Is it worth taking steroids? I mean to get a nice life

is it worth taking steroids? I mean to get a nice life.


If you cant handle just putting down the fork, then understand how to lift every day in a bulking and cutting fashion is you are far too stupid to be around steroids.

If you plan on being a pro bodybuilder or powerlifter or something like that,yes
If u wanna look jacked all year for the lulz don’t do it unless u can cycle properly and deal with being smaller, weaker, and smoother during the times ur off the drugs


I can get a girl hotter than that without even being fit. You dont need steroids to do it.

im just talking about getting a house paid, a nice girlfriend, nice car. a good job.

it helps probably if you taking steroids and works out.

havent seen a single loser athlete that is ripped with veins poppin


Try it That’s all I can say I can help u op. What kind of experience do u have with lifting and steroids

>I have seen a single loser athlete
You're not looking hard enough. Being ripped doesn't qualify you to not be a loser, it simply means you have muscle mass. So do dumbasses that go to prison and work out the whole time... are you 15? Hopefully you're just young and not really that retarded.

Get a superdrol clone of t'internet
Take 2 per day for one week per month
No shutdown, no liver issues

Keep jacking the weights and eating right, easy

Girls actually find too much muscle disgusting and not atractive.

Take steroids only to boost your self confidence and ego if you are too much of a beta even with a fit body.

Confidence is what really get you chicks. Everything else is just to boost your confidence.

not much, i work out 35minutes 1-3times a week. I have watched Rich Piana, (i know he is dead from como)

I have a friends friend that is a personal trainer and a "bodybuilder" kinda.

i know its little knowledge.

Tru ....just browse /fit/ there’s plenty of jacked depressed people

You can only get so big from working out. You want to get huge then you gotta hit the needle. It really doesn’t matter though. Unless he can get paid for working out or spends all his free time in the gym then he won’t be able to maintain it.

Just do Starting Strength and eat a lot. Christ, it's not that hard. Abs are for literal faggots btw.

and getting nice sexy girlfriends

>is it worth taking steroids?

>I mean to get a nice life.

It's like asking if taking antidepressants is good to get a nice life. It's great to treat the symptoms of depression but unless you're actively fixing the cause of depression in your life you're still going to have a shitter life than you would if you fixed yourself.

Steroids are great for building muscle fast, great for endurance stuff and absolutely fantastic for healing and stamina but they're also a huge pain in the arse, expensive and have certain problems if you're an idiot.

Worst of all is that you have to deal with every idiot who's read a blog post or watched a youtube clip on steroids and thinks they're going to give you cock cancer and heart attacks

Only really worth taking if you workout literally every single day.

Muscles have nothing to do with building a 'nice life'. Don't be shallow.

Women don't care about abs if your average height or above, and strong. Get strong, then worry about your abs. I don't even know why I'm bothering. People are are too fucking stupid to do a retard-level easy strength training program. They'll never make it.

Being physically strong WILL change your social relationships, male and female, for the better.

You 'just try' steroids

It's like how heroin affects your dopamine receptors: flood them, they say, oh shit, and widen, then your sober it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway

It's very similar, your body doesn't nasturally create that much test, and if you want to stop to save your headt or liver, you will like fuck up your test balance for good, have crazy high est, and tits

women dont give a shit about large muscles, just look decent, work out a bit get in shape, dress nice

I'm 172cm

my dick is 13cm dude.

Don't tell me I dont need abs.

I can tell you more how my life is worse, I can go on. Why I should really take steroids.

Test E and deca I would recommend possibly add some hgh if you can afford it
Pct hgc and clomid
I prefer from NAPs if anyone’s familiar

never heard of a prison?

Only take steroids if you're already working out regularly, you already have good results and you don't plan on stopping once you start.

Using steroids when you've never been in the gym is like racing a Ferrari when you don't know how to drive.

And as much as steroids puts on muscle mass quickly, once you stop them the mass comes off just as quick if not quicker. Too many times I've seen users in the gym come back in after a 3 week break having lost everything.

Im not talkiing about prison. Im talking about people living the real life. that is honest and doesnt steal.

don't take steroids you dumb fuck
go and actually work out

Synthol, not steroids (or not all steroids)

Not true, I've been working out for 2 years and look better and bigger than most guys in my gym purely because I cheated in the last 6 months with gear.

You can reach your limit naturally but it'll take you a longer time and so long as you're not an idiot or doing anything stupid, steroids are a great shortcut. The problem is that the majority of people who take them are 20-something insecure idiots with no long-term plan who end up taking huge amounts or getting reliant on them

I'll also counter this and say I wasn't ugly before but my confidence went through the roof after using gear and I now actively talk to every girl I find attractive and get laid WAY more. I also get far more attention on social media purely because I'm pretty jacked now where I was average at best before.

No, higher natural testosterone will help you more here because you're
>Not paying more
>Not pinning your ass every 3 days
>Not living in the gym

Work out for a year and get used to how your hormones naturally fluctuate. Higher test is possible for almost anyone with just
>Regular intense exercise
>Great diet
>Plenty of outdoors

Also agree with most of this. It'll take longer but there's nothing wrong with reaching your maximum without gear and diet is a huge factor

There's also the fact that insecure and depressed people are more attracted to gym life in the first instance

Depends what you're taking and why

Generalised nonsense. Fitness and aesthetics are two HUGE parts of self confidence and quality of life

Countering this. Despite what the youtube vids will tell you, having abs is the second single biggest factor I've found (after getting built) that girls find attractive. Only Shoulders and Arse rank higher.
Low bodyfat is a huge part of it.

and when you come off you looked the same as you started yeah? great, its like girls that put on makeup it comes off in theend

It's worse than that. With steroids you can train like absolute shit with no good form and still get huge. So when you've come off them you've picked up all these bad habits and make yourself look like a retard in the gym.

Doesn't all go, and the idea is to keep training, if you stop you will lose more.

I wouldnt fuck around with your endocrine system until you are in your 20's though....

you need at lest 5 years b4 even thinking about gear.


he'll probably die from a stroke

Is that the story with all the fat old men who lift like shit but keep trying to give me advice claiming they used to be a professional bodybuilder?

lol yeah... the "when i was your age" guy.

>There's no point in exercising because you will lose it if you stop working out
>There's no point in washing the dishes because they'll just get dirty again

This concept is retarded and you're retarded