Sup Forums what dose the third buttom do?

Sup Forums what dose the third buttom do?

Calls McConnell to come suck his dick


Grants dubs. Check them.



Launches an attack against North Korea.

fuck Ivanka

That's the Nuke button


Orders a Coke

Praise kek for trips! Even 888 in proud.


This, and it is apparently true

Ivanka nudes



lib tears

Spellchecks OP


Does anyone have the transformers so what up video?

>Check OP's spelling

2nd scoop of ice cream

I mean "shut up"

maybe it's like one of those yak bak things only it is a recording of himself reassuring himself of his greatness.

it does a 360 and walks away



probably shows nudes of his daughter



Calls Bannon

WRONG. Trump only drinks diet coke

Golfing trip

And it's really working




Nah, he just likes the taste

underrated post



Well, he's not wrong I guess.

Drain the swamp!
Lock her up!


noice trips m8


Spell checks

my thicc president
> pride


Turns Sup Forums off




Kills all Jews

Also check em

i lost (((the game)))



Internet shutdown button
