Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

It's stupid and contradictive. Also true

Love it when the first post gets it

typical religion what else to say

religion is a mental illnes

100% accurate

True for certain people.
I support abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. So many resources would be saved.

commies on my Sup Forums

They deserve to live, now if the mom can't take care of them, they need to be sent to orphanage not aborted.

What is with the Downie retard people on Sup Forums?

oh... right...
Hey guys time to stop shitposting is time for your bedtime show Rick and Morty, Whadabaldafuckyou. Enjoy your horse cum tendies btw

An outlining of cancer from conservatives. That being said, liberals can be fucking faggots too, amd aren't much different from their counterparts.

Don't murder children and don;t expect anyone else to pay for your fuckups. If you can make adult decisions, then you can deal with adult consequences.

Day of the rope for both groups

What you believe will come to pass will not. Enjoy your delusion though.

And in instances of rape?
Okay, then every single person who is pro-life must automatically be registered as foster care parents to take in these unwanted children.

Also, did you know tens of thousands of the children put up for adoption/foster care age out of the system every single year? Why don't these pro-life assholes care about them? Isn't every life precious and deserving of a good home?

you are a dumb one huh

>What is with the Downie retard people on Sup Forums?
>oh... right...
>Hey guys time to stop shitposting is time for your bedtime show Rick and Morty, Whadabaldafuckyou. Enjoy your horse cum tendies btw
im turning this into a fucking copy pasta

It will

Someone seems to be triggered.

>...don;t expect anyone else to pay for your fuckups. If you can make adult decisions, then you can deal with adult...

Dude we're talking about a baby. Literally a zero-year-old. Are you this retarded outside of Sup Forums too?

Right libertarian here, I don't like cons because somehow they think everyone should live to their standards.

Make it "horse cum szechuan tendies"