Until people (notably retards and closet cases) stop denying that bisexuality is a real thing...

Until people (notably retards and closet cases) stop denying that bisexuality is a real thing, then you can expect more and more bisexual threads.

Get used to it, assholes.



There’s no such thing as bisexuals, just sluts


I agree.

The word "bisexual" needs to consume the internet until all naysayers are completely wiped out.

Until people (notably bisexuals and other closet homosexuals) stop denying that trisexuality is a real thing, you can expect mor eand mor trisexual thread


You do your thing.

>There’s no such thing as people that enjoy both cake and pie, just people that are too hungry

This is how stupid you appear to someone who possesses an actual brain.


You know people can easily hide and filter this shit right?

>caring about the opinion of the idiots on Sup Forums
Why even waste your time? Some of these assholes don't even go outside. Just fuck who you wanna fuck and move on. Why should anyone care about your sexuality anyway?



OP is a faggot. Literally.

>Just fuck who you wanna fuck and move on

I'd correct that and say just fuck what also wants to fuck you that is over the age of consent

but nice trips and pic

A bi-faggot, faggot.


How old is he?

>Why should anyone care about your sexuality anyway?
This is exactly the point of the thread. Re-read what OP wrote and begin to agree with him.


You’re either a faggot or you’re not a faggot, faggot

Okay, but that's not what OP is saying.

OP is saying that faggots can be either gay or bisexual. Both are real.

Grow up, by the way.

No one says bisexuality is not real (maybe just a ouple idiots but who cares). We just find your shit annoying when repeated over and over and over.
God, why are queers of all kinds always so fucking flamboyant and obnoxious about their little precious sexualities?


You can thank the retards that ROUTINELY deny bisexuality for there BEING all the bisexual threads.

With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, you saying "no one says bisexuality is not real" IS NOT TRUE.

Help us fix the problem if you want the bisexual "spam" to go away.

Personally I don't mind it since it's a great opportunity to fap every time.

>I'd correct that and say just fuck what also wants to fuck you that is over the age of consent
I thought that went without saying. Thank you, it's AstroBoyTwink on Tumblr

I agree, but what's posting on Sup Forums gonna do? Spamming bi threads won't change anyone's mind.


It's not a "couple of idiots", it's a large handful of peeps in EVERY thread like these.

You're telling the minority voice to shut up. Fuck you we won't shut up until everyone, yes EVERYONE, UNDERSTANDS what we are.

Why the fuck did I save a screenshot

"Bisexuality is real"
Now stop filling the thread with your stupid tier shit and blaming others for your actions.

filling the board* I meant.
You can do whatever the fuck you want with this thread since it's fucked anyways.

>Spamming bi threads won't change anyone's mind.

Maybe not A LOT of people, but some people. And THOSE people can talk to a few other people in THEIR lives about it, and so on and so on.

Until the information (not misinformation) gets around.


Why do you even give a shit about what other people think of bisexuality? Sounds like you are just as retarded as the people you are opposing, trying to impose your world views on everybody else. Just kys


This is not "imposing" a view.

It's a fact that bisexuality exists. OP is defending SCIENCE against the IGNORANT. Never forget this, pleb.

One time my mom and I were talking about gay people I know and she said that she's ok with that stuff, and right before I was gonna tell her I'm bi she said that she doesn't think it exists. Idgaf though. Don't need validation for my attraction to dicks and pussies.

Well, when you put it that way...

Your mom is a closet bisexual.

I know very well it's a fact, I myself fuck dudes from time to time and I don't give a fuck what others think about it, do you want a fucking medal? There is litteraly no point to this quest of yours, you're no better than retarded feminists trying to "educate" the masses.

Except feminists are wrong about most things. I am not.

This is a cause for truth. You should be in favor of it. Or simply ignore it if you don't care.

Most people come to Sup Forums to shitpost and fap. It sounds nice what you're doing, but that probably won't work here. I've seen several "TRAPS ARENT GAY" threads, but I doubt anyone here left and told someone they know that they're not gay for loving trannies. But idc, I'm just here to save pics of twinks. Good luck, user.

I like these threads because it gets the normies the alt-right super butt blasted.

More of him! Any hardcore? Preferrably anal or cum pics?

Who dat dude

Why do Russians have the best twinks?

Just google "Ugo TBW" idk if there's any hardcore

ever use image search?


bi now,
bi later!

bi 4 life

Theres no hardcore

Thanks for these. Really.

faggots gonna fag
why is /faggot/ not a thing yet?

How about Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsisexual?


Because you're still here denying your sexuality


newfag. Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Sup Forums has been calling people faggots since 2005 to keep out the literal faggots. are you triggered shitlord?
tumblr is your safehaven faggot

it's not like OP's trying to hide being bisexual, retard

being bi is the best btw, you're missing out, nigger

I don't give two shits where you put your dick, just don't make it everyone else's business. I don't understand why everyone has to scream their sex habits to the heavens like it a badge of honor. Whoopty fucking doo, you swing both ways...

