What's the most fucked up website you've visited?

What's the most fucked up website you've visited?

Other urls found in this thread:


Aren't you going to start?



went to 9fag once never again



>literally the top post on the first page

Man, fuck this website. The shit's so unbelievably broken that I couldn't log into my newly-made account. It *really* needs a fix.

That chan that is twice 4..... apparently Sup Forums doesn't let you post it's actual name that's how fucked it is

Sup Forums.org/mlp/catalog

Ozzy's not looking to good these days...

Sup Forums


Run the gauntlet. Level 19.

>fake news

Seriously? That's the worst site you've seen? Go on it now. It's pretty shit.

Infinitechan's pretty cool. If you're being serious, what didn't you like about it?

Lmao do it anons. Go there it's the best. Have a friend in the room with you preferably


Too much cp labeled as nudism

Are you saying it's shit or the shit? Those mean 2 different things

Used TOR a number of years back. It was like internet back in the 90's as far as speed and broken sites were concerned. After a handful of messed up working sites I deleted it. Basically the most deprived horrifying shit that's beyond what your mind will allow you to imagine.

Notwithstanding the damn pedo threads, eight chan is boring as fuck

It is shit. It is dog shit. Lots of spam and generally pretty inactive. I would love to use it if it had more traffic. There are some cool boards floating around.


What? Are you talking about some serious hurtcore CP or something?


I don't need on anymore watch lists


probs grifter,com (back when it was still up)

Are there any useful and/or cool tor sites in which accessing them doesn’t constitute a major felony?

Could you not?

>the most deprived horrifying shit that's beyond what your mind will allow you to imagine.
That's impossible, stop trying to be edgy gaylord

It's deep web. Scary deep web.

Childsplay perhaps.. Not really into cp in general but sometimes nothing else works

What the actual fuck is that

Grifter don’t have shit on the infinite madness hell that is /mlp/

Where do I find that because I can't find shit on there.

3 times 4 chan back in the day

Honestly, there aren't many "cool" ones. Most of the tech and hacking boards are full of spam and filled with inane, obvious shit. Lots of requests for hacks and the like. Parazite is pretty cool, until you realize that all of the interesting looking documents look like they were written by ten year olds with only the most rudimentary understanding of the topic they're discussing.

>want to go dumpster diving?
>do it at night and wear a mask!

Dumb shit like that.

Go ahead tough guy, click that shit

This is crap

It's been almost 10 years and I still have nightmares. Glad that video is gone.

I can't think of anything more depraved than infant/child torture, so I'm going to go with that.

Dude just don't..


People talk this up too much. It seems fake.

gloryholeforum.com made me throw my computer

Kek I absolutely believe this

I'll just write the address down and head up to the college where I can just walk in and use their computers.


blackpeoplemeet dot com


Believe what you want, theres no way to prove it was real anymore. There was an edited version of the original floating around a couple years ago but that disappeared after being up for about 2 weeks.

this isnt even gore :thinking:

Yes I went that's why I'm asking what it is. Bunch of weird pics


use tor bro

No I don't like CP. I like teens.

Did you just LIE on the internet?

>obviously didn’t click that shit

What the fuck happened to 4x2chan?


i clicked it man
it just seems like someone's image archive. theres some trap porn and shit.
theres some shit tier gore but nothing bad

Define the age bracket you mean by 'teens'

No one on Sup Forums saved it
No one has gifs or webms
People here post videos of children being shot in the face, children beheaded
But there's that video even Sup Forums won't touch because it just doesn't exist
>b-b-b-but it does, maaaan

There used to be a site where people went to, uploaded pics of themselves, posted 'updates' about what they were doing and people could 'like' what they did. Site made literally no sense to me, but some people seemed to spend hours or even their entire life within it. I tried to use it for a while... just didn't see the point and the shit people came up with - live streaming menial existences, masking depressing and wealth divides, it was all a clusterfuck of sadness.

>URL into address bar

By the way, this is what it looks like.
It's just a shitty collection of slightly off-putting images.

yeah it's fucking bullshit. fake story to get newfags scared

your mums facebook


thats not how it works, if its bad it wont go away if you know where to look

yeah this is what it is

They don't let you post the name because they were obnoxious when trying to recruit from here. Just like the other couple of failed abortion chans.

Scared of what exactly? A video that was taken down and everyone pretended it never existed for so long that people honestly believe it now?

grifter is fake, look it up on youtube

>Clearnet site
>indexed by google

oh no is it cp pls imme touuu scerd to visit xd

Newfag here is this the grifter autism?


It's literally a definition you retard

Anything that ends in "-teen"

Nah it's just random weird images


13 to 19 years old?
Is that what you like?

What is that

unironically facebook

Sup Forums.com/pol/

I'm not that guy I just wanted to clear up the definition

How many dumb questions are you gonna ask lol, he said "teens"

Are you a fucking fetus? Do you need every information literally spoon fed to you?

Warning to anybody visiting this site -- this shit can give you a seizure if you're prone to that sort of thing.

That is what I thought mate. 18 fine but lower ain't okey.

It’s a faggot who thinks he can embed something in a post

>No one on Sup Forums saved it

how do you think I and others have come across it then, genius? i got linked from Sup Forums in 2015

fake vid trying to capitalize on the """spookiness""" of the legend
the thing isnt real man

You're autism spectrum is so high.


Scream bitch

nothing you've never seen on Sup Forums

shit's weak

Literally first question I asked ITT xd
Why are you so mad though? The guy said everything that ends in teen, and I just pointed that out, chill

this guy

>Talking semi-dirty to wife
>Say something about her looking like a sexier than a teen
>She immediately assumes I'm talking about kids
>Flips her shit
>In my mind I was just thinking she's as hot as the 'teens' in porn (read: 18-25)
Shrugged that one off. Some people (all women) are just thick.