Vegans are healthier than you

Vegans are healthier than you.

Vegans will live longer than you.

Vegans made the morally correct choice to not eat meat.

ITT Vegans are better than you.

Other urls found in this thread: acids based diet health peer reviewed

inb4 >bacon




but think of the cute wittle animals, plants don't have feelings and faces. *mean while else where* thousands of acres of woods and forest are being cut or burnt down killing entire ecosystems of life to make room for more farmland


I came here to laugh at vegan faggots but you're argument is more retarded than being vegan.

who cares if people want to not eat animals? why are vegans so annoying about it?


Too bad they're dumb as rocks and usually believe in flat earth. Nit to mention humans are so smart because of animal protein

You seem like you're extremely dumb or this is just bait.



fucking lol. we are allso the only species to use antibiotics, and wank off to scat porn but hey.. whatever. lol

You act like caveman is a species of human. Vegans are so retarded. Homosapians lived in caves so yeah you're a caveman

Healthier. Show me actual evidence and i still wont care we will still die.

Morals are subjective go ahead and prove me wrong.

And better is an opinion.
Go fucking kill yourself and stop posting these faggot threads.

You must be exhausted after typing all that. You'll need to eat some protei...

never mind.

Actually I would be interested in buying breast milk. The problem is that the female from who produces the milk needs to constantly eat and live healthy.



vegan is definitely superior - better in so many ways.

>Vegans will live longer than you.

But it's an utterly impoverished life.

You didn't read my post you fag basket.

>in over 70% ground beef

Yeah in commiefornia and other liberal hell holes

I didnt read a single post in this thread... busy cooking a whole package of bacon for lunch


Declining number of Pirates and increased Global warming temperature also correlate.

Post sourced info for this graph or gtfo.

Correlation is not causalisation fucktard.


I fucked a vegan once.
She told me she wanted to try anal with me because her crystals were giving off a very "comfortable and safe" aura for me.

It's impossible to be a healthy vegan.

piss off, shill.

>grass fed beef is delicious

we already established today that being vegan has no impact on your morality.
why do you keep repeating already debunked arguments?

You do realize that nobody gives a fuck about you right? Keep telling yourself that you not eating meat will somehow affect this multi-billion-dollar industry.


It sounds like you're fucking retarded men user. By crystals did you mean balls?

typical meat eater who doesn't know that milk products, beans and nuts contain more protein than meat products.

It is true that large-scale societal changes rarely happen as a result of one person’s efforts. Rather, these changes happen when a number of people begin to live in alignment with their shared values. In the case of vegans, more people are beginning to live compassionate lives, and each of them is contributing to a more compassionate world. In this way, the animal rights movement is no different from those of women’s suffrage and racial equality, which were both comprised of many individuals who held in common values of compassion, peace and social justice.

hahaha this

Do you vegan retards still think pink slime is a thing?

Do you vegan retards not realise it was banned back in the 70's?

Come on, bait harder you retarded political shills.

plus vegan grils always have nice bodies
except the feminist ones
You're retarded.

retarded Vegan doesn't realise they aren't allowed to eat milk products because they are animal byproducts, so they are less healthy than meat eaters and people who allow themselves to eat the many protein alternatives that are actually good for you rather than man-made chemical-nutrient diets.

>hurr every1 dat no share opinyun is a shill

Since I went vegan I kick everyone's asses in my taekwondo class - something that didn't happen before. I'm way faster, lighter and have more stamina than ever.
While fighting I picture garbage bags filled with rotten meat...

Vegetarian =/= Vegan
But you wouldn't understand that as it seems you have a flimsy understanding of anything for that matter.

quality b8

hey I didn't say they were my crystals.
>meet 6/10 at local brewery, pretend I give a shit about her being vegan
>invites me back to her apartment
>10 min into sex tells me to fuck her in ass because crystals
>fuck in ass
>asks me if I wanna do hot yoga w her in morning at 5am


no, you guys are shills cuz you come on here spouting facts which are falsified (broccoli has more protein than raw protein aka a slab of beef) and once the thread is pruned you make a new one to shill your bullshit.



you know what, I am GLAD you posted this, here's the FACTS about beef.

You must be great to have as a friend, do you also complain about smoking,drinking,sugar ,fat ,salt and recreational narcotics?
Chimps eat small monkeys and other apes.

I personally murder kangaroos for the purpose of eating.

so with this knowledge, now you understand why protein from a non animal source is called "dietary supplement" you are SUPPLEMENTING your protein intake from ANOTHER source.

also, most "meat eaters" as you like to call us eat broccoli WITH our beef, so we are actually getting MORE benefits from our food than a vegetarian is without supplementing protein.

