're gone.
All you ooga boogas know how to do is fuck shit up.
Empire Of Dust is proof enough of that, nigger

>How do you know he didnt have a political aim?
The point of terrorism as a political move is that people fucking know about it you moron, he'd have at the very least had documents around his abode detailing his beliefs if he had any strong feelings politically

Okay, I'll bite. All whites deported back to Europe. niggers are now 100% ruled by spics.

Does your life improve? I grew up in Miami, I know spics hate niggers far worse than whites and are completely free of 'white guilt'.

are you that guy who posts black dudes humping white woman?

You seem upset negroid. Typical from your subspecies.
Like you can afford a plane ticket, you can't loot it like your Jordans.

STFU, go away, you're a girl

>one is an inherent right
What is the right to expression of religion hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Owning a gun is not an inherent right you fuckbackwards dicklocker, certainly not more so than being allowed to think certain things

>fag mairrage is legal
Should I congratulate to you and your husband, then?

Rt. 91 on 10-01=9-11-01

low quality bait right here...

>Owning a gun is not an inherent right
The 2nd Admendment and the Supreme Court disagree, ad hominem friend.
As far as religious beliefs, yes you are free to practice whatever religion ONCE YOU ARE A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY!
Freeloading immigrants and rapefugees are not citizens, nor do they have the right to be allowed into the country.
Thanks, come again, nigger

I saw this posted the other day and suggested US niggers should go back to Africa because they would be some of the smartest people on the continent there and they would. Maybe even get some shit fixed up.

A South African nigger quoted me and said they hate our niggers too and to go fuck myself...

But OP...

>The 2nd Admendment
That is not what inherent means. Back to school you go, but this time try it in a country that actually has an education system that works

>an inherent right
it was an AMENDMENT to the constitution. Just like the 18th amendment that started prohibition and then the 21st amendment that repealed the 18th amendment.

a·mend·ment - minor change in a document.

a change or addition to a legal or statutory document.
"an amendment to existing bail laws"
an article added to the US Constitution.
noun: Amendment; plural noun: Amendments
"the First Amendment"


Are white males the most aggresive/psyco of all races? they seems to be perfectly fine and from one day to another they shoot a school, furthermore white supremacists are the same idiots who made the most horroriphic massacre of all times due to wrong pathetic beliefs, they seem not to stop, and lastly they demand they are the superior race? please you whites must be the ones deported, massacred, discriminated, why didn't I borned on year 2100 whites are going to be non-existent by then

>Racism is tearing our country apart.
>spews racism.

America, not even once.

You gents are correct, they are inalienable rights.
Wish you fags would stick up for my rights as much as you do the foreign hordes.

As far as the immigration ban goes though

>The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty … inherent in the executive power,” the Supreme Court said in 1950. And lest there be doubt, Congress adopted a provision in 1952 saying the president “may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens and any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants” whenever he thinks it “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”


>spics hate niggers far worse than whites and are completely free of 'white guilt'.

Shitskin spotted.

>foreign hordes.
so I guess you must be a native american

Yes but not one of those faggots that came over the Bering Land bridge and couldn't erect a nation.
A true Native American




Leaked video from Las Vegas shooting

No, he's got legal citizenship. He's allowed to stay and shoot people.

>a people who were just here and fighting amongst each others "nations/tribes" as opposed to those who built a country.
You're right, those reds were totally here first so that matters more.
They were as much Americans as any other conquered people, in that we didn't completely slaughter them and allowed them to integrate into our society.



Don't you mean inter-dimensional?

Murder is illegal already, cuck.
Should we make it double illegal, maybe that'll stop them.






christ, let's just get this over with already.
