Would you rail a pregnant girl Sup Forums?

Would you rail a pregnant girl Sup Forums?

long as she wasn't smuggling coal.

Why not? It's free to nut inside, she can't get double pregnant.

guess OP never got married. just because your wife is pregnant doesnt mean you dont have sex with her for 7 months

Yes it does. Buy her a dildo and go fuck some random slut off of tumblr.

If it's some dumb whore then sure. If it's your wife it's fucking gross. Literally living with a pregnant woman is absolutely disgusting

fuck yeah i would

actually, they can

prostitutes who get pregnant and offer preggo sex get paid double

I have. No reason to stop fucking her just because she is preggo. It's awkward when while screwing her water breaks and labor begins.

I would rail anything with a moist hole; and so would everybody else here.

Virgin detected.

Child detected.

I've been fucking my wife all the time she was pregnant (twice). No big deal. Just have to remember to do it doggy style. Also pussy is really nice (juicy and meaty) when chick is pregnant.

hey, thunder, is that you?

I have, it's fucking great. Wouldn't do it if it weren't my baby though

Anyone got OC?

not really guy

Yeah wife and I fucked till the end, had to be careful with positions tho. Otherwise was fun

Not the person you responded to, but it's possible.
>first hand knowledge
At least the labor part...

>be 19 (27 now)
>hook up with pregnant broad through online dating bullshit
>fuck her 1 or 2 times daily for about a week
>was ok
>tits awkwardly hard, massive pregnancy nipples
>nutted inside every time
>texts me the morning after the last time we fucked
>says I put her into labor with my clock and she was at the hospital
>didn't end up giving birth that day, but maybe a day or two later
>never talk to her again
>buddy is in a dry spell so I give him her number
>poor sap got attached and had to play daddy for a few months
>he got to fuck the skinny version, but I got to check something off the bucket list, plus I didn't have to deal with a kid (per se)

>put her into labor with my *cock
Fucking phone...

Yes. Pussy is so fucking fat and wet when they're knocked up. Better than non-pregnant pussy.

no sorry

Why?... I never had this view living with my pregnant wife.

Yup, did it plenty before. Wife and our girlfriend, and two random fucks I got off of OKCupid and FetLife.

One of the best experiences I've ever had was a threesome with wife and our gf, wife was 6 months and gf 8 months pregnant. Wife was even more into it than I was, had to use chemical assistance just to keep up with them.

Please share more into your life of having a harem. Where the fuck do you live.

The Netherlands. People don't really make a fuss of it here, we play it off to normies as wife + husband + roommate, taxman doesn't care either and my family is supportive of it. Wife broke contact with her family when she moved here (Filipina), gf is wife's best friend from same country but is still in contact with her family, the narrative there is that she lives with us as maid/staff. They buy it, so no issues there.

But that's not what you wanna know, probably. AMA?

Prego sex was great with wife she got horny as hell .. Best part was sucking those huge milky tits while she breast fed for a year .

Slammed the preggo wife (not my fault) one night.
She was awesome hot that night, really went to town.
Me asleep, she taps me on shoulder wakes me up and says ‘its time’.
“Fuck no bitch I’m all tapped out, go back to sleep”
‘No, its time to go to the hospital, my water has broke’
Son was born with my cum in his mouth, I reckon.

well if he turns out gay you'll know why

Watch for him daydreaming while licking his lips. You'll know what he's thinking about, and it sure as hell isn't an icecream cone.

Nah, that fuckker and his offspring has made me a great grandfather at 56, chip off the ‘ol block lol

>chip off the 'ol block
He also spunked into his unborn son's mouth?

Yes. Free creampies.

savage af lol

i want to. how do i find one? I am in LA.

I fucked my best friends wife when they were pregnant with their 1st born... I was 21, she was 19... he was in rehab and I was close with her too... fucked her for 3 weeks every day and she had big swollen tits and a little pot belly... creampied her every time and to this day he has no idea

Dunno, must ask him

Did you ever tell him, though?

Whats to tell?
It happened (not my fault).

Fucking kek. That's a great phrase to use.

