I think about killing myself every single day. When I walk in the door after work...

I think about killing myself every single day. When I walk in the door after work, I have no desire to repeat the cycle but I just do out of necessity. It's been growing on me to the point where my previous religious views have been discarded; I wouldn't mind going to hell. I have no belief in self-harm or anything like that, but just the feeling that this life isn't worth living and that I just want it to be over before its due, I don't want to wait 70-90 years to die. If it wasn't for my countries gun-laws, I would do it, I just don't want something that hurts like hanging or drowning. Is there hope or should I just go through with it. Its a bit ranty but I really just need to get it out of my head



I thought the same, but I have the exact gun you posted and I still haven't done it yet. A few things need to be completed before I leave.

Am I supposed to give a shit? I slept with a pistol just like that under my pillow, or on my night stand, knowing I would come home drunk and have nightmares. Turns out, I never killed myself.

Wow your so cool. Lil bitch can't defend his own home so sleeps with a gun instead of a woman.

Fuckin lol, 9mm wouldnt hurt a fly. Why in the piss would you suicide with 9mm?!!!

Mate I just google searched "Gun" and posted the first thing that I saw. All I know is its a 9mm Glock 19 and it can kill someone. Everything else is irrelevant as long as it works.

WA? I felt like this for a while dude. The only thing that kept me alive was my kid.

Placement > caliber

I think about suicide daily op. The only thing that keeps me going is the tendency of things to happen to you when you least expect them. In both a good and a bad way. Also my parents are still alive and I would want to wait until theyre gone as well

Other side bro, NSW. No kid to keep me and my parents are in Tassie. I have no-one left for me short of a few High-school friends I haven't seen or spoken to in 4 years.

I dont want to kms anymore but now im just not afraid to die. You can distort it into a form of bravery i guess is what im saying.

Fuck off fudd. All the placement in the world wont make that pea shooter any deadly.

Theres a voice within my heart screaming to stop but my mind is overriding it and I really can't stop it at this stage.

This is why mericans love guns, such a comfy feeling knowing you have easy ticket out.

That place sucks. Just move and start again. Knock up a bitch... im not with her anymore but my daughter is everything to me.
Other girls see that and you end up doing better over time. Im super introverted but im getting better. Shit is getting a little more diverse.

Then go off the rails for a bit. Fuck up your life - you can start again. I have done it multiple times. It beats oblivion i am assuming.

sounds like u need a change in lifestyle, ever consider living off the grid?

Dude i work on a dairy in the middle of fucking nowhere. This is probably my final form and I'm pretty happy with it. People find you when you find yourself - yes i know how gay that sounds.

Only reason I own guns. Not sure which one I will use.

^^ this is sort of what im saying. Mainstream society isn't for everyone.

Use your bubble rifle and then move to western australia and i will buy you a beer. I love guns but i use them to shoot kangaroos and foxes. Not my own face.

hey guess what, no one cares. committing suicide in modern society is almost as second thought as breathing, its basically ingrained into our falsely acquired psyche that if we don't bend ourselves over for societies artificial expectations then we have somehow failed ourselves and our families. soooo go ahead and fuck yourself, your not unique in your rant and im sure we'll spout the same advice and you'll spout the same washed up excuses to kill yourself. it could go either and frankly, as ive stated several times before, no one cares

> I don't want to wait 70-90 years to die.
how old are you? 10?

why not just use comic sans?

Yes I have, kind of appealing jumping a freight train, setting a random countdown clock and jumping for it when the clock hits 0, then just living off the land from there.