Because gay rights happened and newly closet-outting faggots have to tell the world because their middle-school called them faggots one too many times.

>Sup Forums has been calling people faggots since 2005 to keep out the literal faggots.
And there's always a trap thread every other hour. That really worked.

>are you triggered shitlord?
Getting this mad and constantly replying when you could easily ignore the thread makes it seem like you're the triggered one.

>being this retarded
I think you spent your lower education thinking about dicks when you should've been studying.

>BECAUSE their middle-school called them faggots one too many times.

They shouldn't have done that then, should they?

>this is what closeted bisexuality looks like

>hurr i'm such a sadboi i get ofended so ezlee
you're a moron
I'm sorry that I don't have a mental disorder.

because calling someone gay is offensive
found the leftwing faggot

I don't get these fuckers. I'm transgender, everyone knows, nobody gives a fuck. I don't run around defining myself by my weird shit. Even my friend's step dad who is a literal nazi and went to jail for kidnapping a gay co-worker doesn't give a shit.

LGBT people wanna dash around screaming for equality and begging to be treated like normal people when we are vastly in the minority, then turn right around and do everything possible to alienate themselves. Pride parades and all that other garbage only serves to make you stand out like a sore thumb. If these asshats would just act like human beings instead of this caricature reflection of everything that is wrong with themselves, maybe people wouldn't hate them so goddamn much.

>still being this butthurt
Either get out of this thread or get out of the closet. It's not ok to be this angry.

>ur aschtually gay hurr
see This faggot speaks truth. Nobody cares that you're a megafaggot. Keep it to yourself. I'm vegetarian and 98% of my coworkers and friends don't know. Mainly because I'M NOT A FUCKING RETARD AND TALK ABOUT IT AND SHAME PEOPLE. You're a fucking moron if you think the world needs to know about your mental disorder. Nobody gives a fuck. Everyone is weird, different, has weird kinks, likes dicks or vaginas. Nobody cares. Fucking neck yourself.

Where do all ya'll find your twink porn

OP you use Tumblr don't you, i mean i'm a full on flaming faggot but your bait seems actually serious.

whenever i see this faggot on a tumblr i always find pedophiles

post more ass instead


Obviously you are not from here...OP is a faggot regardless. Just more so then some...but if a gif butthurts you that bad, then this isn't for you nigger.

kys nig nog

Holy shit. Do you go to every thread and complain like this? I'm not OP, I don't give a shit if people don't believe in bisexuality. I'm here for the porn. Which is pretty much what this thread turned into. If you don't like the shit, ignore it and move on. If it has you this upset, why are you still here?

Google tbh

>praise the violator, blame the victim

Not on my watch, nigger.

It's called deflection, Einstein.

If that wasn't made to be pounded, I don't know what is.

>pussy notwithstanding

Wow. You actually pulled ahead and learned a pop-psych term. Post your McDonald's management associates for everyone user, please.

>just posting guys on guys and shit

Deflection actually has a very different application from what how general consensus views it. You've proven your worth faggot. Neck yourself with a dick.

I'm not the one posting pics, but here's some tits!

>Neck yourself with a dick.

I laughed trying to envision that.

Also, I love dick, but not as much as pussy and tits. I'd probably strangle myself with tits first.

This is now a straight man thread. Faggots BTFOd.

No. This is a bisexual thread.

We like both in here. Thanks for contributing.

lets get some of that petite babes

Bisexuality is a real thing.

Bisexuality is a very minor thing.

Less than 10% of people are bisexual.

Less than 4% of people are gay.

Less than 0.2% of people are trans.

The other 90% of the population thinks you're a buncha fucking weirdos.

Any feminine pretty boys online?


TIL .2% of the population hit their head too hard as a child.

>The other 90% of the population thinks you're a buncha fucking weirdos.

Do not give a shit. Normies can all fuck off and die.


omg........who's that hottie??

whats that thing on his dick?

This is the problem with tumblrinas like this faggot. Zhe thinks his little echochamber of online happiness revolves around it.

>putting so much value in what people think of you
lmao so insecure

Wow, you suck shit at math.


let's round to 15% to not overestimate and also include fringe orientations like asexuality

At BEST, you have 85% straight.

Let's think about what the surveys would be if they were PERFECTLY anonymous, and people were also COMPLETELY honest...

I bet you sure would not get more than 75% of the population saying they are completely straight.

This is a common trait of evolution, you have 75% "normal" and 25% "deviant"...

That 25% mixes with the 75% over time and you get gradual change in biochemistry.

It's not really that "weird" if you look at the big picture. It's necessary.


>overusage of a logical fallacy
You should have listened during middle-school instead of complain about your straight peers faggot