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>linking to vice


The link I posted. The Russian investigation is expanding to Reddit and Sup Forums lol

Sup Forums has to be the easiest place to spread Russian propaganda. You can shitpost, samefag, and use racism to your advantage

Either way Trump has been a better president than hil would of been. Maybe if the rest of the world were not a bunch of elitist snobs that turned there nose at all of America at the news of Trump winning things wouldn't seem as bad as most people try to make them out to be.

oh yeah and I hope they figure out that /r/news mod from canada that was a left wing shill has some russian links or something to let everyone know since him and a group were fucking up that sub really bad with their propaganda. probably half the reason most lefties are practically bonefide fucking nut jobs now a few years later.

Remember when Mitt Romney said Russia was a threat and Obama laughed in his face saying it wasn't the cold war anymore? The Russian investigation is exactly that, something which should be laughed at. It's a scapegoat for losers to think has any real merit, and dishonest media institutions to use as clickbait to earn money from the losers who think it's a genuine lead when they're just as deluded as Mitt Romney was. The MSM is shit and so are the idiots who call anyone who doesn't like Clinton a Russian bot.


Please read this before you continue posting. I know you won't but I tried

Have you actually read it? It's fucking nothing. That declassified DNI report offers no direct evidence of Russia hacking. And more recently released information shows that more activity by Russian actors were supporting Hillary and gay rights agendas than Trump. RT or Russian Today is Russia's state propaganda network much like Al Jazeera or BBC or like we in the US have our corporate (deep state) media. They all push agendas. The left has gone crazy worse than Info Wars.

Going to need to see links on that Hillary stuff before I believe it

Also just a heads up, I voted Gary so no hate

Calling bullshit. You didn't vote. You just want to excuse yourself of any rebuttal pertaining to your Trump cuckship


Oldfag here too , tbh ive never seen so many gay, trap, weird threads. I aint talking gore weird. Im talking like trans weird, "walk me through my journey" shit.

Obvious agendas are obvious.

I miss longcat threads :(

Nothing is random anymore

I did vote Gary and if you're the same guy as this, Ima need to see those links where Russia helped Hillary because I'm not buying that bullshit

Yeah that shit too. But even last election with Romney vs Obama the threads were NEVER this bad. Which definitely leads me to believe some outside force is fuckin around on Sup Forums

Nah. Different user. I only believe in conspiracies with tangible evidence. I.e towers crimping in the middle before collapsing at free all speed or the ballistic trajectory of a bullet launching a presidents head in the opposite direction of the "supposed" assassin's bullet

Paper trail conspiracies are unlikely to be proven bc anything on paper can be doctored.

Okay so no evidence?

Glad we got that out of the way

America helped Hillary. Our broken and corrupt political system is what allowed her to push Bernie out of the running. No collusion necessary. America interferes with every other country's elections anyway. The point is moot.

Dubs declares it. The conspiracy is ded

Guccifer 2.0 (Confirmed by intelligence agencies as Russian intelligence) hacked the DNC and caused all that drama in the first place. So that is a neglagent issue. And yes the political system is broken and corrupt, you can thank Russia for doing that


I don't know about you but most threads I see are porn threads, and political threads on Sup Forums are very rare.

>I've been here since '08 and the political threads have NEVER been as bad as they are now.

Even if there is a political thread once in a while, it mostly consists of liberal tears and "hurr durr trump iz rasist". That's it.

Dude theres a goddamn thread on Trump or Hillary that hits the cap multiple times a day. Your post is bullshit

I'm browsing the catalog right now and can't find a single one. Even if there was, are you implying that the Russians are making them?

this site and culture has been used to float disinformation since the beginning by all kinds of groups in the intelligence community. does no one remember mootykins handing over the keys to the J. Edgar Squad...or the darpa fiasco, you don't think DIA, NSA or one of thousand of front companies for Central is slurping up your ips, nigga please. we have been rused and used for years

They very well could be yes. They have troll bots all over twitter and facebook so it seems like Sup Forums would be a walk in the park for them.


engage in information warfare
>owning the narrative equals control

Nice meme. You do realize that Russians being somehow involved in the election is all a hoax? Even when they say it in the media they keep bringing up the term "alleged hacking" or "alleged involvement".
How do you know that it's not someone from Hillary's side doing that so they could point the finger on Russia?

I already posted why I believe the Russians helped Trump and not Hillary

Yeah that's the USA right now

this guy gets it.

the Poole got closed because of the men in beige...
>i miss you Chris
>good night, fags

I've just read it, it doesn't have any direct evidence that Russia hacked the election.

This is quite possible, my conclusion based on events in the most Russia. Russian branch of youtube is totally controlled by goverment, politicians from opposition receive thousand of dislikes on they video by an instant (within 10-15 minutes after upload quantity of dislikes equal ~100, and in one minute it become a 9000 for instance). We have plenty of mostly circumstantial evidences that few organizations occupied by these have an exist. It is quite possible that they send some bots on Sup Forums. Excuse me for my english.

That's because it's got most of the stuff retracted because the investigation isn't complete yet. However with what's there you can clearly see the Russians were influencing Trump and not Hillary. Which makes complete sense when you look at Russias strategic long-term goals

Yeah you can see this first hand when ANYTHING with Hillary comes up on YT. Like within seconds it's already spammed with dislikes

>Which makes complete sense when you look at Russias strategic long-term goals

What strategic long-term goals? After Trump won the election, the US did things that would further deter them to form some sort of partnership with Russia, an example being the Syria strike, among other things. So why would Russians still make threads, as you claim, about Trump?

That's easy to say when she's not the President.

Trump is an ebarrasment. The bar is so low I have a hard time believing that she wouldn't have been better.

And I hated her as a candidate.