Hero or villain?

Hero or villain?



villain ?!

It was a coordinated attack for the purpose of passing stricter gun laws with less opposition, and also probably to distract the public from something else happening at the same time.

is that David Gilmour?

that bitch looks hot

Kys retard

Anyone know how he managed to get all those guns in there?

do we know why he did it yet?

He carried them up in luggage cases.

If you have luggage and are ina hotel, they don'tt concern themselves with what you bring up. They're not airport security for gods sakes, and some people live in Vegas hotel rooms for months.

Nah thanks, im just chillin

Just another asshole.

Ah, didn't know that. I was wondering because I thought it was some high profile casino/hotel and figured they'd be more strict.

CIA agent who dutifully carried out his assignment. Hope he get live out his retirement in peace.

As in, it was real and people actually got shot, but it was all deliberately planned. You would have to be completely in denial of reality if you disagree with that.

Lonegun or terrorist?

And this is why hotels should be banned.

For me Hero. Reason? There are 7billiones people in the earth. We need a real clean.

Yeah bro but I don’t think it’s some big conspiracy. The dude was a degenerate and snapped.

How about you start from places that are overcrowded, like China, Africa and India.
Southern America as well.

If a bunch of little kids getting shot with a Dem president couldnt do it, why would a bunch of rednecks getting gunned down with a Trump president get muh guns taken away?

How do you explain the multiple shooters and multiple broken windows?

Africa and South America are not overcrowded at all, kys

They tried a new strategy this time around. The average gun owner is kind of like those people. Cowboy hat wearing country folk. NRA gun supporting type people. They want them to think, "gee, maybe guns are bad after all".

I'll also add that I'm a politically neutral Australian who doesn't own any guns.


You've been watching too much JAV

Why is it so hard for people to believe a guy went nuts and shot a bunch of people?

>deliberately planned

By who?


How do you know?

The answers are:
By the guy that did it.
You're a faggot retard

America has more guns than people. They will never give them up.

By requesting evidence, not links to bullshit alt-reich propaganda

Maybe someone shot back at his direction and had a bad aim? Why is everything a giant conspiracy? Who profits from it? I bet the tinfoilindustry was behind it.

>Who profits from it?

But most of those guns are owned by a minority.
This guy had 30 odd guns bought just in the last year.
It's only cockless cowards with paranoid fantasies that need a gun

Hero for showing how much damage that a assault weapon can do to innocent people. The real sad part is little will be done to prevent the next person who will attempt the same

They will eventually. The pattern is: mass shooting, media propaganda, tighten laws, repeat. There won't be a day the gov decides, "okay, time to take them all now". It'll be gradual until they get what they want.

Your guns are in the process of being taken away right now. It's a battle the American people won't win.

Semi hero, he kind of sucks tho.

All of the ammo, all of the amazing guns, all of the people...

Yet he only got like 58 kills lol you suck Paddock.. Breivik still rank1 !

Nordic master race > Usa nigger filled race

hmm i dno, he lived in the usa,.. in nevada which virtually has looser gun restriction laws than Pakistan.

You dont ask a hotel customer why he is carrying a couple of bags (he made obviously made a multiple trips) unless you want to be fired.

I'm assuming you mean the half of the government that isnt paid off by the NRA? Where does that fit into the equation?

It's hilarious that America would absolutely freak the fuck out, were it a slightly brown skinned person, and would declare war on every country ending in -stan.

But, oh, it's just a white dude - it's not terrorism, it's just an average, everyday pedestrian mass shooting; hit the snooze button

fuck you, but i guess you win this time nordicfag


exactly xD "its not terrorism, its not political, its not religious... its propaganda and false flag to reinforce gun laws"

haha americans are fucking retarded

If it's a white dude it's automatically a false flag because a white guy would never do such a thing

He was framed

Elliot didnt kill 20 people.

That's not what was said you shit eating fucktard

whites commit terror attacks far below their population size, muslims commit it far above. Just like blacks commit 50% of the violent crimes in the usa

NRA, Dems, Republicans, left, right, it's all meaningless. Trump said he'd ban Muslims, drain the swamp, build a wall, blah blah blah.

There is only one relatively small group of people in charge of America. They happen to be Jewish. I'm not into the conspiracy about the Jews, but yes, they happen to be Jewish. These political elites control the media and how many people think and feel. They have more power than the NRA.

He never said the opposite you dumb fuck.

Where is Adam lanza? George Hennard? James Huberty? Charles Whitman? Patrick Henry Sherrill? Eric & Klebold

lol fuck you you racist faggot, white people are just as murderous as everyone else.

Because they label a guy in a turban complaining there's no cheese on his burger as "terrorism";

But a white guy planting a bomb is just a "disturbance"

Graph proves fuck. All.

The previous person implied that we would start wars if they were not white. We started no wars for these other incidents.

Stop slinging insults if you can't even extrapolate the basic information and conversation flow in front of you.

Oh boy we have a nigger lover over here.

Just step into jamaica for a day and tell us how it goes.

Oh wait, you'll get assraped and stoned because you're a gay faggot. I'd say kill yourself but niggers will do it for you.



