Would you date a singlemother?

Would you date a singlemother?

Not with a nigglet



Dubs of truth.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

As long as she has personal goals and knows she has priorities that sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Dubs of stroke.


wow, shes hot. shame about the ugly little nigglet. what a waste.

ludivine tier

or camille tier?

What happens in Ghent stays in Ghent

You know the photo is legit by that Foot Locker bag, fucking niggers.

If you want a shitty, sexless life of hell then by all means. Single mothers are not even attracted to you, they're in full blown survival mode to find a beta provider for their offspring. They'll date a rapist or even convert religions out of desperation. As a person you'll always be dead last on her importance list, her fucking dog will have more value than you.
As soon as she has a provider, guaranteed she'll regularly sneak to the original daddy for sex (unless he's dead)

Seen too many lives destroyed by these cunts.

Depends. I'd chuck the baby in the river when she's not looking

Oh man this is so true.

My cousin got with a single mother about 10 months ago and she literally controls his life.
Blue balls him ALL the time, constantly flirting & texting other guy "friends" and my cousin is too much of a lil bitch to say anything about it.

I can guarantee she's getting cock whilst he's working and paying for her and her daughter

Ive fared well for a decade with mine. Best person I've ever met. Used for thier body when all they wanted was love.

Not with some nigger's baby. Take responsibility for some nigger's kid while he laughs it up with his homies? Fuck that.

As everything in life, depends on the woman. And on the child in that case.
I would be weary if the child is already past puberty but again it would depend on the child.
Otherwise, just get to know her and see what's what.
But make sure you are not just "a beta provider" and get nothing out of it.

Have been with a single mom for 5+ years and everything is great, including the sex life. The kid was a huge challenge though, I am talking years of work to get it right in the head. But it is coming around too and things are looking up.

So the previous racist posts are obviously incel bullshit but you probably knew that since this is /b

Not even for that woman. If the kid wasn't a niglet then maybe.

I would date a double and even a triple mother.

God tied response.


Same here. Even if multiples.

What a waste. That girl comes from a good family and had potential in life. Now that's ruined so some nigger could get his rocks off. Fucking shame more white fathers aren't protecting their daughters from this shit.

I prefer to date them about 9 months before they become single mothers.

I would never raise another mans child. Even if you dont agree with this, why would you date a single mother? There are plenty of non single mothers out there to be with. If you have a choice between fresh and spoiled food, why eat the spoiled food?

You will always be second priority to the woman's child. You will never be a true father in the eyes of the child.

is the kid white though?

The question still stands. Would you get with a mom and lil niglet?

What the fuck? Some people are awake to the reality that black dudes spend all their effort at finding the next hole to put thier dick into. Fuck you.


I want to say of course I would... but in my heart I want a woman to give me her first born and I wanna be the husband and father... I'm in my mid 20's so still plenty of sluts out there who have dodged that creampie

lol I pass there everday

I'd date any reasonable looking girl that would have me \:

Same who the fuck are you.

I would. But id only fuck orfices where no child has passed through.

Id hrow her off the bridge and beat that monkey to death on the bidge, smash it by its legs on to the bridge.

Her fake-ass grin makes me want to slap her and toss her niglet in the river.

Actually can't beleive this whore is the mother. Goddsmn gross.