What do you think the afterlife is like?

What do you think the afterlife is like?

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hope there is internet

If there is an afterlife I'm destroying God

If there are no genes in the higher world (I mean there's no need to assume there are) then there are probably no minorities but only white people.

Oblivion. Void. Absolute true nothing.
Exactly the way it was before ones birth. Death.

then why do you exist now?

I have been asking the same question and no one seems to have an answer that isn't subjective, emotional, or otherwise not logical. So i will be killing myself very soon. There is no reason to exist at all. Its a joke.

I exist because my parents fucked. Its as simple as that i think. Nothing more.

>i will be killing myself very soon
Get in line
>There is no reason to exist at all
Maybe existence doesn't mean anything to you while your neighbor gets out of bed in the morning because of his car. Like it's up to us to give all of this meaning. I agree that life appears pointless tho.
I don't know, life kind of seems engineered.

Probably will get a chance to either go to "heaven" type of place or maybe transfer into another world hopefully a fantasy type of world.

Like i said all of it is subjective life only has meaning that you give to it. Its an illusion so that you fuck and have kids. Life only has one purpose and that is to multiple and survive drivin by biological, and chemical dont delude yourself.

Guess you're a fan of KonoSuba

>blueballed by Megumin for eternity

there is no after or before, we are just changing our forms.

Hopefully better than this.

Eternal Dreamless Fucking Sleep

I hope it's just a big black void wherein I get to watch shitposts fly by, and nothing else.

> What do you think the afterlife is like?
Well, I'd say that it's usually very cold for some time, then either cold and wormy, or very hot for some time, and then, ashy, maybe.

Not that you'd feel any of that, mind you. You'd be dead, so, well, merely carrion to get rid of.

We'll find out soon.

You're in it friend.

there is no evidence of an afterlife

>life kind of seems engineered.
This is the most dumbass thing I ever read.

Ofcourse its fucking engineered, what the fuck do you think evolution is? The entire point of life is toself-engineer at a genetic level to reach optimal performance for its role. Million times out of a Million, given the same conditions in the same environment, things will evolve in the same way.

How does that work? First self-explode to self-create the universe?

Like before I was born. Endless nothing. Gone.

a lot of inspired religious writings point towards an afterlife

Remember what it was like the millions of years before you were born?

Its just like that

Why am I supposed to believe that I only exist this short af moment end never otherwise?

without any actual evidence

tried mind altering substances?

>the most dumbass thing I ever read.

Was what you just wrote.

this is in Vienna isnt it?

There isn't one, you dumb fairytale fuck.

Yeah because you know.

Oh like you do.

I dunno user I'm only 18 and wanna kms as well

ITT: Anons discuss pointless theories on a un-provable topic.

You need to open your mind a little. Being a jerk off doesn't accomplish anything metaphysical. It's full moon, so why not meditate and maybe the goddess/whatever will talk back?

Why do you want to die?


I think you likely get buried in the ground or cremated and the world keeps spinning.

There is no good reason to think that anything you would meaningfully identify as "you" continues after death.

It is what the evidence suggests.
>open your mind
You realize that not agreeing with you and not just accepting whatever someone throws out there doesn't make someone close minded, right?

Ever heard about Pam Reynolds's NDE? It's interesting how she was practically brain dead during her experience. youtube.com/watch?v=YO8UVebuA0g

I've heard about all kinds of NDEs. Have you heard that when proper controls are observed, there has never been a case of hidden information being correctly reported by the subject? Are you aware that the brain can generate false memories to fill in gaps of memory?

>You realize that not agreeing with you and not just accepting whatever someone throws out there doesn't make someone close minded, right?
Well things like psychedelics and mysticism can open the mind to greater reality is what I meant.

>close minded

having a mind firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments:
It's hard to argue with, much less convince, a closed-minded person.

Things like psychedelics alter your brain chemistry. If you allow that to deceive you, then that's your problem.

I've never been impressed by mysticism. Lots of buzz words and claims of hidden knowledge without anything of substance to back it up.

Exactly. Someone who looks at your new idea and arguments and then rejects them because they are unsound is not close minded. They are being properly skeptical.

Eh... If we could just literally prove near-death experiences to the masses then the said masses could no longer enjoy the ignorance they've been blessed with. So therefore what if the-powers-that-be don't disclose this shit on purpose?

