Cat people, explain yourselves

Cat people, explain yourselves.

It's dead isn't it

It's a decease, get over it, retard

> (OP)
>It's dead isn't it
doesn't look it

>Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)14:30:02 No.748634682 ▶
> (OP)
> It's dead isn't it
>Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)14:30:38 No.748634709 ▶
> (OP)
> It's a decease, get over it, retard
>Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)14:31:12 No.748634726 ▶
> (You)
> >82▶
> > (OP) (OP)
> >It's dead isn't it
> doesn't look it
What the fuck did you have a stroke or something

>stroking out over here
also, cats are cool. and you don't have the walk the fuckers which is nice because who wants to make small talk with people in your neighborhood who are also out walking their filthy fuckers?

No, just some neckbeard I know. Are all cat people this pathetic?

cats are cool

>cats are cool

Does Toxoplasmosis make cat people fat and lazy?


all millennials are pathetic.


aww its autistic.
toxoplasmosis is a big word for a twelve year old

maybe, idk. i don't actually have any cats, i just think they're cool.

It's a big parasite for you.


ima go with no. you dont get it, then you dont get it.


it gave me a pathetic answer

people who over feed their animals r scum

Brain worms mostly.

why the fuck is the sprite purple when he pours it

sure kid