So I posted my daughter here in a people you jerk off to thread and multiple people said I should make a move because...

So I posted my daughter here in a people you jerk off to thread and multiple people said I should make a move because we flirt/wrestle and shit like that.
Theoretically if I was going to then what would be the best way to go about that?

you're delusional, you watch too much porn kek


Wincest in the making

Maybe...but fuck me it's hard not to think about

The "accidental" reveal. It's the only way.

You can set it up so that she finds you jacking off, or maybe a journal entry about how you think about her (be careful how you write this, it needs to be primarily about how you'd never hurt her and your feelings make you feel terrible), or sexually related things (discovery of father daughter porn, etc) you can also accidentally wrestle her face or ass into your dick and see how she reacts.

That's step 1. You watch the reaction to that and if it looks good you can move forward to step 2 in like a 10 point process.

Going to add, she's either interested or not. You'll never convince her to think of you that way if she hasn't already.

When we have wrestled before I've gotten hard, even when she was right on top of me so there's no way she didn't notice it pressing in to her crotch. It didn't bother her at all, in fact she got more in to the wrestling and tries to initiate it more now.
Or maybe that's just my dick thinking instead of my brain.

balaclava while she sleeps

Girls know what a hard dick feels like. Unless she's oblivious. Try again and watch closer. Sounds like you have enough to go on to try one of the other things I mentioned and see what happens.

You could also do something nice for her like gift her some money/help her in some way after your next few wrestling matches so she associates it with reward and wants to do it more, but then you're traveling dangerously into the territory of being the guy who manipulated your daughter into fucking. Which could hurt your psyche.

Best way to go about it? Attach hose to exhaust pipe, other end in window, tape rest of crack of window, get in, start engine and recline seat. Suck up fumes until you're dead you fucking degenerate. Simples!

Don't listen OP, This guy is a liar. This will not lead to fucking your sexy daughter.

I would get hard again, let her notice it...but stop the activities...feel 'guilt' and let her know there was a 'reaction'

If she's cool, it's cool. If she's maybe cool, pull back on the wrestling and see if she reengages wrestling if you don't

It could be, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure you should post more pictures of your daughter, however.

Wrestle her and keep obviously pressing it into her, but not overly. Gauge her reaction.

we need more pics OP

do you ever get handsy when you wrestle?

more pics

Some more

Sure. Sometimes by accident it happens anyway but I would be lying if I said I hadn't grabbed her ass or tits, maybe the occasional crotch grab...

and does she mind? does she grab your crotch?


She certainly dresses like someone who fucks their Dad.

op it will never end well, kill yourself before its too late

Sure. But I honestly have no clue if it's accidental or not

Meant to say ask she doesn't seem to mind or at least doesn't mention it

more ass and tits

My advice? Probably best way to go about it, would be to hit her with a tombstone piledriver.

do her hands ever linger, or is it over in an instant?

Do you remember changing her diapers, sicko?

Start wrestling with gym shorts on, get boner, it'll be super obvious, grind into her

There have been times her hand has been there for a good 5 seconds

You could go into her room at night and start a "wrestling" match

you should try grinding your junk against her hand.

>OP listens to Sup Forums
>attempts this bs
>thinks he has a shot
>daughter is mortified, gets the cops involved, and the family is destroyed leaving OP's life in shambles
>OP thought this wasn't the clear and obvious outcome to it all
On the other hand I need a laugh. So do it OP and post the aftermath.


how long have your hands lingered on her?

Open window:
1-breathe some fresh air

10 seconds maybe? But of course I try not to make it super obvious, my hand isn't there for no reason

You'll regret it for the rest of your life. Both of you. Don't do it. Your life will apart.

She's sent me this before, seems a bit inappropriate for a daughter to send her father, no?

i can't believe so many of you gulliTARDS fall for this blatant bullshit. yeah his grown daughter is definitely wrestling with her grown adult father. fucking idiots.

have there been any nip slips or tit slips, and how has she handled anything like this?

thebarchive com/b/thread/724618572/#q724624814

my point proven, this isn't his daughter you dumb cucks.

I still wrestle with my dad. Fam couldnt believe it when I choke slammed the cunt at his funeral

This is good.

1. Wait until she goes out and you know when she will be home.
2. Send her a message while she's out saying you need her opinion on a gift for your wife when she gets home.
3. A little before you expect her home get out your ding dong and start whacking it.
4. Wait til she walks in. Act surprised, etc.
5. Enjoy the poontang your sperm made

Once or twice, she is usually in pretty loose fitting pyjamas at the time so her tit has came out of her top before. She either knew and didn't care or didn't notice because she never fixed herself and put it away until we were finished


You are absolutely 100% delusional. Kudos to you if you're making it all up with a fake picture and story to get other people to fuel fantasy stuff to jerk off to.

But if you in any world think your daughter is going to fuck you, or that it would be a good idea to fuck your daughter, you probably should kys. Because that will be a lot better than whatever damage you're going to do to the both of you if you attempt that shit and fail OR succeed.

this isn't how real humans interact with each other lol.

You've been rumbled, OP

That's not her Kik, it's beccabumxoxo


We all know it's bullshit fantasy but the chick is hot

Op..presuming you're actually serious here, you need to understand that this is a kid testing the waters with and starting to understanding her power in terms of sexuality by half playing up to someone to see the effects she's capable of on the male psyche. It's a developmental milestone in hetero healthy girls. She's playing up to and pushing the boundaries with you because she ultimately knows or at least thinks of you as the protector you should be as a father primarily and while she knows she has power over you, she knows you can't act on it even though you're consumed with lust for her. Believe me, if you do, she'll be awkward towards you in later life. Speaking from experience here.