Are you still racist?

Are you still racist?

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Absolutely Disgusting.
Fucking niggers.


How about now?

Never was racist but now I can feel the jungle

yes i only fap to asian girls on huge white dicks

Dats my property now.

I love black women, I'm dating one. I'm insanely attracted to hot black girls

yes. black pussy looks like a horse vagina


Would blending humanity into one race end racism?

ITT: people conflate racism with sexual repulsion

prove it

I'm just not into black chicks. If that's considered racism then yeah, I guess I'm racist. Hot black chicks are one in a million.

Sauce i have jungle fever now

are you?

Yeah, my dick isn't though



oh look a nigger pussy

Its not the color of their skin that makes them niggers. Its their nigger brains or lack of brains that i dislike.

Nice shoop


hot hoe

That's definitely not a shoop...

weird butt.



Mother daughter

you know niggers cant grow hair like this right


i see you havent had a girlfriend yet and have yet find out what a hair straightener is

never have been. it's moronic, something the weak-minded like to obsess over.

cute af

this photo is hot as fuck,

black chicks literally have the perfect bodies. built to fuck

nope. stupid people will always find something to hate.

Yes, I call Vulcans Space Elves.

I am a bad person.

I feel like the only dude in the world who likes black girls that are that dark

after a LTR I started dating few black chicks, ended up hooking up with 4 of them.. sex was great, dating was fun with a few of them too.. Was weird getting a lot of attention.. anyways, black women are loud and very blunt and dont take shit... its hard AF to control them.. they will do what they want no matter what




In the sense I'd much rather fuck a sexy black girl than a sexy white girl.


>probably riddled with parasites

yes, but wouldn't be worth it.

well, i wasn't racist in the first place so...