Hey Sup Forums fags share ur addictions (caffeine here)

hey Sup Forums fags share ur addictions (caffeine here)

Energy drink is good for your body, doctors recommend it.

Alcohol and nicotine



im also addicted to drugs but none specifically, im just addicted to escaping life so i do a lot of different drugs

same as you, coffee, tea and energy drinks every day. Thinking of buying caffeine powder and mixing my own drinks.

Coca Cola.


Quitting smoking was easier than cutting down game time.

(op here) damn how strong is caffeine powder?

I kinda feel this. I enjoy not being sober more than anything else

Depends what you get. They sell 80 X 200mg pills at Walmart for under 10$

alcohol, caffeine and codeine

Op do yourself a favor and limit your caffeine intake ... your receptors need to rest for awhile ... soon it will take more and more caffeine to get the same effect and you will feel like shit whenever u don’t have it ....knew a guy that got addicted to these drinks and wanted a better buzz so he took up cocaine now he’s in prison ... good luck op


Nice, gonna down half of this myself tonight

Not to sound like a total chad here, but I’m addicted to going to the gym ... if I can’t go I get really down .. also trying everything I can to get better results like steroids, hgh, sarms l, prohormones, and other research chemicals

What's up with this pussy shit? Is it still summer?

Where are my opiate addicts at? Where at those who couldn't get high enough off oxy so they needed to go to heroin?

instant gratification
Fortunately, I blame everybody and everything but myself for my lack of self control. That enables me to live without the guilt of failing to address my own faults and improve my life from the inside out.

Pic related.

Oh shit ice cream man's in the house.

anything that fucks me up because if I'm sober and try to go to sleep I get insomnia, sleep paralysis, nightmares and shit like that.

addicted to vanilla ice cream?

Benzos+weed = sleep.

whatchu do, user?


energy drinks are a gateway to cocaine, kek

cocaine, mdma, codeine, mephedrone, ketamine, alcohol and i used to do a lot of RC's before the ban (UK)