Can we summon Alice please. I think she's missing. Has she abandoned us!?

Can we summon Alice please. I think she's missing. Has she abandoned us!?


yeah we found out about his penis and he ran away blushing

If that really happened, please tell the tale.

it's almost 1 AM in NYC, she's in bed.

Alice we miss you

Yeah, but she's been gone for what seems like forever. Is she sick again?

she was sick a bit last week, her AC died today and she can't handle high temps very well. I suspect she took my advice and crawled into her fridge, and the door may have become stuck.

does hot weather remind her of the fire

I'm not able to answer that question, and if she was in a fire, do you really think it's appropriate to ask someone that bluntly about something that traumatic?

Good advice, it was stupid hot/humid today.

Uh oh. Nano is way too small to open that door.

RIP Alice

I miss her... I wish she would come back, I hope she does...

Hey Jill

I remember that filthy cunt

Fuck her

its a perfectly valid question and the information is public so i gotta know
does being a little make her face itch



She's probably fine, really. I'll poke around tonight before bed, but I figure she'll be back tomorrow or the day after.
yeah, user?

I just wanted to say hi

Ah, thank you for the info then. I haven't seen her in forever, was hoping she was ok

Yall are all fucking retarded

no u

the question is not rude its a simple question im just looking for an answer

How is being in a fire a traumatic event if no one dies?

The lose of control over a situation can lead to a trauma. And especially a fire is a terrible lose of control that can hurt a lot if the right things are damaged

Its too bad it didnt kill the delusional bitch

Are you retarded? There are plenty of things that will leave you traumatized and don't involve death.

Why are filters not working

I've been telling that faggot to kill himself in pretty much every thread he makes, hopefully it worked.