Life hack thread

Life hack thread


is this real? ill get the ingredients right now!

i do need some crystal meth... might be worth it...

what's the catch here? whats the joke

spotted the newfag

Google "ammonia and bleach"

i think its how to make mustard gas or something like it.

that looks sick. My gf will love it

I tried it a few days ago. It blew my mind.

Mustard gas

Fuck off newfag.

"how to die" by OP.

I think you're b8ing me m8. But in the slim chance that you're serious, do NOT do it.

this is actually really good.
i added more bleach and ammonia and noticed that it starts to smell somehow like cinnamon. took me a couple of sniffs to notice it though

Don't do this! It createsetaerc tI !siht od t'noD

Show us how to do it in a video bitch

what is this? 2006 ?

it makes chlorine gas, which will kill you.

Kek, ammonia + bleach a classic.


timestamp video then, fag!



>spotted the newfag
I come and go.
Couldn't find the exact name for it but it'll literally kill you. Who the fuck made that fucking video

mom's forgotten son in the basement.