Have you apologized for being white today?

Have you apologized for being white today?

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thats some noice bait nigger faggot.

Fuck you nigger


No, I'm not white, nor Black, nor American.

im so so sorry for all the bad things we have done :(

we are a race of evil people, and we have destroyed the world time and time again..
i will dedicate my life, and my childrens life to repay the debt.

i would love to who and why these same cuck/white guilt/bbc love/trap/sissy posts get posted every fucking day

This is the most powerful image i've ever seen

There is hope for the future

Do you feel victimized OP?


Me, my son and my 2 daughters are terribly sorry for what we've done :(

as a black guy who's ancestors were slaves I want you to know thats most of the slavery stuff is greatly exaggerated and bullshit in general.

Many people "choose" to be slaves because it included a ton of benefits. Yes it was hard work but they were treated nicely so they could work harder.
Treating your slaves that you bought with your own moeny like shit was liteally just throwing away money, and they cost a lot.

Many of them even willingly stayed slaves and I know that my great great grandmother had her own fucking house even as a slave and plenty of freedom as long as she did her job

Not only that but msot of the "slaves" that white people brought from africa were sold by african kings and other high class members and usually those sold were either criminals, rebels, or they plainly would be worth more when sold than kept.

Its all a gigantic market and scam and it saddens me that true history is barely left. Like on the island I grew up they made a slave history musuem for tourists and 90% of what they tell people is completely false and basically shock porn.

Besides, you arent responsible for what your ancestors did anyway


This is liberalism


|Nigger detected|


The level of cuckery it would take to ruin your entire family's reputation and your kids future for a fetish.. Fuckin kek

We have to do it daily now?

sssh, dont speak common sense here

Why the fuck do you do this to your family?

Literally what the fuck is wrong with you

>Have you apologized for being white today?

Fuck off and die, nigger. The only people I dislike more than niggers are Jews.

Mass slaughter. No more niggers, no more Jews. Society would be greatly improved.

What do you mean?


Whoa god damn that's edgy.

>no more jews

sorry man, one more jew baby incoming in the next two weeks, i'll make her super extra jewy for you, and teach her how to manage my rental property business.

I assure you, he's russian, not black. But then you probably are too, right?

if i found out a local school did this shit i would burn it to the ground

I let my black bf fuck my ass everyday.

why else would anyone let niggers into the country

No you wouldn't.

Such a strong painting on the wall, showing the history we've stolen from black people just because they're black.. we're so disgusting.

why should i apologice for ausschwitz?
it wasnt my fault

Did you even do ANYTHING to stop ausschwitz from happening? How many jews did you hide in your basement user? 0. Thats what I thought you fucking anti semetic piece of crap

How did they catch 'gros in Afrikkka anyway? They're so greasy af.

i shoot the guys who tried to run away even after 1945

What the fuck..


Child abuse

There were no "Nazi Death Camps", Schlomo. Total fiction. Lies.

>Have you apologized for being black today?
> Have you thanks a white person today for your welfare?

She's copping a feel

I'd disown a family member if they did this cuck tier shit.

Buts I hasnts robbed noones todayses

We wuz kungs

kek, there is nothing whiter than wearing a shirt saying "so sorry" for being white, I feel bad for the black dudes wondering what the fuck those cracker cunts are doing

If you're sorry then treat us like humans, don't slobber on our dicks and say it's as an apology, atleast just admit it's because you're gay for black dick

this one accident is a single shoot it wont happen again i swear! he dosnt speak for "all" whites

Have you paid your debts for back wages with interest? LOOOOL BTFO!

Usually I'm pretty anti-PC but I can't deny how powerful that image is, I feel a lot of remorse when I look at it

ok superstar

I wouldn't apologize for being white if you had a loaded gun to my fucking head. I'll die with the honor I hold for my ancestors and what they fought for.

Я гopжycь цвeтoм cвoeй кoжи! Я нe coбиpaюcь извинятьcя!!! Я гopжycь тeм, чтo я PУCCКИЙ!


They fought for elites like mindless, obedient, pawns

Did Africans apologize for selling their own kind to the white people?

Id choose death over apologizing for something that i didn't do so come and get me.

this trash is from "The Lifeline Expedition" for those of you wondering.

>they fought for elites
No, they fought for their land and their honor. To defend what was theirs and to overcome their enemies and trespassers. I'm mostly polish, and if you have done any research (which you haven't) on European affairs, you'll know that Poland and fought hard and been beaten near death, but still has remained because the people have not given up. Even to this day polish fight for their homeland.

The common negro can't say his ancestors fought for anything except mud to build their huts. They have no concept of honor because the negro race has never done anything truly honorable.

They did. All 10 of them.

Dream on....

We fucking don't.

