Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.

Why haven't you just bought a whore

why not get a fatty to start and move on with life?

Dubs speak the truth.

be more outgoing, and genuine.

I'm opposed to prostitution. Trafficking and shit. Also, it wouldn't change the underlying issues.

I'm getting my wizard hat in a couple of weeks. What's it like?

Why do you regard yourself a loser? You have accomplished what monks and priests worldwide weren't able to do.

So you put pussy on a pedestal and refuse to confront your obvious confidence issues head-on and would rather make excuses.

Cool. Got it.

thats bs man, my best friend was like you. got a hooker and had a great time, she was nice to him. after that his life changed and he met a girl got married and had kids joined army.

Does it annoy you that people assume that you're unhappy with you situation and are complaining about it whenever you bring it up?

how do i avoid being this im at 20 and counting

There aren't that many fatties around. This isn't the fucking US.


Accurate, I must say.

how about by having sex?

The assumption is correct. I also bring it up nowehere except here.

wanna swap? where im at theres fatties galore

jesus christ youre fucking dense

It is pretty much the only form of uniquness you can have these days.

jesus christ im fucking RIGHT

At this point, would you consider a man?

>The assumption is correct
Fair enough. I only ask because I'm a 28 KV and it genuinely doesn't bother me. I don't think of sex and intimacy as things I'd be interested in. People assume that I should change or want to change and it drives me nuts.

It's not fucking hard.

Either buy a whore (it's easier than you think) or wait until 20 and pick up a fatty at a bar.

That's just being obnoxious you fucktard. He gave you an answer. Figure out how to get to it you cunt


Further, once you get some you'll realize there's nothing important in it and you can move the fuck on.

>backpage women formen
>text girl
>"hey saw your backpage lets meet"
>"k it's $200"
>money in envelope
>uber to hotel
>texts me room #
>she opens the door
>i get on the floor, etc.
>put money on dresser
>she takes her clothes off
>we had sex


How wonderful is your life?

whores cost money and where im at its only nig city and they only suck dick for rocks and 40's

nothing is a bigger waste than throwing 200 down the drain for 5 minutes but yet im the retard

>dick sucks for rocks and 40s
sounds like a fucking bargain

Just visit Thailand, you'll literally have multiple girls going hard trying to get your dick, it's insanely easy.

I'm the one who went balls deep in a 3D woman, dude.


It's below average but it could be worse.

You mean "girls".


You are literally telling me it's easier for you than I expected

How is this fucking hard to understand

No, I mean girls(female)

Figured I would at least pose it as a question

Start by being friends with girls and becoming comfortable with talking to them, then it'll come naturally if you actually want to lose your virginity. But I don't think you actually want to lose it tbh

Also I lasted [spoiler]10[/spoiler] 15 minutes but $200 was for an hour. If I had lasted that long, this chick was one pop.

Really? Never been to Thailand but I've been to Singapore, China and Japan.

Have you tried seeing a therapist to help you with your problem with intimacy? Do you even want to lose your virginity?

Yes. They literally go after you in the streets and try to pull you into the bars themselves.

Assuming you're a white westerner, anyway.

Too bad I'm too much of a xenophobe to travel, that sounds boss.

Plus I really want to try the ladyboys

I've only seen a therapist for depression like ten years ago. Also, I'm not even sure if I have a problem with intimacy. It's not that I had any opportunity for sex and just turned it down because of fear.

OP here. I am white as fuck indeed.

I'll be honest if you've lived 34 years and you are still a virgin and don't want to be a virgin you have some sort of fear.

can you post a pic of yourself?

Not really. Of course, there is some anxiety but I've managed to approach women in clubs/bars/at parties. Also, there is online dating.

Are you horribly ugly?

Won't post pic of my face. But it's slightly below average. Maybe 4/10.

How do you feel about women who are below average? Fat, bad teeth, etc.

Could you overlook that to have a companion?

Of course. I usually went for average girls because I am average myself. When it comes to fat, its more a lifestyle incompatibility since I am very active.

>When it comes to fat, its more a lifestyle incompatibility since I am very active.

I'm glad to hear that. What kind of hobbies do you have?

Climbing/bouldering, running, cycling, gym, cooking, reading, vidya occasionally.

That's odd. Those activities usually have a built-in circle of friends to go with them. I'm guessing lack of social contact isn't really the problem.

