I need help Sup Forums I relapsed on booze after 2yrs of sobriety

I need help Sup Forums I relapsed on booze after 2yrs of sobriety

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this aint no joke Sup Forums

chug the bottle

what do you want Sup Forums to do?

Sobriety is a crutch.

First question OP, what led you to relapse? Second, it's sometimes good to relapse, so long as you don't go on a downward spiral.

A couple of drinks isn't going to be the end of the world, just take it easy.

Drink up, life is miserable and pointless. Might as well feel good while you wait around for death.

>I need help Sup Forums I relapsed on booze after 2yrs of sobriety
I never related to alcoholics
I'm naturally drugs-free

yeah I know this is my third try, and it gets harder every time

No point antagonizing yourself too bad. You are strong enough to take it easy this time.

Don't beat yourself up, try not to do anything stupid.

Finally, push yourself through the first couple of days. You're going to just have to force yourself to stop. Remember - you're going to feel like shit, emotionally, and physically. A lot of what you'll feel is purely chemical depression, though. And in a week you'll feel much better.

Going through the same thing. First day sober this month for me today. I feel terrible, but I have to get out of this endless hellish existence and try to live a good life again. It just gets worse otherwise. Rooting for you, my man.

I ran out of my meds

Why are you drinking friend? There’s no reason to. Remember you have choice over your own actions. Most people forget their free will, all the time really.

yeah thats the rough bit huh

This is good advice to give to someone who doesn't have such shitty consequences when they imbibe. For alcoholics and addicts life becomes a nightmare when they use. You end up using to just stay alive.

It's not an escape once the honeymoon phase is over.

Sobriety isn't the easiest thing in the world, but for an addict it makes life a helluva lot easier, simpler, and more fulfilling.

Using just overcomplicates everything. I'm right in the thick of it right now, and I just feel like a useless sack of shit. My whole being every day when I wake up tells me to go against my better judgement and go pick up, and use all day, and I rationalize it to myself in a million ways to Sunday. I have to struggle with this programming - these impulses every day.

It fucking sucks.

Trust me, I know.

Just take it easy. The important thing is you don't go full retard and start drinking bathtubs of the stuff.

A drink here and there isn't a problem and is perfectly normal. Just be mindful of keeping things in what could be considered a normal range.

If you feel you are pushing things, it's good that you are able to identify this early on, meaning you should be in a position to reel things back in.

Meds for what? If it's anxiety then don't take meds, the only cure for that is self-determination to make life better.

I fucked up, I ran out of my meds, my memory aint so great and took to many and to combat the withdrawls I went back to booze

Just put it down as a blip and forget about it.
The more you dwell the more Mr booze is talking to you.

You know what to do.

Call your sponsor, get to a meeting.

Just don't fall into the shame cycle, buddy. We're good people, with a terrible problem.

I'm not big on aa or anything, but it sometimes helps me in the first week to go to a meeting or two.

Idk. Just an idea. Do you think you'll detox if you stop right now?

Went through that yesterday. It was not fun. So tired of putting myself through this. We'll pull through it.


true ive been skipping between drugs and alcohol for a couple years now

start all over again. don't drink. therer is no shame or judgement in this.

Use your won't power. bull your way through it. walk away from the drank..

you CAN do it - so just do it. nut up. be that tough guy you know you are..

thanks user that helps

Might as well finish the bottle. No going back

fuck why does this poison feel so good

kek yeah its gone

OP what was the event that drove you to be sober the first time?

my son was born

Take herbs to calm down. powder skullcap, powder passion flower, mixed in a strong chamomile tea. Kratom, if you need a harder buzz. That's how I quit. I'm 40+ days sober from 15 years daily drinking. Get them on eBay, read up on doses.

ive allways been skeptical does it really help

How about realize that you can enjoy a drink now and again.

Have some goddamn discipline and self control. Have you been drunk since your relapse?

God alcoholics, sober or not, are fuckin pathetic. You guys can be bigger drama queens than heroin junkies.

I need to stop for my son

kek relapsing on alcohol, don't be such a sorry faggot, either drink until liver failure or find a better drug.

