This is my dick and balls that i rubbed all over my neighbor's ice cream...

This is my dick and balls that i rubbed all over my neighbor's ice cream. i have her apartment key and often she asks us to go to her place and see that every thing is in place of take something. The usual things between neighbors.
Have you done something like that with your neighbor?




not ur dick, not ur neighbours ice cream. fuck off

Holy kek what a legend

i would agree with you if it was any other thread. but i took these pics so i know its real.

oh well that settles it i suppose. time stamp plz

Thank you thank you ;)
what else should i do when i'm alone in her place?

next time i would go to her place i would add a note with a time stamp for you to believe !

I fapped into a co-workers rice pudding once. I watched her eat it the next day. Was diamonds

Why stop there. Rub one out into some of her food. Any yogurt or milk?

do this

Just beware of almonds if you have herpers

Same reason why I put my dick on all the silverware in the breakroom at work. So all the chicks I work with put my dick in their mouth.




how does your dick not freeze over faggot

steal panties or gtfo

does it give you pleasure in some way?

This. And name tags. I want those little whores to have to touch my ball sweat.

Sure thing! will do next time i;m at her place and add a time stamp

Do you ever go through her dirty laundry?

Eh, not really. It's just a lot easier to not get mad at them when some of them act like cunts. One thinks she's all that, up the bosses ass. It's too bad she doesn't put a lock on her locker, because my wiener has touched everything in there.

next time take her drty panties and cum in them

interesting behaviour, wondering what triggered it. How is your relationship with your mum? Do/did you have a lot of female bosses?

no my relatonshipp is im a nigger 666

Faggots like you are why all my belongings are my own and never left in public places. Enjoy impending prison time when your faggot antics are caught onto

only female bossesput your dick on the rims of all her glasses

fuck off faggot bitch lul

already walked nude all over her place and laid down naked on her bed once

Id do the same as OP. How are you sure there arent cameras ?

pic of your neighbor?

I work in a kitchen and some of the waitresses will strip down to their bras and panties in the break room regardless of whos in there. One of the cooks grinds his weed in there before he leaves. Not OP but if it was me I wouldn't be too worried about getting in trouble. Depends where you work, it might just be a funny story.

A girl I work with left her vaseline on my desk and left for lunch. I took it into the restroom and rubbed the head of my cock all over it. Then I saw her rub some on her lips. Was a good day.


I sometimes make baked good for them, cum in it and watch them eat it in front of me.

stick her toothbrush in your asshole

cum in her underwear

beware of spycams tho

nice cock, are you on the west coast by any chance?

i would love to put that in my throat

Show timestamp you uncut faggot

Would rub my precum on gf's roomates toothbrush while i visited her

doing same with her milkshake


What restaurant? Holy shit. My restaurant isn't corporate by any means of being strict, but if I saw one of my cooks grinding weed in the break room id fire them on the spot.

i'll see about that!

oh yeah? girl? how old?

It's for his turrets without his medicinal weed he'll swear like a sailor
>assuming a grill browses/b/
You poor, poor newfag

That's beta as fuck

It's legal here, and although it's not allowed at work the break room never doesn't smell like weed. No one cares. Everyone is professional on the floor but the breakroom is where the magic happens. Like I'd tell you where I work.

Your fucking beta for not thinking that's funny

Wat she look like tho

turrets? so he has a disorder where he has guns?


I will culturally appropriate by eating peanut butter too nigger

His arms are chainguns and if he doesn't smoke weed they fire out of anxiety and slaughter dozens a day whenever he walks around in public. If he's at home and nervous he has to point at a certain bulletproof wall so he doesn't accidentally murder the next door nigglet again.

What brand of ice cream is that? and what kind is it?

post a pic of her
