Why do people say that a person who commits suicide is a coward?

Why do people say that a person who commits suicide is a coward?

Having the will to kill oneself has got to be one of the bravest things you could possibly do. Your mind and body, your instincts, are doing whatever they can to urge you not to kill yourself because it means that you'll die, yet you manage to overcome those instincts and pull the trigger.

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You turn your back on your duty to be there for other people. They need you as much as you need them (though few will say it aloud, egos can be a bitch like that...)

Suicide is a form of natural selection, the weak die first

Once you've decided to really end your life you're free. You are now free to go anywhere and try anything and start a new life. You were going to kill yourself in the first place.

It gets easier to do if you believe other people would be happier if you were dead.

Spoken like a true unevolved monkey.

It's true. I'd have killed myself by now if I wasn't such a pathetic pussy.
How the hell are you free if you don't have money for example? You have to be a slave to live a life you didn't like anyway.

Don’t know if I would call them a coward (although you could definitely argue that).

I would say it is an incredibly selfish thing to do. Unless you have some terminal illness or have a condition causes a great deal of physical pain, there is no good reason to kill yourself that doesn’t just benefit yourself.

One persons suicide is a hassle(possible understatement) for a multitude of other people.

>It gets easier to do if you believe other people would be happier if you were dead.

You mean, it gets easier to stop taking their dumbass shit onboard...

"I cant handle my problems, so instead of dealing with them like a man im gonna blow my brains out to void out any responsibilities i had."
That's why. If you think killing yourself is brave, then DO IT

it's both op, it could be brave to give up or sacrifice oneself but at the same time its a cowards exist because you can't find another way to solve the problem, also you may hurt those around you.

I often think of ending it purely because I contribute nothing to society, I want to save the world but I'm a nobody with no influence or power

You misunderstand. You want to kill yourself BECAUSE youre a giant pussy.

You're gonna die either way. All of us are going to expire. There's no point to anything other than SETI.

You do a fine job of changing things when youre dead. Good logic.

Yes and I can't do even that.

Then fucking live. Dont worry about saving the world or contributing.
The reason youre alive right now is because your parents didnt abort your ass when they had the chance.
If they wanted you to live then why cant you just live?

come back when you're above the age of 25

no one cares about your existential crisis college aged faggot

People say suicide is cowardice but they only say it because humans are selfish. What they really mean is "i liked him. I didnt want him to go." In reality, your choice, your life. Do what makes you happy.

because that s how "humanity" works, humans cant be forced to do some things which must naturally occur by their own will, such as breeding or keep living, last effort to force this is to use social pressure

Walk, hitchhike, stow away on a boat. You don't need money to work your legs you lazy shit. Bring your means to end it all with you. If that lack of money brought you to suicide then crime just became a very viable option. If you are going to get caught by the police and go to prison then make sure you force the police to kill you. Just killing yourself is such a waste of life.

Big time this.

Adding to my point,

Do you live in the United States for example? It is really easy to get the police to kill you.

Some people are simply just in a better position to reach change, I'm not one of those people, I'm one of those suckers that the second I obtain any sort of reasonable position there will be special interest groups or people trying to exploit or use me, this goes for most people who doesn't have connections and powerful friends who can protect them, the world is ruled and controled by terror, not love and peace.

That has nothing to do with it. Im a broke powerless faggot who only focuses on self improvement. Look inside, change that, then maybe the rest will come.
Or not. Thats kind of just life dude. Live for you man.

no hes right. if you are too weak for society you should end your useless life

Suicide doesn’t end pain, it just passes it on to someone else.

Weakness: Leaving a corpse for other people to clean up, or having to deal with your passing and the paperwork. Burdening others with what you’ve done because you couldn’t be strong enough to stand on your own two feet.

Strength: not being a mess and doing whatever you can to reduce the difficulty for others by being an example, a light and a support and expecting nothing for it. Achieving without support and being unwilling to burden.

Suicide is cowardly. And I hold my family member who committed suicide to this same standard.