Now compare fat being 8 calories/g, to carbs and protein being 4 calories/g.
And then laugh at yourself and become a vegan.

I believe their argument is that we have socially evolved past the need to eat meat.

I believe in freedom of choice, if some people don't want to eat meat fine ,I personally hate seafood,but I will eat the hell out of red meat, I think moderation and balance is the key to healthy diet.

Vegans can fuck off if they try to tell me about ethics, if they live in a city and use manufactured goods ,they are ignorant hypocrites.

>protein from a non animal source is called "dietary supplement"
>being this retarded acids

It is important to keep in mind that no matter what another person does, you are accountable to yourself. This means that even though one person alone cannot create the world veganism envisions, you need to be able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning. To that end, it might be helpful to note that each vegan saves roughly 400 animals per year, reduces more greenhouse emissions than non-vegans and uses a fraction of the fresh water resources. Moreover, each vegan chooses not to participate in the market for animal suffering, which makes that market just a little bit smaller and the lives of animals just a little bit better. So while each vegan cannot save the whole world alone, individual vegans are saving a small piece of it, and together those small pieces add up to something great.

>amina acids
>what are amino acids

I can split hairs too

Are you triggered my child?

you get amino acids directly from protein sources, aka meat.

>being this retarded

clearly you are of a higher intellect, mr amino.

not at all, you get amino acids from meat, are you butthurt, mr. slow motion brain function?

No. I get amino acids from vegetables. How old are you user?


Humans are omnivores, you inbred. We're meant to eat both plants and meat, not just one or the other.


if you truely believe this, what do you lose not eating animals, It's unnecessary in 1st world countries, choosing to eat animals just because we can is stupid as fuck, especially when it gives humans illnesses

The claim that humans are natural meat-eaters is generally made on the belief that we have evolved the ability to digest meat, eggs and milk. This is true as far as it goes; as omnivores, we're physiologically capable of thriving with or without animal flesh and secretions. However, this also means that we can thrive on a whole food plant-based diet, which is what humans have also been doing throughout our history and prehistory.

Your math is awful. 15 grams of fat PER 100 grams of beef. Jesus, user. Are you anemic?

Fuck off and push your beliefs on someone who gives a crap

my sides have left orbit

What do cows eat?

Age does not factor into my dietary habits, neither does it have a bearing on our discussion.

eating a mixture of plants and meats is more healthy than eating just one or the other.

cows have a different digestive tract and different digestible foods than humans do.

source: humans don't have 4 stomachs and don't chew curd.

Wrong. Most doctors would recommend a plant based diet if you are malnourished, fighting cancer, etc.
Meat is just the lazy, uneducated man's way of consuming protein.

Pushing beliefs? vegans just openly talk about going vegan. if you feel we're pushing it's because your moral consciousness is telling you it's wrong

Do you have 4 stomachs and the ability to digest cellulose? No? Invalid fucking argument, jackass. These threads are definitely vegan/vegetarian rumen, however. You guys digest bullshit facts, regurgitate and ask us if we want some. No thanks, faggot.

So you're telling me that cows magically produce protein out of thin air, yes?

I'm gonna need a citation, champ.

You assume the wrong pretense on why that is, it isn't because it is more healthy but because it is harder to break down meats when your body is under the stress of fighting off cancer and the chemo therapy, I had a friend whose father went through cancer many times I know all about the diet of the cancer patient and it fluctuates for other reasons than what is being discussed here.

the same can be said for malnourishment, meat and fine foods cannot be consumed because the body is unable to break it down, it goes into a state of shock.

bait harder. based diet health peer reviewed


yeah no, it isn't for health reasons but because the body is in a weakened state.


Notice how bullshit arguments from vegans only count by the calorie amount instead of grams? It allows them to try and push information that seems beneficial but really isnt.

he's saying that you need to be weak to only get protein from plants and not be able to digest meat as well.


Calories are based on grams of macronutrients you fucking moron. Read a book.

Being Vegan is superior!
>Needing supplements or else health issues

Such tasty looking bait OP

>Needs meat cuz never challenge my ideas

Eating meat doesn't give humans illness, nice to see your education comes from peta

Didn't know my grandma used Sup Forums

did you even read the words on the picture??? since you don't understand, you get more ounces of food and the same calories for 16x the fuel to curate...

Check your facts.

Nice source faggot

Yes, buy more overpriced tofu sandwiches and supplementary vitamin pills

did you even read the words on the picture??? since you don't understand, you get more ounces of food and the same calories for 16x the fuel to harvest...