What does it feel like to cum in a woman's mouth, bros?

What does it feel like to cum in a woman's mouth, bros?

I know what it feels like to cum in your own mouth
it feels great, for you and the girl tbh

Like cumming, with a mouth on your dick. Otherwise it just feels like cumming.

like farting in a mans mouth

pretty fucking good

Like pissing in an ashtray.

One on the right right before I cum i fucking ram my cock down her throat then explode in her mouth makes her fucking gag lol

Not a good as creampieing a girl.

It's a bit strange if you care about the girl. Slightly degrading, even if she is okay with it. If it is a random slut, it is pretty delightful, but then again, cumming is cumming.

feels the same is nutting in a guys mouth....fag

kinda like losing blood pressure and seeing stars
i mean finishing is already pretty nice but to have a tongue on it during and after is almost too much
i normally creampie randoms lol

If they know how to finish you off with their mouth correctly it feels amazing. Almost like sensory overload, you literally won't be able to sit still/be quiet. If they don't know how to properly suck at the end while you're cumming it can be pretty anti-climactic and maybe even feel a little unpleasant.

In my experience
Cumming in unprotected pussy to make baby > cumming in mouth > cumming in pussy on birth control > cumming in ass >cumming in condom
So pretty good

the absolute best way to cum

feels good even better is when they swallow

I dk what to do bros, Im 27 y/o kissless virgin. Ive been content masturbating for over a decade now, but recently the realization dawned on me that i may actually never have sex with a woman. Im depressed 24/7, and even fapping to porn makes me depressed now, seeing all the woman in the videos getting cummed on like its nothing, but knowing that Ive never experienced doing that to woman and might never do so.

Im unironically suicidal over this, I dk what to do

Like cumming on bags of sand

Post pic of you the Sup Forumsoard will judge

Ether get escort and be safe about it. Or get faggy on find bj for whomever on Craigslist.

hire a hooker, go on with life. stop putting the pussy on a pedastal

Go fuck an escort/prostitute. It will show you that sex isn't a big deal.

Damn, either you never came into a mouth or she sucked at sucki

So much this

It will show you that sex with an escort/prostitute isn't a big deal. Sex in a healthy relationship where you both actually like each other is PFA.


Its all pointless. Im actually handsome and have had girls throw themselves at me in the past, but Im too much of a sperg and am too fearful and nervous of women to close the deal. Its pathetic, I know, but Ive literally never hit on a girl or returned her flirtations. They eventually start to ignore me every time, and now for the past couple of years, I think women sense my desperation and lack of self-confidence, and avoid me completely. I dk what to do, I may die a virgin

google says this is Ashlyn Rae. anyone confirm?

No, sex isn't a big deal. Sometimes sex with hooker is better than it is with my gf.


extremely good if the girl knows her way around a wiener. the best is when ur wiener is extra sensitive right after your sperm comes out and her mouth is still on the top

mmm ya baby

her name is Sandy Milz

It’s my fav place to nut. I dumped a bitch because she didn’t swallow.

if she keeps sucking, its truly mind blowing. i couldnt walk after the first time

Dont listen to these anons. A few months ago I was experiencing what you are, and spent around $2k on hookers in a week long binge. They rush you, its very mechanical,impossible to cum with a condom on and even when they are moaning i was wondering if they were fooling me. Once the fucking ended I was miserable every time, and felt pathetic that i was spending money on literal whores. It didnt change any of my mindset towards women at all, im still as shy as ever, even though i fucked 5 women

My girl would just put my cock down her throat and let me finish. She never really sucked as I was cumming.

Sex =/ Intimacy. Stop confusing the two.

Feels like a vagina with a tongue. Pretty good combo.
She says it's salty.
Sometimes I "accidentally" cum when she not really into swallowing.

Obviously everyone is different. That sends like a hell of binge you went on.

Personally I don't mind sex with escorts. I've had girlfriends in the past and it always ended terribly. So now I am really picky.

Sex is just a good pick me up for me. If I haven't found a random chick in a few weeks ill go fuck an escort. Feel relieved and better afterwards.

this user knows. I will add
>cumming in face
before mouth

If there was anything I could do for you except type some random motivational shit to you I would. But seriously buy a hooker

I forgot to add slay the pussy and get on with your life. Your missing out on so much more than just pussy

I prefer them jacking it off on their face tbh

like pissing its pretty great

its not at all like pissing, virgin

This. And not as good as a pearl necklace

the fuck is up with this guy's thumb ? lmao

Much rather degrade and humiliate her by cumming on her face to show her worth

pretty good

>Dr. Roastie, Im CIA

Just like cumming in to a man's

This. I sometimes couldn't do it even when I girlfriend was egging me on!


You should be asking what it feels like to cum balls deep down a girls throat.

Best is while she's having a vaginal orgasm & it's throbbing on your dick, it feels like it's milking you. FFFUUUUCK, that's good.

Cumming in a girls mouth is ok, it's best when she keeps sucking after you came, though.

there's a few different feelings, honestly; all are pretty nice.

>on their face

Did it on my wife's face once and while cumming itself was nice, it was then a moment of awkwardness when she has to clean all the cum off. Maybe it depends on the person, probably better with a whore you don't give a shit about.

I much prefer cumming in her mouth and having her show me it before swallowing it and after that facial, so does she.

this guy knows what hes talking bout

Amen, no better feeling in the world than when you both orgasm together.

I'm literally about to do this in about 15 minutes.

Op I should have did it but through out my situation I could hear a her voice telling me not too(by the I did fall in love with this one in highschool and something went down and it seriously fucked me up for life )and to this day I'm 21 and still want to but I hear her voice in my head and it really fucks with me hard however her predecessor came back to back to me when I was 20 we fucked like animals everyday I loved her alot I'll say it's equally depressing and now I have 2 voices telling me not too blow my brains OUT
OP you don't know how FUCKING lucky you are don't get a hooker either kill yourself or realize your luck pussy has been the most depressing thing on this Earth for me it's safe to say that it will drive you to the nuthouse take your spare time and become a physics major or a computer scientist or a theoretical mathematician fuck it solve the rieman zeta function while your at it or the np n problem seriously don't listen to these fucks you may even turn into a wizard ok the wizard was a joke but seriously take my advice don't get a hooker don't even chase it go find a latex glove and some lotion thats what it feels like

Feels great.

Just like cumming, really. Some women are really bad at sucking dick.

Download tinder lol

Op I should have did it but through out my situation I could hear a her voice telling me not too(by the I did fall in love with this one in highschool and something went down and it seriously fucked me up for life )and to this day I'm 21 and still want to but I hear her voice in my head and it really fucks with me hard however her predecessor came back to back to me when I was 20 we fucked like animals everyday I loved her alot I'll say it's equally depressing and now I have 2 voices telling me not too blow my brains OUT
OP you don't know how FUCKING lucky you are don't get a hooker either kill yourself or realize your luck pussy has been the most depressing thing on this Earth for me it's safe to say that it will drive you to the nuthouse take your spare time and become a physics major or a computer scientist or a theoretical mathematician fuck it solve the rieman zeta function while your at it or the np n problem seriously don't listen to these fucks you may even turn into a wizard ok the wizard was a joke but seriously take my advice don't get a hooker don't even chase it go find a latex glove and some lotion thats what it feels like

i literally did, it was all spam-bots

First girl that sucked me was unbelievably good. Left my legs wobbly. I was getting that a couple times a week for 3 years. Broke up, been with 7 girls since and slowly and sadly came to find out that the first girl ruined it for me. They try, but no one can work it like she did.

Almost wish I hadn't been with her, I wouldn't know what was possible and wouldn't miss it.