It is. Don't have any strong friendships. Acquaintances at most.

Now I feel bad, because I was going to try to help. I'm about your age, and I've been in your position, I know how it is.

The first thing I was going to suggest is that you take up a "real" hobby snowboarding, motocross, long distance running, etc.

Then I was going to say, if any of your close friends have a girlfriend, sister, etc. that you feel comfortable talking to, have a heart-to-heart with her. You'd be amazed how women can be bros in this type of situation.

Dude.... I'm 5'1 (not midget mongoloid or anything, just fucking short as fuck) and married. Decent fuck history before the wife.

Get your shit together.

Ever try any on-line dating aps?

They can work, I actually met my SO on tinder (we don't talk about that) if you've already tried, try again, but try dressing nice, and hire a photographer or art student to get good pictures.

Thanks for your help bro. But ... well.

Let me guess: you are actually a nice person.

I've used Tinder. A few matches, nothing coming out of that.

And there is not one photo somebody else took where I look good. If I take it myself with some screen where I can actually see my face, its okay. But if I can't correct how I look, I look like a retard.


>be me
>work full time
>too tired to do anything in spare time
>no social life
>don't want to pay for sex
At this point I'm just waiting for wizardhood, what powers do I gain? What should I study to become a complete wizard?

Is there a woman about your age who you're comfortable talking to?

It might be scarry and embarrassing, but if you are willing to throw all your cards on the table, she could be a huge help. They love when stories like this have a happy ending. THey can give solid advice, and they'll know which of your friends to introduce you to.

That is what actually worked for me.

>Is there a woman about your age who you're comfortable talking to?

There isn't. There used to be some female acquaintances I talked about this issue when I was in my 20s though.

Have you sought help from a professional therapist?

Reading between the lines, I doubt you're even ugly or unattractive. My guess is you just have a hard time connecting with people and blame yourself.

I know that's a pretty generic sounding statement, but that's because it's pretty common, and the pros deal with it all the time.

Need photo of op

>My guess is you just have a hard time connecting with people and blame yourself.

Yes. I have no humour, charisma, charme, or eloquence. And who else should I blame?

No face. Attached is my skinny as fuck body.

If you blame other people then you're still in the same boat with more dickheads

One of my friend's wife actually tried to get me to hook up with one of her friends she suggested 3 of them.

All of them single fucking mothers
Fuck that
The ones that women will try and hook you up with are single for a reason.

Why are you a 34 year old kissless virgin?
I was a fucking introvert loser in high school but still managed to get somewhere with a woman.

I was an introvert loser and high school and continue being an introvert loser.

Your body looks fine. That's nothing that should hold you back. I couldn't imagine your face looks much worse. Even if you've got a big nose, going bald, etc, just own it.

As for the whole social graces thing.. I feel you I'm socially awakward AF. My ex accused me of being a psychopath... y'know she was an expert because she was a fan of Dexter and read an article that said guys who drink their coffee black are psychopaths.

aaaaaaanyway there are some things about that you can fix. Work on remembering people's names and remember little facts about them. It's huge if you can see an aquaintance and say "Hey Tom! How did the test go?" or "How do you like the new apartment?" much better than "How are you doing?"

That example might not apply to you, and you can't totally fix being socially awkward, but if you can work on the little things, it makes a big difference.

Also, don't focus on meeting a woman for now.

I'd say take a year, and just work on building a solid circle of friends.

Thanks for the advice.

How do you do that if people don't particularly like you?

Why are you still a virgin?

Find new people.

You mentioned you do some cool stuff. Ever try searching facebook? your city + activity you like Portland Enduro Mountainbiking, Denver Boundering Group, etc.

After the activity is over, and you're in the parking lot loading up your gear, eavesdrop and find out who's going for beers afterwards.. "hey, can I come too?" blam! friends!

OP do you work out?

Also, I don't know if you've noticed this, but it gets easier as you get older.

I can say for me personally, most of my crew have moved on in life, moved out of town for a job, had kids, got hurt one fucking time, and it was just his collar bone and it was a total freak accident, and it won't happen again, but his wife made him sell his bike.

I am fucking thrilled when I meet a potential buddy who is into something I do who has weekends off.

Yes. But not that much strength / resistance training. I can do front levers but I cannot bench more than 70 kg.

your body looks good man, don't worry about being /fit/ ripped.