We've built the greatest empires in history: the Roman, and the USA.

White people are fucking awesome, and we literally are the greatest race. Black people can get fucked and go move back into their straw houses.

Dubs spoke

Why would a pole apologize for slavery? Low IQ detected.

These pictures would be more realistic if niggers were in those harnesses.

>born in 99'

You locked your family in chains with you to apologise for something your white ancestors did. Which might not even be connected to your blood line, it's just so fucking retarded to look at. Even if slavery was in your ancestory that doesn't mean that your actions are connected to it in any way, and has literally no connections to your children.

So why are you making them wear chains with you, you PC cuckfag

They wouldn't.

Just like how I never will. When I die my ancestors who fought for their pride and honor, their land, and their people, will greet me into whatever heaven awaits.

There is no heaven. Kill yourself.

Yes, "we".

i.e. white people

you fucking dumb nigger

Your lack of faith will seal your fate in the fiery depths of hell.

You're even more retarded than I thought

I’ll apologize for being white when all you niggers pay for a boat ticket. #you still owe us from saving you from mass rape and living in huts with no water. #if you hate the white man just leave them you dirty niggers. Oh wait. Y’all livin off of food stamps. Fucking apes

I'm surprised a brainlet like you was able to form a single thought. Producing threads like these definitely sets the bar very low.

Getting off welfare would be your only contribution.

Yeah. Let me know when you manage to actually prove fictional places exist.

When you do we can talk like you aren't a batshit crazy loon who was indoctrinated into absolute garbage at such a young age that your undeveloped mind couldn't process the fact that.....

There is no floating sky wizard that gives a single fuck about you.

In other news, niggers should kill themselves so that we can evolve more quickly as a species.

I never said there was a God, I said a heaven. Heaven is whatever you wish to happen to you in the afterlife, and mine is to be greeted by my ancestors.

I know you watch a lot of Rick and morty so you think it's cool to hate any religious sentiment, but don't put words in my mouth.

We are brainlets if I'm one, since you're contributing to the thread. Oy vey.

How could i possibly put a word into a mouth so overloaded with bullshit and dick.

No. Handful of reasons.

>I haven't done anything to apologize for
>I haven't wronged anyone today
>My skin color didn't attack a single person
>My mindset around skin color is neutral even on a bad day
>Displays like this disgust me

Also, why would I apologize? Apologizing because I'm a certain color seems kind of...I dunno...racist

Lol can you even Imagine just for a moment that you're a member of this family? What would be the quickest way to kill myself

so your a faggot. check.

I will never apologize for how I was born. I won the genetic lottery and showered with white privileged. The only thing that's more satisfying is oppressing women.

Holy fucking shit. I think I've seen it all now. This tops everything

I make 135k/yr., nigger. If anything, I pay for your people to live, bc niggers are welfare hogs.

Nice playground rebuttal. Hopefully by the time you reach the second grade you'll learn something better, but I won't hold my breath.

What people really don't understand is that yes, slavery was evil. It was. However, white christians have been into slavery. So has EVERY RACE on the fucking planet. Also the Middle easterns still have slaves and still treat hem 100x worse than plantation owners ever could have fuuuuucking dreamed of.
It may not effect whites currently, but it's not like Africans selling other people Africans was some nuance idea. And I do think it does effect them in modern society. I also think they are genetically disadvantaged. But I don't think we and especially the democrats are handling this the right way AT ALL.
I think BLM and Democrats are avoiding the big questions. Why is their so much poverty crime in these communities and what is the actual solution that isn't so fucking partisan?

This guy mobile.twitter.com/CJ_Mealey


> if slavery was in your ancestory
Then he likely has black ancestors as well, they were easily crossing there.

I hope all other races get eradicated off the face of this palent.

Even you admin/mod. Don't give 2 shits about your crappy inferior race.

>No, I'm not white, nor Black, nor American.

That's child abuse on so many levels holy shit.

this image is embarrassing

>40% of welfare recipients are white

>inb4 "b-but population percentage REEEEE"

Nope, Have you picked up the cotton for being black today ?

It is neat how for every single statistic white people do better than other groups, with the exception of IQ which is normally asians.

It must really fucking suck to be alive in a world full of white people which are superior to you in every single possible way.

try that shit down here in the south nigger... last time my state burned a shit load of your nigger churches was 2006.... lets have some fun shit skin!

You're a reasonable person, I like you.

You stupid nigger I must repent for the crime I didn't commit (Mostly because im not american) and be a complet beta cuck.

Yeah but you guys were talking about ruining his family's reputation. The fuck was that about? I'm not racist but I think this is way too gay to actually do. But you guys are just being awfully melodramatic about it.

Why would i apologize for the color of my skin? What wrong has my skin color done to others?