I'm really interested in cultural anthropology but my dad says he won't help me out financially during school if I...

I'm really interested in cultural anthropology but my dad says he won't help me out financially during school if I choose that as my major of study. He wants me to go into engineering or finance, says there are better job prospects. I'm pretty good at math and science (took calculus 1 in high school for dual credit) but I find the material in my cultural class more interesting. How do I convince him to let me study it AND help me out with money Sup Forums?


Not now Andy I need you to be serious

Do what he says. Study engineering, and study anthropology in your spare time. Then in 4 years you won't be sucking dicks to pay rent.

What about engineering with an anthr9 minor? Wtf is the point of a minor anyway?


if you tell him you can get a 6 figure salary in anthropology he will help you out.

sage and report the spammer

He won't believe that, and while I think he's being a little unreasonable, I concede the demand isn't as high as those other careers.

OP, what kinds of jobs can you get?
what are the salaries like?

Honestly with google we'll be able to read all about those online if someone wants.

honestly choose another profession that can make you tons of money and then come back and revisit that idea :)

>added bs story first
help me out with money Sup Forums?

I think you're right
What about it is bs?

did undergrad in anthro/arch
youre wasting your time; i was the first in my family to go to uni so no advice from family
wish i had had a father (died when i was 4) who told me what yours told you
now doing doc in business (after mba), undergrad was not only a waste, its been actively detrimental (thats not even including the bs of current post mod thinking)
listen to your fucking father

Minor in anthropology, get a good job, make good money while going to grad school for anthropology, get PhD, field work, major discovery, world fame, talk show circuit, book and movie deals. You'll be fine.

Join the coast guard for 4 years be a marine science tech, scrubbing ducks or some other easy job and get your college paid for by the government so you don't need your dad.
+military experience will make people more likely to hire you when you get your degree.

Whos got a pic of this monkeys demented head compaired to aryan woman

Threadly reminder

Look bud your dad is right
if you are really really that into it then get a minor in it because you will actually have zero job prospects with it as your major
It will drag you down for the rest of your life
In terms of solid majors engineering and finance or at the top
If you don't like those go for some of the biological sciences
If you're not into that going into physics where everything is theoretical and means fuck all, but even there you have better prospects

underrated post

you could study one of those things and then do cultural anthropology additionally either as minor or just electives.
To accomplish this you can talk to an advisor for your major and then also an advisor or friendly faculty for some social science things. Planning will allow you to use electives to pursue something you are interested in rather than just hurr durr gotta graduate

double major

not you, faggot

Get an engineering degree then get a job and make money and pay for the other yourself.

All right, dude. Here's how this goes.
Cultural anthropology is absolutely terrible for jobs. I mean, completely and utterly horrid.
Here's what you do.
Go into geology, especially geochemistry. Learn about isotopes and figure that shit the hell out. Minor in material culture or whatever. Probably go to grad school, since undergrad probably won't even touch that shit.
Then get a job in geology/ geochemistry/ environmental stuff while you're trying to land what you actually want, only approaching it as a scientist (namely an isotopic geochemist) so you have needed skills and knowledge that set you apart from assholes in brown fedoras.

How has it been detrimental? It got you into an mba program. Is it because you had to learn a lot of prerequisite material on your own time because anthro didn't prepare you for such a route? Yes I've heard post modernism is Marxist garbage and i certainly dont want my tuition funding that sort of bullshit. The archaeology ad history aspect of cultures is more appealing to me.

Thanks guys, I think I'll try EE and minor in anthro then.

I never considered geology or chem but that makes sense, thanks for the input user

>>meh tier

lol ok

>Art in Meh tier not shit
>Poltical science in Shit tier when our politicians are making millions of the degree

Remember when people told you to "do what you love". Well they fucking lied. Do what pays the bills and do what you love in your free time.

Isotopic geochemistry, in specific, is used in sourcing the materials used in building or making various goods (radiogenic strontium), in the types of plantlife and whether waste in an area was natural or anthropogenic (carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen), the presence and amount of burned stuff and mining (leads, some uranium), and probably a lot of shit I haven't even seen yet.
Hell, radiogenic strontium can even be used to track migration patterns with a little biology (knowing at what year of age certain teeth come in), and stable strontium may be able to be used in food web recreation.
There's a fuckton to the field, and not a lot of people know about it if you're not doing it yourself.

It's a good thing niggas are a bunch of wild apes, bc if they actually were less independent and more obedient, and fell in line behind authority, that negress would unite the African tribes and take over the fucking world.

