Hi everyone its fortune time with osaka as your host

Hi everyone its fortune time with osaka as your host

The rules
>fortunes can range from decent to shit
>fortunes might take some time to make
>discussion is accepted
>one fortune per user
>I have the right to refuse service
>any bad fortune will happen to you
>reminder that my fortunes come with risks like thoughts of suicide, limb loss, becoming homeless, retardation, and death

Other urls found in this thread:


Alright Osaka, give it to me straight.

I will anonu you have gay
>your fortune says you will get peed on on tuesday

Well that’s a lot more specific than I expected. I thought it would be some shit like there’s loss in my future, but out if will come good things if I seize the opportunity.

Oh im sorry did you wanted something like that?

Yeah, give me my fortune

No no, being pissed on is my fetish I’m cool with that. I don’t need the obscure plausible future telling that applies to literally anyone. I will however bump this bitch.

>your fortune says to never go remigton st alone again
Oh wow then I really do want you to get peed on now and yeah I should like work around with them more since my mind goes at werid paces all the time heh and thank you

I don't think that will ever happen anyway, so it's a good fortune

Thank you want anything else?

God speed Osaka


No, not really. I think I've had enough of this madness tonight

You as well captain
Hey mantis how are you right now feeling lonely?
Hehe ok have fun and remember to clean yourself

I'm ok.
Just getting ready to go to work soon.

Oh yeah you are a railroad guy right also I can I ask you a question?

little osaka, fortune pls


Im not little anonu hyump
>your fortune says you will be crushed by me once I get tall
When did you started to post as that girl and why if you don't mind asking

I don't mind you asking. I liked the images, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. It's really not a complicated thing.

Ok, I gotta go. Have a wonderful evening!

No more fortunes?

I don't think there's anymore fortunes, but you can listen to this with me


You too
Chruch music is alright also thank you for letting me listen with you

you're welcome

Em htiw peels dna ecaf ym no tis ot uoy tnaw I

Awww really anonu? *hugs*
>your fortune says my master would kill you if she ever found out about you

Give it to me baby

Yes anonu
>your fortune says you will have two kids both girls

I'm in your care for the time being.

let me hear mine op

Good girl *pets you*
>your fortune says to grab a stick and wack people with it

give me mine

Show me op.... MEIN FORTUNE

Osaka where is my fortune I need a good one.

>Your fortune says to chop up some onions to ward off demons
I like lewd
>your fortune says to learn how to breath softly to avoid alerting girls when smelling panties
Ok germu anonu
>your fortune says to stop drinking all the hot chocolate or it will make you fat
Ok a good one for you
>your fortune says to not let your mind win for it is deciving you

I will use the legendary sword (a stick I found on the ground) to smite my enemies.

They will feel your wrath child and suffer from it also your first enemy is by the window I want you to kill him please