If you had to eat the same meal every time you ate for the rest of your life, what meal would it be?

If you had to eat the same meal every time you ate for the rest of your life, what meal would it be?

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A roast dinner

surf and turf, duh

Your mom's pussy

Depends can I have different toppings? Can I drink different flavor soda?

Bitch lasagna.


One raw avocado; salted.
A side of brown rice; with chicken gravy, and peas.
Another side of roasted sweet potatoes and diced beets.

Hot habanero sauce, wasabi, mustard, and cayenne mayo.
Once done, cucumbers and plain greek yogurt.
Some Havarti cheese..then relaxation.

Your moms pussy.


Two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Sweet potatoes and butter

Chicken nuggets and mac n cheese

Do I have to eat all of it every time I eat? Even if I do, I feel like the cheat answer to this is to name a dish that comprises virtually every dish and to just drag out the process of eating it over a long time. Also, any answer that's not nutritionally comprehensive enough if going to make "the rest of your life" pretty short.


Is that a Big Smoke reference?!

a vagina ..

Filet mignon with brocoli rice and baked potatoes
just like i do every monday

you're mom

My last meal.

Roast baby with onions


Moldy cheese pasta?

A buffet

The rest of your life would, in that case, only be a few weeks.

Pete's Fish n Chips

A buffet isn't a meal fat ass.

i eat the same 4 meals every day anyway have for 3 years now.

just makes everything easier.

Coffee and speed, just like every day. Gonna die in a week, but my house will be clean as fuck

Roast Salmon and boiled potatoes with a blob of fresh butter.

A chicken fried steak with lots of white gravy 2 Hawaiian biscuits with butter few scoops of mashed potatoes and a glass of coke


It has everything you need, the peas can fuck off

Pic related. With all the fixin's.
Bonus: mudslime immunity.

My mate, mad Gareth. Eats Base speed everyday and has done for 15 years, he also stays awake for a week at a time and he once stayed up for 16 days. In fairness to him he goes to work every day.

youre a fucking weak beta if u cant even eat some peas

It's the only food I won't eat, apart from Gold bars,

Either lasagna or pic related.

It's gramigna with sausage. No cheese. The best thing ever.

Thos beans


medium rare steak with a side of brocolli and bushs baked beans.

A dinner buffet.

all-you-can-eat Chinese Buffet. Snowfish, coconut shrimp, honey chicken.

Pizza fam,its fookin lit

> " If you had to eat the same meal every time you ate for the rest of your life, what meal would it be? " ;

Christmas Dinner.


Regards - Andy Park-Raving-Mad Esq..

Sushi with cod cum

Is he seem retarded or fucked up in the head?


Kraut and bratwurst


meat and veggie pizza

your little sisters asshole

Chicken, broccoli, proton powder. At least I'd be fit.

Superpower by 2020

>proton powder
Atom Man GTFO

a bluberry smoothie with oats and peanut butter blended into it

A grilled chicken sandwich and hashbrowns from Wafflehouse with watermelon for dessert. Not black, just southern.