But she won't, and they won't

because they are niggas

Make him feel guilty for trying to control you with money, tell him that he should support your choices and trust in you

Take it as a minor with a major in either Architecture or Structural Engineering. Both can be useful to an archeologist.

your dads right you dumb fuck. Get a degree in something that can support yourself with.

just go into engineering or finance and then you can make enough money to go back to school for your worthless cultural anthropology degree that can only get you a 30k per year teaching job

Telling someone who has a mind for cultural anthropology and doesn't have a mind for engineering to go into engineering.

user, you are why no one listens to STEMfags but other STEMfags. You have no fucking idea how human society works, because you never understand that all people are not identical clones.

>terrible for jobs
As an economist, I can only laugh derisively in your general direction.

user, follow your fucking passion. You're going to massively go into debt, and if your mind and heart aren't into what you're majoring, you're going to be pissed you blew years salary on vocational education you will never use. Then you will be like everyone else, who has a useless fucking major to pay off while you try to pursue your passion in an unqualified way.

I will remember this next time I see them chipping out. Instead of hating them for it, I will be appreciative, for the power vacuum they leave for us to fill.

ofc its fucking stupid. your dad probably thinks your retard. get a real degree. my own professor told me his bachelors in history was practically useless.

He said he's good at science and math, faglord.


we waz kingz


Nah, man.
Not engineering, science. Engineering won't do anything for him.
I'm presenting some id/ego/superego fuckery.
He wants to do cultural anthropology. He needs to make money and keep his meal ticket so he's not in debt into his 50s.
I'm saying find a field that lets you make money until you can curve in from the side.
I bet there are others, but that's the one I would fuck if it was a dude, and I was gay.

What's the point, user.
You're going to be dead in a few quick decades and bleed out your savings and die in poverty no matter what you do. At the end of your life you will have to ask yourself, did all your lifes effort actually help anyone, or improve the quality of life for the world?

Will you have invented or created something worth being remembered for, something that makes all your effort and all the loss you're going to experience, worth the trouble?

Only you can answer that question. I have answered it for myself, and have opted out. I've seen what the human species does, and I won't contribute to it again, or further it by subjecting another generation to be born into it.

Thoroughly savage species of stupid ape, unfit to survive in the world among itself.

If I were you I would work in biotech and work toward a biological solution to purging the world of this awful species once and for all.

We wuz kangs n shit

why did the guy just give a bull a rimjob?

You sound fun.
I'll bet you get invited to parties a lot.

>go to school for engineering
>study cultural anthropology on your own time

You know how much information you can find on anthropology now that we gave the internet?

Most politicians have at least a degree in law or economics, some in medicine. You won't get into it otherwise without ethnic or richboy school connections.

If he had studied business he wouldn't need to get his MBA to get a job.

Now he'll get his MBA and have no work experience, so alot of companies will overlook him.

Don't be him.

Just like what the thread is telling you, if you really like the field, minor in it. University is a job training center in the modern world. I'm doing the same shit with IT/CyberSec and minoring in History. Sure, history is fun, but with those job prospects, I'd rather study it casually in my free time.

Your best bet would be to major in something that can hit the perfect combo of appeasing your father, be interesting to you, have job prospects, and perhaps be tangentially applied to Anthropology when you're out from under the yoke. Some suggestions were given here.

>>College is a sham invented by blacks in space.

Niggas gonna nig, user

Can't you find info on engineering too?

What about mathematics as a major? Maybe minor in cs, statistics or one of the sciences?

Why are black people so fascinated about being kings?
Throughout the stone, bronze, iron, and middle ages everyone in their mother could have been a of royalty.
London's the only place that really still does it.

Dual major or just minor in anthropology

Listen to your dad, finish school, then take that class after, your dad wants you to get a good job and leave his home. He wants to be alone with mom going on cruises and cuck parties.

The other plans are trying to incorporate OP's interests. Sure, OP could just do straight STEM, but if he wants to do some social sciences on the side, he could work it in.

You are one warped faggot

Gee I wonder why he disagrees with your choice in careers

Seriously Dude, stop taking these electives and start studying something that will get you a job and leave your mom and pos bedroom, Mom and Dad need to remodel their home, make the kitchen bigger, their master bedroom will finally have a walk in closet, by turning your room into a walk in closet / bathroom..Dude, finish school get a job, get you one single apartment, then study african studies..

It’s a pretty shit major tbh. You’ll end up working at starbucks or some fastfood place with it.

Major in engineering. Take cultural anthropology on the side as a minor for fun. That way you don’t fuck up the rest of your life with a super expensive shit teir degree, and you can still take the interesting classes.

I'm a nuclear engineering senior. nuclear power is really stagnant in USA, but jobs are still there. not sure if I would choose this major again although I like the field. power is just one field of nuclear science and engineering though