Waifu thread

Waifu thread
Previous: I'm much too lazy for that.
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn

Other urls found in this thread:


Hello everyone~
Louise claimed.

Still here


Hi Lousie


How're you, smugs?

I got a new tier ten tank so thats super sexy. Other than that I got a raise from work

This poster is the coolest guy in the world and your theard is literally dull.

>Got a raise from work
I've been working my job for three years and haven't gotten one



I got a whole dollar raise. Making 12 now. Manager said its because im reliable

Shinoa claimed ,':)

dude wtf

Good evening, hun ,':)
She's cute and makes fapping easy

Reee you're making more than me

Good for you, though!

The thread just started
How can it be d-dull when y-you're posting s-sweetie

Discount Taiga leave

Yeah is nice. Will do more stupid things with money
Buns are cute

>tfw you will never be REEEEd at by Louise
why live?

Louise is better and came first
Who even are you
All my money's being eaten up by my project, I need to hire an artist.

caramel snugs


Make Mako reeee at you


no one likes mako anymore

where can i torrent keion pls

Join the Air Force, make 30 an hour to do simple tasks and sit around.

I like Mako he's a good friend

Your opinion doesn't matter because you are a merr irrelevant pleð

No one talks to discount taiga like that

Well, you're entitled to your opinion if that's what you think~

REEEE I'm not discount Taiga

No one likes you either. Your point?

The game right?
Heh they are good

Yup. Been talking to the licensing guy more, it's time for art.

Thats really neat! Drawing is hard though

Hello huney. What's up?

Lol no one asked you. I didn't mentiom OR reply to you. Are you butthurt that i insulted your favorite fap material?
You're irrelevant and your waifu is cookie cutter haremshit
This post is cute. In an endearing way. Like a kitten trying to act fearsome
The bunny costume you silly
I told you to quit hitting the sauce that hard.

I'm pretty excited!
Yeah, I've been in talks with an artist, they're figuring out how much to charge me.
It's like, I'm not sure if I should thank you for calling me cute, or...

You did reply to me though.
You potato.

A bundle of cash probably

I'm not on anything! I thought you meant the discount taiga

I síst reply to a Rory poster
It was more of an insult. I was being sarcastic

They've said they're going to give me a discount cause I'm hella close with her, but...
I need over 35 pictures. We'll see.
That's not very nice of you...
How are you? What's going on in your life?


Fuck nigga
Update clover
I'm not a very nice person to people I dont like
Tired. Shit.

Jeez yeah thats a lot

Why don't you like me?
Can you get to bed soon, or do you need to stay up?

Hopefully not too much though

Yeah this thing would be cool to see

I would if I could

I'd post some of her art, but she's literally never made a digital drawing of Louise, just pen and paper when we're at a diner and it's like 3 AM and we have placemats
I usually save them, I have a massive drawer full of her art from the years.

and tasty ?

Thats kinda neat. My friend draws pron so not really worth saving
mhm. Havent had any in a while though

Shinoa check this one out :^)
Because you and your lot are disgusting.
I haven't tooken my sedatives yet.

My friend's drawn like 2 NSFW pictures, like, ever.
Me and my lot? Who do you mean? And how're we disgusting?
Can you take them now?



You, yui, sci, haruhi, sameji, etc.
I ðid

I’m very hard rn.
Which one of your waifuscshould I masturbate to?

Both of us dislike porn.
Okay, I can see why you're grouping me in with Haruhi and Sci, but I haven't really ever talked to Yui, and I don't think Sameji likes me very much.
Then isn't it time for bed...?

The one above you

I know you do at least

You know how to grab my attention

You really shouldn't even humor that child with replies.

She looks good, doing it now.

>Weebs marrying 2D women
It's been one of those days.....

Thank you kind sir

She's ace, like me.
I dunno, I like to think everyone is worth talking to, just some people need a bit more prodding~



I think that's a naive opinion but to each their own. There are plenty of people that are just outright shitty or not worth the effort.

There are too many terms for things these days.

Understandable, but...I think hope is important.I guess I can think of a few people who I've given up on. But, I'm not going to give up on someone just based off a prickly exterior..

Because I foreseen there would be nothing interesting going in in the near future, nor any future. This thread is dead, so are many circlejerking communities.

Everyone migrated to Discords so they can be more close to eachother, that only proves they were in it for the sake of making friends, because.. loneliness.

Not being able to make friends with people in real life just shows you are an outcast.

Take Louise, for example, he just buttfucked Chara because nobody else will actually look at him, or he wouldn't have been able to hold any conversation with someone in real life.

Well sameji and yui i group witj sci so you're grouped with them. Not to mention *shudder* Makoto and Anya and Rory
It takes effect in an hour
Haha i knew you're gay
>that child
user you crack me up. Are you one of Louise lot?
Perhaps my Rorbear?
>asexual but is in a sexual relationship
Literal retardation at its finest. Öll bet your chin is larger than your brain
Post your a avatar, pussy

Are you projecting because you waste more time in these than almost any other poster? :^)

O-okay hunny.
Th-thank you f-for y-your enlightenment
D-don't talk like th-that to my Chenny-poo

How's the update coming along?

Besides, I've had people hit on me IRL. I love Chara, I don't want someone else.
Hey, Mako and Anya are neat and from what I've talked to Rory he's nice too
So what is this group?
I wasn't SURE if I was ace until I tried something, duh. Besides, she likes it so I'm willing to make her happy.

check out the enclosed instruction book.

well now you can buy some of that

Not even linking to your insults of me is more insulting than your insult.

>waste more time in these

Uhhh. Sure, my dude. I only posted 15 times in the last 5 days, I think.

Even though, my name has been brought up numerous times.


How many layers of irony are you on?

Shut the fuck up.

Slow like shit, I also need to go in my home town later on.. with the train.

Oh, sorry I misgenendered you, didn't know you prefer "she"


Nah its fine. I dont want to
Maybe its not a spell but to help her concentrate?

I'd say pretty much all non trans girls prefer she

>he can't understand the concept of being here everyday not being a good thing despite the shit he talks
Kek. You're so, in your own words, "lonely" that you even look up your own name to see if it's been mentioned. How fucking pathetic.

>non trans

Don't you have a fat guy called Miho who prints memes to talk with?

>I love Chara

Well, you are both mentally ill so I guess God smiled upon your fate. Meeting someone as autistic like you

Fug. I can wait though. Hopefully you'll like the new update and get the limited edition color pallet and helmet since they're pretty much free until next Halloween. Visiting family?
Dude that's not a spell. It's a chant during her mediation. Azarath is her home, Metrion is her real name and Zinthos is her pet's name. It's how she keeps her head cool. Think of it as "I'm in my happy place, I'm in my happy place."

>look up your own name

I was just checking in yesterday when people were trying to guess who the new avatar is.

Yup. I do in every weekend.

We might be able to play Saturday. Or this night..

We both know that it's something you do on a regular basis but I'm too lazy to look in the archives to shatter you're fragile little ego.

I actually haven't talked to Miho, like..Ever...
Nah, I'm gonna agree with you that I'm lucky as hell to meet Chara.

>you're fragile little ego

Hey, that's pretty good.

I'm glad a mongoloid like you finds happiness in imagining things about me.


You are both in the same Discord, both mods, both told Cirno you don't want me there, lmao.

O-okay Chenny-Poo, I'll j-just be quiet l-like a g-good little s-sissy bitch...
>shoots some sorta magic dark laserbeam spell
Really makes you :think:

He's in the discord, sure, but I haven't really talked to him.

hello hello I love you all

Hi, Loveanon~
How're you?