Wtf do i do about these marks Sup Forums?

wtf do i do about these marks Sup Forums?

i have work in an hour please help

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Is that rope?

if you are going to attempt that, why in the hell would you even care about what people at work would care? this smells of attention whoring

Tell them it was a magic trick gone terribly wrong

makeup dumbshit


wtf happened, did niggers attack you?

yes it is.

i don't own makeup.

i don't own any turtle necks.

no i had rope around my neck and fell

so jacking off while being choked?


nobody notices you, invisible boy

Just take scarfe, turtleneck sweater or a robe to hang yourself

Tell them your GF/BF put a collar on you in bed, was a wild time, they'll high five you.

you could always try again so you dont have to go to work

wear a choker if ur a girl or a faggot which it seems like u are

or just actually kill yourself

Hey faggot as someone who succeeded at hanging ones self and was brought back I can only offer one bit of advice; try again. Seriously. If you really want to die you'll die. I'm only alive because someone else wanted me alive. And then I was locked up in a psych hospital for almost a year. Under a police guard for the first two months because I kept trying. If you want to fucking die you wouldn't have a pussy fucking bruise. You'd be fucking dead. You would have made fucking sure. So either shut the fuck up and deal with your shit, or fucking do it right.

goodbye b

Get anyone .. to give u like 2 hickies round that area there.. Nd walk into work like a fucking g..but in reality You're fucking jerking off choking yourself with a belt u degenerate fuck

If anyone at work asks, say you blame them

Just shrug it off as some bullshit excuse like, "I was trying on a tight sweater while I was wearing a aunt made me do it" or some shit like that.

But seeing as you attempted suicide by hanging, I'd say you've got some other demons that need handling.

Should specify as I'm drunk at the moment. I hung myself, my heart stopped, boyfriend (yes I'm a faggot) came in, saw me, did CPR and called 911, was revived. After the year or so I got released and now we're still together. Life got better. But if life is bad enough to kill yourself you make sure there isn't a "whoops I tried to hang myself and the rope broke". You have a plan for that shit. Op is a fucking fag. Plus, if you wanna die then who gives a fuck if your work figures it out? Why do you even go to work? Fuck you. Fucking quit attention whoring.

you a real one

I dunno why it's so funny to me that OP won't respond to me. If you want to die op you will make it fucking happen. Otherwise you'll fix your life.

Wear a shirt with a collar you damn dirty ape

I'm a real one what? Sorry I've had a few drinks not sure what you mean? Are you op?

Why even bother ots not like anyone will notice them anyways

if you do it right you snap your neck. dont think you really wanted to die that bad

Just say you fell asleep on a sweatshirt, looks like zipper marks to me

Nah I was going for the Robin Williams method. Less painful and easier to pull off. I drank a shit ton of whiskey, put the noose over the door frame (didn't have anything else strong enough to hold the weight due to shitty apartment with no beans or ceiling fans) and jerked my body downwards which like instantly knocked me out and started cutting off blood/airflow. Neck snapping sounds good in theory but as much as I wanted to die I wanted things to go as painlessly for me and for anyone who would find me. Apparently my boyfriend found me soon enough after I had lost a pulse that it wasn't super hard to get it back. Though I did get some minor brain damage. I developed a small stutter occasionally. And have some other small ticks.

You made this post last night, what do you benefit from this?

well, you fucked it up

No, I didn't fuck it up. Boyfriend came home way early from work. He shouldn't have been home for like five hours but apparently he didn't feel well and come home early. Don't get me wrong im mostly happy now, still have bad suicidal days be I work through it. But if he hadn't come home sick I wouldn't be posting. That being said op needs to either kill himself properly or fucking get his shit together

make an educated guess: >you talked him into finishing the job you stuttering fuck

Kek I hope I did.

you did fuck up. you aren't dead. you failed at killing yourself. hopefully you arent as bad at living as you are at dying

livestream it faggot

This one


Did you honestly think you'd get any good advice from here, other than "finish the job!"?


Oh. I will take that as a compliment then user. This last beer for the night is for you.

Only idea i would have is if it'd work like it does for a hickey, take a quarter and rub the line pretty hard itll be red but the marks will be gone .-. but doubt its the same.