So like why haven't you started hrt yet Sup Forums?

So like why haven't you started hrt yet Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

because my appointment aint til Jan lol

Because I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and can't find any doctors to help me

'cause I love myself

Hormone replacement therapy is for menopausal women, you great faggot retard

im scared of transphobia and im not sure wether being a girl is just a phase

Happy with my gonads, familam

you'll never ever be a girl, dude. ever.

user tries to be edgy, fails miserably

you should be grateful

Jesus Christ how many guys are doing this????

literally, what hormones are being replaced?
lrn to reason

it seems to be a trend among millenials who have been infected with the postmodernism virus

Because you are sick and will enventualy suicide when you realise what you have done

because im not sure im trans yet? idk but i just feel like id be more... whole? complete? if i was pretty like that....

Replacing testosterone with estrogen moron. Over the course of 3 years I went from looking like wolverine to looking like an average chick, hrt works

It doesn't replace testosterone, you retard.
Also, you are a man. Always.

looks like a still from Silence of the Lambs



Why dbdbdbbs nsnsbs dnfnfb meee efjrjfj

>siding with feminists
Ur a cuck

Does this fucktard seriously not know what replacement means?

>Have a bowl of water
>Empty it
>Fill it with sand
>According to user I have not replaced the water with anything

Srsly user. Never try arguing with anyone again. You're so fucking dumb it hurts.

ever heard of testo blockers?
mt-hrt has 2 aspects: add estrogen, block testo

Because I value my health

you got a bit of a childish mindset there buddy

If its a sign of a collapsing society then people should stop hating trans people and start fixing society then. They are the result of a problem not the cause and therefore the biggest victims in all this??

How is this a society issue Lol? I just like being girly

people in germany were openly trans in the 20's, and it wasnt this trans-ness that made society collapse. fascists and reactionaries were.

moar pictures

¿Does this mean we can have ww3 soon?

>we should have trannies because the Weimar republic did so well
Kek @ (You)

if you dig out franco, maybe.
its up to you, juan.

That's what Im saying. Trans people just want to do their thing. It's these fascists and reactionaries acting like trans people are ruining the world as we know it who seem to be the biggest problem. You just have to look at Trumps support demographic to see that it's the people with the lowest intelligence you bring down society. I personally think certain political votes should have an IQ/intelligence test to qualify your vote.

Because im not a mentally ill faggot that gives up and decides to try life in easy mode, but youll never be a woman lmao

Holy fuck, a poster with a brain

Exactly. I'm not hurting anyone being trans, shit I pass and I live fulltime as a chick so no one even knows I'm a tranny. Fucking republicans man... also I'm not a dem, our two party system is slavery

western people gonna generally accept trans-people in 30 years. remember how big of a deal it was to be homosexual in the 80's?
IQ is not a good measurement for intelligence. it was created when psychology was still young and basically only measures how well a person can solve problems on a paper. i got myself tested with 127 IQ when i was 12, and i became a terrible teen with bad life choices.

HAHAHAHAHA. Say goodbye to the democrats' voter base, that is, black and brown people, WHO HAVE A LOWER IQ THAN WHITE PEOPLE.

I'm not a Democrat you fucking moron

Without democrats there won't be trans "rights"

>Trans people just want to do their thing

Are you kidding? The Wiemar Republic was a shithole. Fascists wouldn't have came to power if it wasn't collapsing.

hide your kids, the americans are at it again

Congrats. You've been brainwashed into the 'my team vs their team' mentality that is the American political system. You are literally a slave to the ruling elite but you pat yourself on the back because being on 'the winning team' strokes the part of your genetics that dates back to when we were all in groups of early Hominini.

Im saying people like yourself are too gullible or stupid to differentiate fact from lies and to understand when you're being used.

But by all means keep sucking the mans dick and congratulating yourself on drinking all the cum like a good boy.

That's a pretty dumb question, you think everyone here wants too? No I'd rather fuck traps not be one asshole.

>Baseless Assumptions: The Post
Also known as: NOT AN ARGUMENT.

I think user was trying to show how it's similar to the current state of the US. A great nation/power in decline. A shadow of its former self slowly being overtaken my fascists.

History repeats itself as usual.

Why is it that the retards can never write a rebuttal?

All they ever do is say shit like 'no your wrong', 'assuming much?'

Just saying the other person is wrong doesnt make you right user. It just makes you a lazy fuck who can't come up with any kind of reasoning to their opinions other that the fact that's what the world around them has told them to think.

I look forwards to your next one sentence reply.

>writing a rebuttal to a non-argument
There was literally nothing about that post that was deserving of any rebuttal at all whatsoever. It was all baseless assumptions and no substance. Ergo, not an argument.

Would love to fuck,suck and tonguekiss her..Damn..

Lol that's me

die, faggot

Everyone above the neck itt
>pic related

I started months ago thank you for asking


He was saying that the fact that you think black and brown ppl have lower IQ is just the result of you believing in gov's propaganda.

To make it simpler for your brain: he's saying it's not true

How is that not an argument? Are you retarded?

You rebut statements as well as arguments user. If someone makes an incorrect assumption about you then say why its incorrect. Otherwise it just looks like your trying to deflect those assumptions and it looks suspicious af. I.e Those assumptions were probably correct and you don't know how to respond.

Prove me wrong by all means user. If I've got you wrong by all means argue your case.

Show face

You made a thread like 12 hours ago saying you regretted transitioning. You even posted time stamps.

Make your mind up lol.

Does anyone have the Ranma HRT guide?

they do have lower iq lel. the gov wants you to think the opposite.

I'm not insecure enough to go on and explain about how wrong you were about me.

i don't know. I'm always I've always been pretty boyish, almost no beard, not much body hair and like, round shaped. until like a couple years ago. I'm 23 and everyone still assumes I'm the younger brother (he's almost 3 years younger) but I'm starting to realize I don't feel very comfortable about myself