Oh, fuck yeah. I couldn't have done it without herbs. I need to get my meds down and can't do that on the negating effects of alcohol. We all drink for a reason. Mine is to medicate. If you read up on this stuff and apply it, it works. I am proof. Zero cravings, maybe a few passing thoughts, but I have been solid and good to go. Now working on my meds for eventual complete sobriety. Either way, what I am taking will not ruin me like booze and hasn't been proven to at all. Also, a very slight metered puff of marijuana can bring you back to center, if you are careful not to get stoned. You've got this.

kratom will fuck you up dude. Herbs are great though (not sure if I would include Kratom, but maybe in small dose)

true that user nothīng is worse then alcoholics

Not bad. Are you just not functional as a drinker?

im sick of this shit what helps

Way to be encouraging, faggots. Yeah, what you say about OP needing control is true, you don't have to berate him. That doesn't help.

im a horrible drunk, not functional at all

Why do you continue to drink? Lack of control? Insomnia? Social adaptation?


Learn to face temptations faggot. Seriously though, sobriety is just a band-aid, you need to man up and learn how to handle moderation.

one drink won't kill ya lad.

nobodys perfect, take it day by day

Good video on addiction: youtube.com/watch?v=ao8L-0nSYzg

the important thing to realise (and remind yourself over and over) is that the bottle you drank has totally ended the long stretch of sobriety. you can stop counting the days because you can’t bring it back. it’s in the past now. You should get back on the wagon and start that shit again (from day 1), but prior to doing this you’re in a transitional period, and it’s ok to drink for a short while again to reward yourself for your previous good work and in anticipation of another long dry spell (hopefully longer this time!)

all the above


(OP) #
Rebel news
The ugly people losers outnumber everybody support only ugly women and guys in media or support only ugly looking women and guys in the media and ugly people losers smell worse then dog shit and keep trying to hurt me ugly way to change facts or hurt me the ugly way so can lie the ugly way to be better then people again ugly way by reading me ugly way like the ugly people losers and ugly short bitch and the ugly people losers what a ugly pathetic mother fucker but keep talking to them even if they do these lame and pathetic things like ugly people losers and the ugly short bitch and the ugly people losers that is ugly and short there so fucken lame and ugly and going to fucken lie ugly way in the media enough to hide there ugly asses the ugly way from keeping people knowing there disgusting and they outnumber everybody so the ugly people losers will try to be better then you ugly way even if your better then them so what is point of rat race when outnumber everybody so fucken lame but talk to them and trust them and get along with the ugly people losers that only support ugly fat short ugly people losers and not attractive loser people or not attractive loser women and not attractive popular people fuck the media and fuck ugly people losers that is short and shit disgusting that is short and smell like gay dog poop and smell like gay silly dog poop like my short ugly loser father
So fall into there tricks and spend your money but that is okay cause can hurt you ugly way to spend your money so have fun in your creepy society where ugly people losers hurt you ugly way if you think there gross and they know there grosser then anything in the universe and they are grosser then anything in the universe

thanks Sup Forums


powder skullcap, powder passion flower, mixed in a strong chamomile tea. Use sugar free powder packets to flavor, if need be. Sip a few times a day. Might only need chamomile tea at night. look up doses for powders. Quit caffeine for a while, as it can drive anxiety. Find powders them on eBay. They help with cravings if anxiety triggers them. Metered, small puff of marijuana, a slow strain. Enough to get barely to mildly high, not stoned. Basically, that's it. Kratom can help, but don't take a lot and you'll have to read a ton about it. Use Gaya Ethnobotanicals as a place to buy. It might not be legal in your state. Use low doses. It's not addictive and hits opiod receptors. Nothing compared to pot in potency, but can make your head spin a little in high doses. Try other shit before trying this. Don't really recommend it, because it's one more thing to stop later.

His man said he had to write a 500 word essay for his tendies.

Don't ask me, been a boozer for 2 years now. Drink every day.

>such shitty consequences when they imbibe.
Then maybe you are the weakest link out there and deserve whatever shitty existence you get.

Source: drink booze and do drugs and yet am still a responsible loving person.

Fuck you.

ive heard about phinibut do you know if it works


It fucked up my liver. Took it 3 times a week instead of 2... it's mainly why I quit drinking all together. Me and my liver's advice, don't take it.

Shoot I meant mom not man. I'm fairly drunk for my bday.

that sounds familiar

fuck it I did a shot for your B-day

is it really so hard to just drink like a normal person?


funny that's how i feel too.
luckily this is also what im doing right now.

never been able to


It's my bday and its 1:30 am im still drinking but gotta work at 9 am. I get to work from home because I set myself up for a functional way of life that I can be hung over.