>If we could just literally prove near-death experiences to the masses then the said masses could no longer enjoy the ignorance they've been blessed with
It's not like the majority of the population is religious and already believes in an afterlife or anything.
> So therefore what if the-powers-that-be don't disclose this shit on purpose?
That's conspiracy logic. You need actual evidence of a cover up for me to take that idea seriously.

Take DMT and get a glimpse of what afterlife is like.

>hallucinate and believe that hallucination reflects reality

>It's not like the majority of the population is religious and already believes in an afterlife or anything.
There's believing and then there's knowing.
>That's conspiracy logic. You need actual evidence of a cover up for me to take that idea seriously.
By TPTB I meant the hypothetical guys behind the equally hypothetical matrix and not the NWO or whatever other worldly people that conspiracy theorists believe to be in power.

>There's believing and then there's knowing.
We don't wait to know before taking actions.
>By TPTB I meant the hypothetical guys behind the equally hypothetical matrix and not the NWO or whatever other worldly people that conspiracy theorists believe to be in power.
Okey-dokey. My response doesn't change. You need actual evidence of a cover up for me to take that idea seriously.

>Going after second best girl.
Not a bad choice Sup Forumsro. Though if you'd like to use my breeding so, Darkness, from time to time let me know.

Evidence schmevidence. Millions of people experience NDEs yet none of them can prove their subjective experience. Clearly they are not either meant to prove that they were conscious while clinically dead - which would mean that there is a cover-up in place - or every single one of them lies.

>Evidence schmevidence
ayy lmao
>Millions of people experience NDEs yet none of them can prove their subjective experience
Yet we can prove things about how the brain operates.
>Clearly they are not either meant to prove that they were conscious while clinically dead - which would mean that there is a cover-up in place - or every single one of them lies.
That isn't sound reasoning. You can be honestly mistaken. You can really believe that something is true and still be wrong.

No love for Aqua?

Cold bro

>Yet we can prove things about how the brain operates.
Actually, Pam Reynolds case for one defies science in that respect. near-death.com/science/evidence/people-have-ndes-while-brain-dead.html

Her screaming and uselessness threw me off. I'd still fuck her but she's not top tier. Just a slave for horses.

There most most most likely is none, but if there would be, lets take god hostage and ask him some questions

>Pam Reynolds case for one defies science in that respect
How so? We know that the brain can fabricate memories of an event after the fact, using information that can be unknowingly supplied by others (e.g. the surgeons, the family, etc.). That is why the controlled experiments are important to prevent that sort of information leakage.

That line of reasoning involves as little brain activity as her experience apparently did. I mean, are you telling me that you can just replay a bunch of false memories to your surgeon and get your false memory on Wikipedia as one of the most convincing cases for survival of consciousness? I'd like to see you try.


>That line of reasoning involves as little brain activity as her experience apparently did
Right... it's not like it uses verified phenomena or anything, things that we know happen.
> I mean, are you telling me that you can just replay a bunch of false memories to your surgeon and get your false memory on Wikipedia as one of the most convincing cases for survival of consciousness?
That seems to be what has happened for someone. Of the accounts relayed, some of them would have to be the most convincing by necessity.
>I'd like to see you try.
Well unless something unfortunate happens, you won't get your wish.

Its like before you were born, nothing.

Ibhave several times, drugs are not proof of anything, they're drugs. That's your mind at again, whike its freaking out, again, its a drug

life after sex?

Be that as it may, when it comes to the existence of an afterlife I don't think it matters much whether NDEs are legit or not. Philosophically speaking there probably is something after this or otherwise we only exist a fraction of a fraction of time in eternity and that it'd be super unlikely for that brief moment to be this one. Besides can you sincerely claim that you have never experienced anything convincingly spiritual?

>Philosophically speaking there probably is something after this
In a sense there is, as the world keeps turning and your body is recycled into other things.
>otherwise we only exist a fraction of a fraction of time in eternity
> that it'd be super unlikely for that brief moment to be this one
Pretty much everything that occurs is super unlikely given a long enough time frame, that doesn't mean that they don't happen. The odds of any given bridge hand are all equally low, yet you get one of them every time you play.
>Besides can you sincerely claim that you have never experienced anything convincingly spiritual?
Define spiritual first.

>Define spiritual first.
Like, anything from meaningful dreams to paranormal happenings.