>we started no wars

You're AT WAR you retarded fuckwit

lol this.

also, after Paddock and Breivik (two white guys) Andrew Kehoe (white guy) is rank 3 but nobody remembers since it was in like 1920 or somth


Why not USA?

actually im icelandic.. and my brain is informed enough to realize that you are bullshitting.

sure poverty produces alot of crime (which niggers automatically are) but providing guns to everyone possibly produces more, hence you have more mass shooting in a month than the rest of the world combined.

And just like someone above said, the top 5 mass murderers irl are white. Wanting to go out with a bang and cause chaos has nothing to do with race, if i were a rich amerifag living in nevada i probably would have topped the chart by now.

>NRA, Dems, Republicans, left, right, it's all meaningless.
oh fuck off. This is an /x/ pothead level of belief. If da joos wanted the guns gone why has gone ownership increased and the power of these weapons done nothing but increase for the last 60 years? They're a really incompetent shadow government?

Fucking useless little glacier needs wiping out along with you PC rainbowflakes.

>counting injuries as victims
So Paddock has more than all these combined. Great job.

cry more loser, not my fault you guys literally suck at everything, even the only thing you know how to do (commit mass murders)

Breivik nr1

newfag. anhero yourself now.

a sushimaster thats for sure.

Not even American. Iceland is shit. End of.

Imagine being Breivik and putting all that effort into slaughtering people in the name of the white man only for teenage Sup Forumstards to desperately try to sweep it under the rug?

>implying they don't want the people to be in terror and therefore easily ruled more than they want guns to be controlled
>implying that tactics are strategy
This is the sort of analysis that a three year old would publish. Take herat, you have a great future in the think-tank world ahead of you.

>not even american

hahahah is that suppose to be an insult? my master race > your abominably infested nigger race everyday.

hell we even made it to the world cup in football a few hours ago, the smallest nation in the world to ever do so.. where are you ranked in football? oh right, below pakistan

youre only good at basketball, which is filled with what race? oh right, niggers :)

>highest life expectancy on earth
>one of the whitest places on earth
>high standard of living
Iceland is Sup Forums's dream

haha you even a a nigger for a president, youre pathetic and should be exterminated.

Literally tldr. Didn't read a fucking word you disgusting little genetic waste. Even Greenland is better, and its population is near non-existent. I'll pray for the nuke to wipe you out. Fucking knob.

>da joos

They happen to be Jewish which helps with nepotism but I don't believe there is any conspiracy whatsoever that involves Judaism as a religion (i.e. its tenets e.g. Zionism).

Gun ownership has increased and they aren't happy about that. They don't have absolute control over America, it's a constant battle. Btw, when I say "they" I mean the political elites who back gun control and other left winged ideologies, not strictly Jews.

The butt hurt is strong with this one

haha did you ask your little downsyndrome brother to come up with that? -_- sorry that you would sell your sole to have been born as my race instead of your garbage nigger mixed tragedy.

>left wing ideologies
Like not being an unrepentant cunt

The beta, fedora tipping slave is strong in this one. Bow down and speak English you pussy.

>implying they don't want the people to be in terror and therefore easily ruled
Well that hasnt happened either. Americans are stubborn as fuck and not amount of terror attacks or mass shootings seem to change that

im asian but godamn, what a burn.

You guys know that Iceland isnt like Sweden, right?


This is now officially a cringe thread

Fapped to this. No regrets.

Well, I'm not right winged either so that ones flying past me. I'm Australian and the way I see it is it's a fair argument for and against gun control in America. It's kind of a tricky situation no matter what side you take. But I really do believe the attack was coordinated.

That word is cancer and you should get it and die of it.

were number 1 at futbol and have a poverty tier gdp. jealous much?

>I really do believe the attack was coordinated
Shane about the lack of evidence e to support your belief huh?
Must be nice to live in a world where your 'feelings' make things real

>Bow down and speak English

You mean the European Germanic language? allright... you do realize that America is virtually the youngest nation on globe? inhabited by mostly niggers and Latinos?

No one gives a shit about Iceland. All it does is chug out smoke and create hassle for airlines. It needs nuking. It needs wiping out.

>94% Icelandic, 6% other (almost all Polish)
>With a fertility rate of 2.1, Iceland is one of only a few European countries with a birth rate sufficient for long-term population growth
is Iceland the best country in the world?

more then an hero a god

Go back to school, knave. Learn the language properly. Learn the language that you'll have to speak when tourists visit your little charcoal rock of a country. I've never had to speak a speckle of of your shit. Bow the fuck down.

wow seriously Hero? you are not just fucked up in the head, you should be incarcerated, i hope they knock on your door to get you piece of garbage out. this was even more sensitive than child molestation, people died and got maimed ....

a person in a coma could tell that youre samefaggin because you know iceland > usa in literally everything except population.

which is fine because 60% of your population consists of niggers, latinos and sand people.

it was literally daddy issue

>*autistic screeching*

That's not really a productive response.

I'll also add that I strongly support the current state of strict gun control in Aus, but in America it's a more complex situation. I see both sides of the argument as fair. 'Nuff about me.

There is so much evidence that the attack was pandering to gun control it's not even funny.

>so much evidence
>produces none

Do you know what "so much" means in this context?

>nuking Vulcanos makes them stop spitting out ashes
Hello Mr Trump!