Doing homework with girl i like in library.... now what? We agree'd to meet her, but i dont know what to say...

Doing homework with girl i like in library.... now what? We agree'd to meet her, but i dont know what to say, and shes on headphones.

Give her a nice kind slap on the ass, that ought to work

so fucking beta

... Sup Forums help!

if she is allready on headphones the you better go to the toilet and start faping because there is not a chance of you getting laid

>and shes on headphones.
are you sure you're doing homework "with" her?

well, we did say we were just going to meet and do homework.... is there anything i should try doing?

Do your fucking homework, focus on women later. Your main priority should be getting a 4.0 which helps you get into a good university. Good university and good grades equals great job. Women are literally attracted to wealth and status. Increase that and you'll be fine, this can be done by having career prospects. Focus on school, not on bitches.

uh. I am already at a university.

FYI i never dated in highschool.

underaged faggot


That's even more of a reason to focus on your homework. Do your fucking homework and get at 4.0 GPA, you're literally throwing your life away if you put women before your studies and your future. The girl my jerk you off at the end of the day but where will that get you 5 years down the line?

Can i ask for sauce my dude?

You do realize that if i wasnt with a girl i would just spend that time reading manga or drawing anime babes or sleeping?
its just one of those porn magazines you get from otaku stores in japan.

Please for the love of god tell me your not taking some stupid SJW major like Gender Studies or some shit.

Because if you are then your grades won't matter because your diploma will be worthless for getting a job.

She's doing her homework so why don't you fucking do yours. If she wants to talk to you then she will, my guess is that she actually cares about her future enough to put forth the effort to get good grades. To bad you're not doing the same. You'll probably end up being one of those retards that can't finish his Bachelors and has to switch over to a trade school at the last min or join the military because you can't pay for your class anymore because you had to retake them.

business and IT

>this much projecting

>You do realize that if i wasnt with a girl i would just spend that time reading manga or drawing anime babes or sleeping?

Why did you even go to college then? Just to waste time and your own money?

ad hominem argument, do your homework.

Weird combo, but okay. At least those are marketable.

If you can't strike up a natural conversation while doing your fucking homework than cut your losses and walk out now.

Do your homework pleb.

You are all faggots and im outta here

t. OP

Nah, I see a bunch of these kinds of fucks at my college. The ones that are always talking to the military recruiters are always failures that couldn't hack it in academia. There is a good chance that OP will turn out like one of them if he doesn't focus on his grades.

Do your homework

If you're in the library and you agreed to do homework then you should probably be doing your homework.