There is no tangible evidence for an afterlife - so logically it doesn't exist.

ITT: retards thinking their life has significance and isn't just incompetence wrapped up in flesh.

No, I have never had a dream or happening that caused me to be convinced that something paranormal was occurring.

Would you like something unexplained to happen to you?

There's a difference between unexplained and can't be explained.

Yes I meant inexplicable/paranormal i.e. unexplainable but can't type for the life of me today.

But whether you got me or not I meant shit like magic.

Okay. Then the answer is: in theory yes, in practice no. A truly unexplainable occurrence would be interesting, but I don't see how you could possibly determine that an experience was unexplainable rather than simply unexplained. As a result, in practice all you are doing is setting yourself up for self-deception.

A good example of what I mean. Magicians fool people all the time, even after announcing that they intend to fool you.

Easy one to try is to write a question and then put the question-paper under your pillow and in the morning write down your dreams. I know it's not much, but at least you will begin to develop a channel to the unconscious. You can also easily sense chi by doing New Energy Ways, it really takes only a few minutes to begin feeling a new kind of sensation with that system. There's other things one could try like actual magick, but be warned though, the supernatural gets overpowering rather quickly if you show too much interest

Indra is there


here's a pic of what the afterlife is like!

>I know it's not much, but at least you will begin to develop a channel to the unconscious.
It's so little in fact that it's explainable.
>You can also easily sense chi by doing New Energy Ways
Sounds like pseudoscience to me.
> it really takes only a few minutes to begin feeling a new kind of sensation with that system
Like I said, self-deception.
>There's other things one could try like actual magick
Actual magick has never been demonstrated under controlled conditions.

he really does look like pedosta

do it

>It's so little in fact that it's explainable.
So explain prophetic dreams that come true (very common).
>Sounds like pseudoscience to me.
Still, why not give NEW a go when you are beyond bored, what have you got to lose?
>Actual magick has never been demonstrated under controlled conditions.
Who knows the veil prevents it.

>So explain prophetic dreams that come true (very common).
You have many dreams every night. Some of them, especially for common situations, are bound to come true. There's also that whole problem of memory that we talked about earlier. Your memory of the particulars of a dream can change once you experience what you think you predicted.
>what have you got to lose?
My reason. I'm also not going to willingly walk into a cult compound and let them try to brainwash me. I understand that I can be deceived.
>Who knows the veil prevents it.
If that is the case, then "the veil" means I can never believe you.

>If that is the case, then "the veil" means I can never believe you.
You could believe me if you allowed yourself to experience the unseen instead of being afraid of self-deception. Chi stuff isn't brainwashing but simply about tuning into your subtle body. That aforementioned system comes with some interesting tools such as the awareness hands, that are useful when further stimulating the energy body. It's entry level stuff and useful to beginners.

>You could believe me if you allowed yourself to experience the unseen instead of being afraid of self-deception.
So I could believe you if I was willing to deceive myself? No thanks. I value truth.
>Chi stuff isn't brainwashing but simply about tuning into your subtle body.
Cults aren't about brainwashing but simply about finding a new life.

All skeptics are like you in that you're never personally willing to practice spirituality in order to produce your own subjective experiences. If you skeptics would do so you'd better understand why the anecdotal experiences of more sensitive people are valuable evidence to these same people.

>All skeptics are like you in that you're never personally willing to practice spirituality in order to produce your own subjective experiences
For the very good reasons I already mentioned.
>If you skeptics would do so you'd better understand why the anecdotal experiences of more sensitive people are valuable evidence to these same people.
If you were a skeptic, you'd understand why anecdotal experience is some of the weakest evidence that there is, no matter how profound it may seem to the individual who experienced it.

I understand that personal experience can be a powerful thing, but I also understand just how unreliable it is, which is why I'm not going to put myself in a situation to be fooled.

where's the pic

>For the very good reasons I already mentioned.
I think the real reason is that they are afraid of the supernatural like most people.

You can think that if you like, but it doesn't make it true. I know that the real reason is because I want to believe what is true and not believe what is not true.

how the fuck do you know if it's true if you haven't tried it?

Because it has not been demonstrated to be true. Like I said, personal experience means little.

>What do you think the afterlife is like?

Like waiting at the DMV... forever...

I hope I reincarnate into big girl dick monster with dick hands and a dick head and dick feet also dick on my dicks with dicks on them