Post the most american picture you have on your computer

post the most american picture you have on your computer


Step aside faggots




Shouldn't it be a white guy with an Asian?

Damn Americans



I wonder how Asians report crimes

>describe the person please
>brown eyes
>blacks hair (maybe dyed brown)
>pale skin

U will only see this in little league because they can't tell the fat fuck he can't it's all about participation


Beer tank

Can't stand they give everyone a trophy. If u don't win you don't fucking deserve it plain and simple. I don't care if.your feelings are hurt. That's why all ours kids are soft

Especially because of the women who feel sorry for there fat fucking kid who they refuse to make lose weight and become a real part of society.




nothing to see here. just a couple blue-blooded americans enjoying their donuts.



that's standard fare in the middle east though


You should just kill that fat fuck now.and save him a long life of being made fun of and misery because your a woman who wants to make a point that your child deserves a fucking participation trophy cause his fat ads stood there all season and did nothing but let's make sure they feel good about it



Fat lazy kids deserve nothing. I know I was one of them. I got to freshman year lost 150lbs and boom entire new life. Played all sports graduated college and now make over 90k a year


I'd share a beer with this guy

Thankfully Jewish porn amounts to nothing in the real world.




What's confusing about what I said?




>libertarianism: the picture



I love grainy old photos like this

Wonder if he used his binoculars to watch people jumping to their deaths





sage thread

that's actually an Israeli soldier but close enough




Accurate thread is accurate

Your probably one of the fat neck beard useless shits who got the trophy for being there

stay upset child


Oh isnt that sweet! She got herself a slave.






>donald stump





The wet wipes in the back really make it. Like with all that cash, fuck regular tp.


for all the holocaust deniers out there, i'm also a red blooded republican


I believe it happened, I just don't believe in the SIX GORRILLION.

wish i had money




I love you op.
one back at ya.

