What is wrong with my dick?

What is wrong with my dick?

looks like it was burned in a fire

damn... maybe they fucked up your circumcision? wtf......


small AND fucked... bro. go lift or some shit

there's no such thing as a not-fucked-up circumcision
it's healthy, clean and women love it

That's what you get for being cut.

Straight from the german fairytale Crumpedforeskin

looks like something out of Mad Max

Looks like you have gum wrapped around it

circumcision gone wrong.. learn kids

that's some horror movie shit


It looks like chewed bubblegum.


it's not in my butt

Penile cancer.

The only treatment is amputation and an ileostomy.

It looks like they cut your dick because it was to big when you were a baby and reattached the tip to make it look normal and failed

it's white

omfg dude. it looks like you got your dick caught in your bike chain. instead of stopping the bike, you kept on riding!

Your dick looks like quatto from total recall

It wouldn't look like that if you didn't fuck your blender.

Is this you?

Were you the model?

it's like your dick is vomiting out another dick.

when you masturbate do you twist your penis like you're opening a stubborn pickle jar?


bongo girl

Your parents let doctor goldbergstein try to harvest your foreskin when you were a baby
Its not your fault. But you should never stop reminding your parents its theirs

They used to have a circumcision machine that would burn a ring to remove the foreskin. Sometimes the operator or machine malfunctioned.

You are a malfunction. But something tells me you already knew that. Looks like burn scars. Feel sorry for you, user.


There was a machine for that bro? Not OP btw