Are little girls really attracted to older men?

Are little girls really attracted to older men?

i don't know why don't you ask them?

probably not.

>attracted to men

they arent, nips are just pedos

All I know is my erection says maybe


keep this pedo shit off Sup Forums

if you care about this community and it's users you will stop making child rape jokes. how are we ever going to grow into a mainstream platform if people see this shit posted here? they will think we are all fucking immature assholes

you must be new here ...

Yes they are

I hope this bait kek


Grow up user. Go back to tumblr

They be putting chemicals in the water folks.

yes, extremely petite and emo friend in highschool would sexually obsess over attractive teachers to the point of obviously flirting with them

There is nothing wrong with loving little girls.

Keyword emo

Somebody post a cp
Like the old days

So, how do you like the site so far?

What do those subtitles translate into?

I didn't even know the French watched anime

Nobody will get the joke it's not even worth posting on this board anymore