Fuck the government making up lies about this shooting tell the fucking goddamn sonofabitchin truth

Fuck the government making up lies about this shooting tell the fucking goddamn sonofabitchin truth

I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch

You better think about it baby

House proud town mouse! Haha, charade you are!

We walk the streets at night

So what lies, exactly, do you think they're telling?

Your gov sux in the us

Look up the video weird on fb the government lied about what happened in vegas

Again I ask... what are the lies? Be specific.

Look at this fucking cuck


What, the thing with the car? Its a fucking ongoing investigation, of course there are things that the police aren't going to talk about.


The shooter planned to escape but killed himself. He acted alone but you cant fire 400 shots in 15 minutes kill a secruity guard and youself especially with hardly no blood and no bullet hole through the door. Footage shows gunfire from the 4th floor. Look at the song me and my monkey by robbie Williams.

It mentions the hotel, floor and talks about a shooter.

33 degrees of unstoppable power gents.

You've got three eyes
But you can't see us.

Ask an initiate anything.

I don't think anyone actually died. There was no blood and there was not one dead body shown by the media or anyone there that filmed it then right after it happened all the media did was talk about gun control.

I want people to mention this thread make my picture a meme keep this is going to better the people around you.

People need to no what the government is doing. We need to show the illuminati they are nothing.

Well, the floor is one off so not quite

its putins clone

Have there been any gore photos of the dead circulating? I don't like that kind of stuff, but honestly at this point I figure I'd have stumbled across some actual photos, now I'm actively searching for some, & can't find any so far.

If you don't believe this is fake yet look up the interview with SHOOTERS brother

there not many lies about shooting itself
unspoken truth - it was done to make law that forbid to own firearms pass.