Can women make a good erotic games for men?

Can women make a good erotic games for men?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can women make a good

That anime girls has very large breasts.

Women can't make anything.


>women good
Um, no sweetie.


Yes, women already make good doujins

No, not the game itself, but they can make pretty good illustrations.

Can women do anything well?

Considering how they're the majority of the lolicon artists, yes.

Yes it's called Rance

This, and there are some good female composers too

But keep them the fuck away from anything pertaining to gameplay.

Good music and art:sure
Good gameplay mechanics:nope

So considering that porn games are usually all about art:yes they can

Do idiots really believe this?

They are indisputably better at farting than men.

>Can women make a good erotic games
>Make a good erotic games
>A erotic games
>A games

lol ur dumb

Yes, pic very related.

>All is going great
>Add fucking SCAT in the last episode
And stopped doing anything after thay, we will never get an episode about the 30 years old loli.

Not a majority but there are tons of crazy women who are professional artists

I love women, i even have a GIRLFRIENDECHSEN



You're only going to hear that there's "more than expected" which means there is surprisingly more than 1 female artist in existence.

UAB was created by a girl. Sure they can.

Momoka is a best girl in Eroge.

why not just draw them wearing masks at this point

they have no noses, no lips, no cheeks, and their features are all flat, the only defining features are their eyes and hair

You are fucking retarded.


There is evidence supporting that theory.

Idiots really believe a lot of stupid things, it's not that improbable.

>making good of anything

How did it all go so wrong so fast.

>can women


You are beyond fucking braindead.

Do you really believe otherwise?

>left: a bunch of literal whos
>right: some of the most iconic female children in manga

women write the best porn
prove me wrong, i'll wait.

Ok, show me evidence that it's a majority. I'll wait.

Many of the best hentai artists are women, so yes, I'd imagine so.

I got play rance someday

Asuha is delicious.

Do you ask inane shit just to get annoyed replies?

>literal whos
3/10 not even mad
Try to make it less obvious next time

Best girl is the degenerate piss drinker and anal girl.

this is my theory:
>female makes more sexualized version of themself as child and wanted to be raped by old m3n
>male make a daughter ideal instead of a sexual desire version

Kill yourself you stupid nigger, read the thread

what show?

This woulda been good if the earth at the last moment sprouted a thinking face too.

To make the best lolicon material you absolutely need first hand loli experience. Like, being a loli at some point. And thus female lolicon mangaka are formed. It's simple logic.

The size of her breasts are approximately large

baka, think before you post. women can make a lot of good things

Well you sure proved me wrong. Or did you think I was some Sup Forumsutist who actually cares enough to know who any of them are?

Maybe if it's that girl who did that Ane Naru Mono series

This just doesn't do anything for me. I can't enjoy it if it's not WMAF

Loli is gross and wrong.

I just see idiots like this guy.

I'll take actual evidence over your braindead headcanon, thanks.

mein negro

Lilith's Throne will turn out alright, as far as I know a chick is the one writing it. Needs a co-writer/editor though.

>good game
Not likely.
>good ero
Hell yeah.

it's pretty legit good
goofy shit with a murderous rapist asshole protagonist who still manages to be a big damn hero more often than not. sometimes it grows an actual plot and gets even better.

I had a hearty chuckle.

Why are you even here then? you clearly know nothing about this subject

You mean her?

I like the super tall girl. I can't deal with some of her degenerate fetishes but she was the only girl who didn't treat you like shit just because you aren't a woman.

Im just not fond of being the dick in a game, but the way its posted on Sup Forums makes me wanna at least check it out

Hello? Nene is a sweetheart

I'm highly inclined to believe so.

They sure can make great doujinshi but I can't think of any porn games made only by women

>No True Yuri scenes
This bugs me when you have 6 different girls.

>women can make a lot of good things
Name one

Can't fault them for being true to the source material.

You're gross and wrong.

Lilith's Throne has a pretty interesting set-up but the gameplay isn't very good and I don't think it's very erotic at all. There are a couple good lines if you get lucky enough to find an attractive thing with the right combinations of fetishes but that can take like hundreds of random battles.

I guess Nene isn't mean either, but I was thinking of the main girls. I don't really think you should have sexual relations with your boss.

fair enough, there's a lot of times he needs to calm the fuck down and put it back in his pants. if you do give it a shot, Sengoku Rance is probably the best place to start. standalone game in the series and a legit great game.

You should play Daibanchou. It has most of what people like about Sengoku Rance but you can play as the good guy.

>moved to Sup Forums



Great, will do, thanks helpful user

I'll be sure to check this one also

I would get deletion or /trash/ but Sup Forums?

You're wrong and gross

They also have their own loli discord

At least its still up

Mods are being stupid lately. Even Sup Forums's getting fed up with them.

Sup Forums's mods are best. If Sup Forums was more like Sup Forums then Sup Forums would actually be good instead of the worst place on Sup Forums.

Why not just move the thread to Reddit? Sup Forums is 10 times worse than that shit hole.

Sup Forums is normal fag central, nothing more than a pussyfied version of /soc/ with mediocre porn and thirsty betas screaming "sauce!" At every pair of tits they see. Sup Forums has become a complete shell of its former self

They used to be the best, but they've started powertripping lately. Fuck, they even killed SakuraFish.

Is she using a hitachi wand on her prolapsed pussy? How have I never seen something like this before, it's wonderful.

Yeah, it's not even a case of "Remember when Sup Forums was good?" just "Remember when Sup Forums wasn't this complete shit?"

I thought Sup Forums and Sup Forums overtook Sup Forums as worst board some time ago

You just don't look hard enough.

What's good in /soc/ ? Last time I checked it was still one of the worse board

Interesting device. I'm guessing the hole at the top of the dick is so she can have a dick in her even while on her period?

Looks as if.

Too much egocentrism, feminists and female privilege.
No- can't happen, normally.

Try and read "G, if"



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