Dunno, my parents told me lulzy stories like that, that's how I know my mom smoked like a chimney until two months into pregnancy because doc told them years ago she's barren. I'm a little miracle! Also retarded because she smoked and drank.

Haremguy here, no more questions? Thread's kinda dead.

Only if I knew the baby was a girl too so I could get both of them pregnant at the same time.

Any pics that you're willing to share? I'd love to hear some good stories about your 3somes.

Have any fights been started by jealousy during/about sex?
Do you naturally prefer one over another?

... and how do you see that happening..?

Hell yeah...pussy and a blowjob at the same time....what more could ya ask for...except maybe a sammach after I nut in her kids mouth

But smoking don’t hurt ya
Just ask any smoker that

Don't have any pics on here at the moment, sorry man. We're on FetLife though, due to privacy reasons I'd rather not give out our profile names but if you recognize us based on my answers, sling me a message and feel free to enjoy whatever we post there.

Jealousy was a thing in the beginning, wife used to be very insecure and, admittedly, me too, but it faded away over time. We've really learned how to communicate well, and our relationship as trio is now really on the level of a married unit. I trust both those women with my life, they do the same with me. It helps that we have clearly defined roles in the relationship, with me being the daddy-dom, wife and gf being sub-sisters, and wife being the sub with switch tendencies and gf being a slave. Sometimes there's a bit of jealousy from both of them towards me when another girl is involved, which is ironic since they're both cuckqueans, but communication is key. Lots of talking is the basis of every successful relationship, regardless of the amount of members involved. I do have issues with them playing with other dudes though, so unless I can vet the guy myself that won't happen, but both girls seem to be completely okay with that and love it when I let my possessiveness roam free. They say it makes them feel loved and appreciated. Fair enough, same for me when they band together and pout when I tell them about another girl. No fights during sex at all, to more accurately answer your question. Too busy having fun!

I don't prefer one over the other, though they both have their qualities. For instance, wife has an at-will gag reflex so deepthroating is different with her than gf, who gags as soon as I'm even close to her lips. Which all of us adore. Body type differs between them though, wife's chubby bordering on BBW (delicious), gf is so skinny we sometimes wonder if it's still healthy. I don't prefer either over the other, maybe depending on my mood but in general they both tick my boxes differently.

yes, and cum on the fetus, i love it

Very thoughtful reply user. Thank you.

I agree with that a lot of talking is required for a relationship of any size. I'm still having that problem with only one wife at the moment. Very frustrating.

Thanks for answering my questions bro.

You're welcome, man. It's actually nice to have some serious questions like that instead of the usual "so how is it to do teh fux lolz", I know for some people what I describe is The Life but we didn't get to where we are without plenty of strife in the process. I mean, wife broke with her family for a very good reason, there's lots of tears in that history and I'm really happy our little family developed through all that hardship. Made us closer, you know?

Good luck with your wife, lord knows bog-standard marital arguments are still a thing. Some things never change, except that now sometimes I have two angry women yelling at me and trust me fam, one angry Filipina is already a handful but two? Yikes.

Haha yes, the good with the bad... Well you guys sound like you're doing good!

In the meantime I'll try my best and I hope you and your girls the best.

Same for you, man. Hope you and your wife work it out, don't be embarrassed to try some (couple's or individual) therapy if needed. Marriage is hard work, but worth it if it pays off. Hit me up if you ever recognize me on Fet, if you're so inclined.

I've ridden the camel many times

Yeah I'll try to find you some time soon. I'd like to talk more.


summer is over fagget

Isn't fucking a pregnant woman the same thing as a CP threesome?

fuck, medehollander, add me on kik shizzle1979 ik wil meer horen

I have and would again. First time was with a Cambodian girl. Bunch of us from work on our last day there hit a bar, Got a couple of girls and went back to our apartments. 3 of us guys though so one of the girls calls her sister. Sis turns up and she looks like she's about 7 months and says she hasn't done anything like that in a couple of years. Anyway, we draw straws and I act all pissy when I draw the short one because I didn't want to embarass myself with how excited I was. Do the deed. Weird, uncomfortable for her in most positions and a bit more farting than I'm used to from a girl but it was good man.

Short, would the pope shit on the wood ?