If you killing yo self just try living somewhere else with nothing. If that doesn't work then try living as a criminal. Much better then offing yourself. I mean you don't have anything to live for so if you get totally fucked by the police bois just kill yourself.

Dying is easy, living is hard.
If you can't fight through and come out on top that means you were too weak, and yes, cowardly to live anyway. You're useless.
But that doesn't mean its not your right to kill yourself

The problem is that I don't even know who or what I am, I look at others to try and adapt and learn what's considered socially acceptable, I rarely take any initiative myself because I'm too worried of failing and fucking something up, I don't even trust myself in traffic so I don't even own a car

This is true, however if you're about to kill yourself its likely that you don't have interest or hope in doing anything else.

You're free bc you don't care what happens anymore.

Why do you think, idiot? Answer your own question. Why do YOU think people who call suduko legends cowards? It's not brain science friendo

Right, and I guess that's the issue I have when it comes to understanding why people just want to cut off their conscience early. I have a will to go do things I guess and don't really understand what it's like to want to leave this plane of existence or whatever the fuck we are stuck in right now.

>Adapt and learn
Nigga have you ever heard of books
Get some books on self improvement, lax of the porn and excercise

I don't know if its me having too much in my head or if i have some kind of reading disability but whenever i try to read a book my eyes starts doing splits and I have huge issues taking in wtf I read and I have to re-read pages and even with that my brain is too retarded to process wtf i just read, I think ive been too spoiled by the entertainment industry and can only "process" movies and series

The attention span shortening is real

Do you consider this man a coward? He ended his problems that very day, a huge brave step into unknown - seeing no end he did what he wouldn't have even imagined of few months before.

I don't know what you want to hear man. No one said you had to be successful. You can find a nice cosy apartment with a chill job close by and just live out your years. Enjoy whatever little pop culture hobby you like. Video games, movies whatever. You don't have to strive to be amazing and there isn't anything wrong with that. You may just end up improving your life on accident. Suicide is a waste of consciousness. Live for that poor kid who was going to be amazing but died at birth.

because they're trying to manipulate smart peoples into continueing their life of misery and enslavement on this hell we call earth.

because you're escaping your problems with the most stupid way you can. When an user suicide, he's not the only one who loses, everyone around him does. Brave is standing up and confront your mistakes, problems, difficulties, solve them and update yourself for the better.

It's okay OP. You can do it

I just feel that I'm waisting air at this point and shaming my family by being a complete failure and putting extra load on them by letting them strain their budget by helping me financially, I want to make them proud and not be a selfish and pathetic worm but I'm too stupid to make anything of myself, I could be stairing into danger without realizing it and cause more problems for my family, ive already been there and done that so I'm basically just at the point where I'm eating, fapping to r34 and sleeping my life away

If you kill yourself its good for me one less idiot virgin to die ;)

You kill yourself bc you dont have a thing to life for.You dont produce anything you dont have a job you just consume and live off somebody. You haven't done anything to contribute to society

And you have no friends either ;)

Kys OP

Your family begs for it ;)

The ultimate shame you could give your family is a son/daughter that killed their self. Join the military man, I don't know what else to say to you.

Suicide it's for cowards,the real way to kys it's a mass shooting and then let the police kill you or go full explosive suicide,now that's brave

hows school treating ya?

Don't sweat it, I appreciate your honest effort and tbh I'm considering it

Suicide is a symptom of severe mental illness.
You delude yourself into believing being dead is better than living. You leave your loved ones with grief and feelings of helplessness, while you yourself amount to absolutely nothing. Saying that committing suicide is an act of bravery is like turning off a difficult video game and declaring yourself the winner. Provided you don't have an untreatable condition that makes living impossible or insufferable for you, suicide is absolutely the most cowardly thing you can do.

Definitely consider it. They break you down to build you back up and from the sound of it your already feeling really low so you can only go up. You won't have to worry about your family taking care of you. And I'm not suggesting just joining the infantry, I'm talking about learning a skill while you serve.