Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
rate my tits... I know they're fucked
black thing top right is a censored tattoo

Fucking gross/10

That's it Sup Forumsros?
This is a selfhate thread, pile on.
Pic unrelated

Yall got nothing?

I actualy like your nipples but your tits are way to small for how ft you are

You're a guy
you're not supposed to have tits

It's a guy faggot

Faggot, im a dude

Nobody gonna try to make me cry myself to sleep?

Those man titties. So you’re tranny or fatfuck or both.


Good one

Rate mine?

Just fat and non-symmetrical

Where's your left nipple?


get some real gyno


Atleast your tits are symmetrical fam

The first boobs I ever touched were an obese boy’s tits. He was black and named John. His looked more like tits than your’s. They were detached in the middle.

I felt one and he freaked out. We were 13. I’m not gay and though it’d be fine since we were swimming. He got pissed. Moral of the story is don’t touch anyone’s tits, man or woman, without permission.


Thanks for sharing?

Fuck dude! How many nops do you want?

At least 2 nops on each areolas

What are you autisming about?

That’s rape.

Seno ekto gamat!

eww, touching a nigger.

Fuck you Leeloo.

Here's the other nop.

Not rape if it's on a black

Lemme lick dat nip boii

I’d didn’t get hard fucker. I just wanted to feel a tit. A big one that happened to be a nigger.

I can color it in if you want?